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#144214 by Josiah Tobin
Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:59 pm
Acrid wrote:They are not mean, just full of encyclopaedic ignorance and stinky things.

Or just annoyed by someone who vastly exaggerates the supposedly monumental importance and infinite greatness of something that is 'only' very good, along with somewhat annoying placement and/or overuse of the word 'botanic' and O))). Y'know, just a guess. :P

#144215 by Hughie
Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:20 pm
Josiah is awesome.

#144245 by NecroLust
Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:16 am
the_scoon wrote:
Acrid wrote:They are not mean, just full of encyclopaedic ignorance and stinky things.

What is that even supposed to mean? :shock:

In English, he said: "I'm a pretentious, wholely depressed arse."

#144294 by Blazingmonga
Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:47 am
Acrid wrote:They are not mean, just full of encyclopaedic ignorance and stinky things.

No, they are mean. Big meanies! Poo poo to them!

However, I can see what the issue with your review might be. It is an excellent review and wonderfully descriptive, but a little intense for an introduction to this (wonderful) sound.

I guess some people take things with a pinch of salt if you overwhelm something with praise in the first instance. Maybe?

Anyway, it rocked. Thanks for sharing!

#144409 by Acrid
Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:23 am
Josiah Tobin wrote:Or just annoyed by someone who vastly exaggerates the supposedly monumental importance and infinite greatness of something that is 'only' very good

Sounds like the average Tool fan to me. ^_________^

Anyway. That WAS kinda my idea; to exaggerate as much as humanly possible. Slomo is the direct opposite of everything intense, intricate and rich in detail (like that "review"). Thought my intentions would be perfectly clear, but then again...I was dead at the time. Or maybe drunk. "Syphilis infected nuclear missile of insight"? Come on...

And one can never overuse "O)))".

Kind regards,

Pretentious, Wholely Depressed Arse



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