Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#139287 by theamazingchuy
Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:28 pm
i saw Artie Lange's beer league last night. (huge howard stern fan)...and it was pathetic to say the least.

#139299 by Archaeopteryx
Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:59 pm
Pan's Labyrinth, hated it. Convoluted story, WAY overrated. Could've been good.

#139306 by Intoc
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:11 pm
I simply don't understand how people can dislike Pan's Labyrinth. It's so great... this seems to happen with a bunch of movies I like. Well, at least two, anyway. Mirrormask was another one that many people hated, and I thought was completely breathtaking.

#139314 by the toilet
Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:33 pm
Lemony Snickets A Series Of Unfortunate Events.


Its a film i bet Dev would love.

I haven't been on here in a while, i can't believe how much Dev has posted since my last visit.

He's finally got chatty! He must be in a good place. As am i.

Love you all.

Up the Dev.

#139319 by Ike
Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:50 pm
fight club. i fogot how awesome that film is. the characters, the topic, and maybe most of all the way it is told. one of the most important films of our time, i'd say.

#139320 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:20 pm
Blade Runner

I still haven't watched all of it cos each time I watch it I fall asleep, im only half way through the movie at the moment...and i've been watching it for the last week.

I should watch it through the day, and not before going to bed. :P

I've seen it before, I quite enjoyed it then and I still do now. :)

#139321 by JuZ
Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:37 pm
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:Blade Runner

I still haven't watched all of it cos each time I watch it I fall asleep, im only half way through the movie at the moment...and i've been watching it for the last week.

I should watch it through the day, and not before going to bed. :P

I've seen it before, I quite enjoyed it then and I still do now. :)

Blade Runner is my absolute, all-time, complete-and-utter, no-holds-barred, lock-it-in, final-answer, yes-indeedy favourite film of all time.

I very rarely watch movies more than a couple of times but I must have watched Blade Runner at least 40 or 50 times, if not more. I know some people can't stand the film but I don't even bother defending it... I just keep watching it!

#139328 by Nosifer
Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:19 pm
I just watched "It Is Fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE!" by Crispin Hellion Glover at the Sundance Festival, last night. It was motherfucking great. The theater was full of NY - LA types of viewers. More than 10 people walked out in disgust. I loved it, my friends and I seemed to be laughing solo during the twisted parts which got us some amusing glares. It's just a great, strange little film... with cripple sex. It was written by it's 'disabled' star and it consists mostly of him having graphic sex with beatiful women and then murdering them. It's full of awkward dark humor. Some delicate viewers complained it was exploitative of certain handycaps during the Q and A(Yet, like I said, it was written by star). Anyway, here's the trailer:


#139330 by kyl88
Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:45 pm
Nosifer wrote:I just watched "It Is Fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE!" by Crispin Hellion Glover at the Sundance Festival, last night. It was motherfucking great. The theater was full of NY - LA types of viewers. More than 10 people walked out in disgust. I loved it, my friends and I seemed to be laughing solo during the twisted parts which got us some amusing glares. It's just a great, strange little film... with cripple sex. It was written by it's 'disabled' star and it consists mostly of him having graphic sex with beatiful women and then murdering them. It's full of awkward dark humor. Some delicate viewers complained it was exploitative of certain handycaps during the Q and A(Yet, like I said, it was written by star). Anyway, here's the trailer:


That's awesome, dude.

My wife and I saw "Fido" the other night at Sundance, and it was awesome!

Billy Connelly is one of my favorite comedians. Most independant movies
I've seen are pretty lame to be honest, but this was film was great. :P

#139340 by the toilet
Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:01 am
Billy's in Lemony Snicket, and he's loverly in it. Yeeeeeeees.

#139368 by sj_2150
Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:54 am
i was in shock at how amazing this movie was. i didnt expect it to be such a film. the visuals are beautiful and the story is great. Hugh Jackman has a shockingly flawless performance aswell. it seems like one of those movies thats not going to be financially successful but it sure as hell deserves to be!


#139396 by the toilet
Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:50 pm
Its not the last movie i saw, but a couple of weeks back i saw the Holiday.

It is a chick flick, but its a real feel good movie where you leave the cinema feeling great! :D

#139401 by Atari
Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:20 pm
Elizabeth (1998)

Cate Blanchett, Joseph Fiennes, Geoffrey Rush and Christopher Ecclescake.

As much as I love a good period romp, this almost feels contemporary. Loved it, but not too sure about Fiennes. Don't know who I'd replace him with though.


Casanova (TV miniseries, 2005)

Peter O'Toole! Yay! My, isn't David Tennant pretty? Surprisingly comical, especially the Ali G spoof. Very well put together and worth 3 hours of anyone's time.
Last edited by Atari on Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#139402 by Nosifer
Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:27 pm
kyl88 wrote:

That's awesome, dude.

My wife and I saw "Fido" the other night at Sundance, and it was awesome!

Billy Connelly is one of my favorite comedians. Most independant movies
I've seen are pretty lame to be honest, but this was film was great. :P

Damn, I was really looking forward to "Fido" but my friend had to be back home and I was his ride. I heard "Teeth" was great too. I got a chance to see "Expired" which was a pretty hilarious dark comedy.

"Year of the dog" was a piece of shit.

#139403 by THE_NEW_PLAGUE
Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:29 pm
F for Fake (Orson Welles, 1979)
Very entertaining and unique!

Throne of Blood (Akira Kurosawa, 1957)
Kurosawa + Mifune can never go wrong. The ending is just breathtaking!

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