Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#293607 by sylkicks
Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:36 pm
Psh, reproduce, duh. :D

Would you rather have all the food you eat taste just like Rosie O'Donnel's ass after taco night


Secreet glue from every pore in your body?
#293611 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:14 pm
Secrete glue, because then I could use my powers for evil. :twisted:

Would you rather...
Wrestle Bear Grylls in a mire of mud and pigshit, OR
Do the Buffalo Bill dance to Goodbye Horses for a crowd of rowdy maximum security prisoners?
#293638 by Billy Rhomboid
Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:14 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Would you rather...
Wrestle Bear Grylls in a mire of mud and pigshit, OR
Do the Buffalo Bill dance to Goodbye Horses for a crowd of rowdy maximum security prisoners?

Wrestle. I am quite used to wrestling with 300lb sows in a mire of pigshit and mud - I have to do it on an almost daily basis, and would like to kick Bear Grylls' arse anyway. Although, it being Bear Grylls it probably wouldn't realy be mud and pigshit, just chocolate mousse and the mire would be attached to a comfortable hotel. Win all round.

Would you rather:
Discover a real practical solution to the climate change issue and the cure for cancer but then forget it
Get sent VIP tickets to the Retinal Circus by Dev himself but then forget the date and turn up a day late?
#293644 by sylkicks
Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:45 am
Hm... I guess forgetting the date for the Retinal Circus. That way my mistake isn't fucking all of humanity.

Would you rather be castrated with a cheese grater (or the female equivalent, not sure what that would be


Have all your limbs replaced with (normal sized) hot dogs?
#293648 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:57 am
hmm, balls vs. limbs. It's unfortunate but I guess limbs win....

would you rather drink a bucket of horse sperm

or watch all 335 Teletubbies episodes in one sitting?
#293659 by sylkicks
Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:35 pm
EphelDuath666 wrote:hmm, balls vs. limbs. It's unfortunate but I guess limbs win....

would you rather drink a bucket of horse sperm

or watch all 335 Teletubbies episodes in one sitting?

I've been doing too much do I'll let someone else make the next one, but just wanted to answer this one...


Never thought I would construct that sentence in my life, but, ya know, teletubbies.
#293719 by Billy Rhomboid
Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:51 am
I'll let someone else have a go too, but I wil just chip in that, having had 3 kids, I have on many occasions sat down at watched all 335 teletubbies episodes in one sitting. or so it feels. Usually followed by a Thomas-the-Tank-Engine-athon.
#293727 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:50 am
I'm a postwhore, so I'll be that someone.
Would you rather be stripped to your underwear and covered in centipedes
or, be stripped naked and covered in scorpions?
#294842 by Leechmaster
Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:11 am
Hmm.. I missed out on this..

I'd definitely go for the centipede underwear option there. ^

Would you rather...
Spend a day licking a blue waffle or spend a week as the middle part of a human centipede?
#295773 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:23 am
The middle of a human centipede.

Allow me to raise the stakes:

Would you rather be the middle of a human centipede after the front was fed a steady diet of creamy chicken curry and hot chili beans (and happened to be a hairy fat dude), or be chained up for an hour and have 20 paper cuts on each arm and 40 paper cuts on each leg, and have salt, lemon juice and gravel rubbed into every cut?
#295774 by BrunoN
Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:48 am
That paper cut thing looks like a quality time.

Would you rather have a swarm of angry bees come off your mouth every time you say an adjective or be editor in chief of Dendrologist Monthly for three whole lifetimes?
#295893 by Billy Rhomboid
Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:59 pm
aleksi wrote:Dendrologist.

Would you rather live the last five years of Michael Jackson's life or six months without any senses if you'd return to normal afterwards?

Very little contest there. I spent several years being way beyond senses and had a great time, I am told.

Would you rather: eat Marmite or eat your own faeces?

(beware, this is a trick question)
#295918 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:29 pm
Billy Rhomboid wrote:
aleksi wrote:Dendrologist.

Would you rather live the last five years of Michael Jackson's life or six months without any senses if you'd return to normal afterwards?

Very little contest there. I spent several years being way beyond senses and had a great time, I am told.

Would you rather: eat Marmite or eat your own faeces?

(beware, this is a trick question)

Because I know what Marmite is, I'd say my own feces. I can trust the origins.

Would you rather swim cageless around mako sharks for 5 minutes, or walk across a 50m rickety bridge with the odd plank missing or broken at 200m elevation?

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