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#324320 by Bookwyrm83
Wed May 20, 2015 5:36 am
Mad Max: Fury Road.
This might just be the best action film to be released this year. Definitely on par with Road Warrior, telling a fairly minimalist story with stunning scenes of carnage. I also caught the 3-D session and the conversion was quite well done, being primarily immersive with little gratuitous pop-out shots.
And maybe it's just the fact Tom Hardy was cast as our hero, but I noticed a few Bane allusions amongst the other internal references to the franchise. Incidentally, Hardy takes over the role seamlessly - you won't be missing Mel Gibson. The rest of the cast do their parts just as nicely. Charlize Theron is fantastic, and Hugh Keays-Byrne owns the screen as Immortan Joe.
Highly recommended.
#324321 by vt1100
Wed May 20, 2015 9:46 am
I'm going to go and see Fury Road second time in theatre, rare occasion as usually one time does for me and then it's BD time if movie is any good. This was such a blast that second viewing from big screen is just right thing to do.
#324421 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:11 am
Evil Dead 2013.
Not bad, better than I thought it would be. Had a novel approach and some great moments. Flawed however by cheap jump scares and horror cliches. Good to see mostly practical effects (especially for the gore) and while the CG was hit and miss, it wasn't too obvious.
I still prefer the original trilogy, but this one was worth giving a look.
#324426 by Octillus
Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:05 pm
Man that Fury Road was a hell of a movie. Amazing and horrifying design.

Couldn't help but see a little bit of SYL era Dev in the guy strapped to the car with the guitar
#324431 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:36 pm
darn it, I want to see Fury Road too! But the theater that shows it here has horrible 3D equipment and they don't show the movie in 2D...noooooooooo! But can I wait for the Blu-ray? I highly doubt that too....
#324445 by Bookwyrm83
Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:21 am
Is there a neighboring town/suburb with a different cinema you could attend? Believe me if so, it's worth the trip. Just came back from a second helping (2D this time) and I left with a smile on my face.
#324446 by JuZ
Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:41 pm
Saw Lone Survivor.

Guys go to Afghanistan, have a firefight with the Taliban for most of the movie and... yeah, the title gives you an idea of the ending. Zzzzzzzz.

Watched the doco Hot Girls Wanted, which gives a bit of an insight into the recruitment methods for porn (especially the "barely legal" stuff). Learned that some stuff I find disgusting to even think about is pretty popular. But then again I'm not really surprised.
#324452 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:04 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Is there a neighboring town/suburb with a different cinema you could attend? Believe me if so, it's worth the trip. Just came back from a second helping (2D this time) and I left with a smile on my face.

alas, I might just have to deal with it and watch it in not so great 3D. I'm sure it'll be fun anyways. :D
#324481 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Jun 16, 2015 11:28 pm
Jurassic World.

Not only better than expected, but was very well written with plenty of self-aware commentary and in-jokes aplenty. The dinosaurs look fantastic and the Indominous rex is a monster worthy of the price of admission.

There are a few silly moments but it follows the ethos of the original and leaves the other sequels for dead. It also amused me that the characters referred to the hybrid as something to scare the kids, and sure enough there was a young child in the audience who was shitting himself every time it appeared on screen.

Give this one a look.
#324486 by EphelDuath666
Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:01 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Jurassic World.

Not only better than expected, but was very well written with plenty of self-aware commentary and in-jokes aplenty. The dinosaurs look fantastic and the Indominous rex is a monster worthy of the price of admission.

There are a few silly moments but it follows the ethos of the original and leaves the other sequels for dead. It also amused me that the characters referred to the hybrid as something to scare the kids, and sure enough there was a young child in the audience who was shitting himself every time it appeared on screen.

Give this one a look.

saw that today too and really liked it too! Great special effects and it's always good to see Chris Pratt in anything although he'll always be Andy Dwyer to me.
#324500 by JuZ
Sun Jun 21, 2015 9:53 pm
Took my boy to see Minions. Pretty much the perfect movie for us to see together, other than maybe Big Hero 6.

Lots of laughs to be found, but do yourself and avoid the trailers. They give away too many jokes.

#324516 by Cosmic Sea
Fri Jul 03, 2015 1:31 pm
I went to see Jurassic World today. Pretty good, I gotta say, but nowhere near to touch the first film. I'm actually more leaning towards that "meh" side of pretty good/okay. Compared to the first film, Jurassic World just lacked 'that' something, a certain sense of wonder and awe, perhaps. Not a bad film, but guess I just had a little too high expectations based on those several rather positive reviews I had read.

There wasn't many really memorable characters, except for that raptor-whisperer-dundee guy. And that douchy bad buy marine (good to see he get his hand bitten off and face eaten). Btw, among the first things I thought of the big brother kid was a sincere hope for his dumbass product placement Beats to be the very first thing to be eaten by the dinosaurs. Is it just me, or was anyone else annoyed by that?

I'm not quite sure if it's because of the sheer brilliance John Williams' JP soundtrack, the forgettableness of Michael Giacchino's score for 'World', or a combination of both, but the only things that I can seem to remember of the music after this first time seeing the film are the cues from the first movie. It could have used more of those, actually. I was kind of disappointed to hear such a short snippet of "Journey to the Island" being used; one of my absolute favorite pieces from the JP score.

While the special effects were pretty good in general, there were a couple of really cringe-worthily plasticky-looking ones in there. And despite the 22 years of advance in CGI, I still think the animatronics + CGI effects of JP look way better. They're actually, physically there, have weight, and give actors something to really work with, instead the weightless, floaty CGI added in post-production. But anyway: that Muthafuckin' T-Rex!! (mic drop)

Edit: well, I just watched Cinemassacre's and Nostalgia Critic's reviews of the film, and Nostalgia Critic pretty much exactly sums up my initial thoughts about it.

A bit off-topic, but talking of things Jurassic Park, it was such a shame that the 20th anniversary re-release of JP was shown in theaters only in 3D. It would have been so freaking awesome to see it on the big screen (I was too young back then to see it in theater), but without the 3D gimmicks BS. I hadn't gone to see one 3D film in 2013, still haven't, nor do I have any pressing need to change that anytime soon.

I need to go see Mad Max: Fury Road next. 8)
#324517 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:58 pm
^Funny enough, I watched the Nostalgia Critic Sibling Rivalry section and found myself agreeing with Rob and Doug (more so Rob).
I'll agree that the CG wasn't the best but I was still fine with it as it not only improved over JP3 (then again everything about this movie did) but it didn't look as fake as some of those early trailers, telling me that at least they tried to get it done right. Could have used more animatronics, though.

I'm going to wait for Fury Road to be released on Blu-Ray before I watch it again. Three cinema viewings I think is enough. Plus the BD is going to have a black and white version as well as a soundtrack-only option; I'd like to see if these can be combined for a perfect alternate experience.

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