Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#293826 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:34 am
We are at a population of over 7 billion, and if you ask me, it’s getting out of control. Pretty soon it’s going to affect the planet’s food supply, and we’re going to be stuck with very limited resources. This is something nobody can deny.

So I put it forth to you:
Is it acceptable to eat vegans, or even vegetarians? After all, they are the biggest consumers of our natural food supply that doesn’t involve meat, and when fruit and vegetables go, meat goes, as we will have nothing to feed the livestock; after all, you can’t feed most livestock meat because that can lead to unwanted diseases, not to mention dilapidate the meat supply as well. Besides, do we really need all these vegan hipsters running around being smarmy dicks anyway? Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.

Or, on the flipside, would it be acceptable to allow vegetarians/vegans to eat people? Most don’t eat meat because of animal rights they place above human rights, and they’d probably make an epic meal out of the guys from Epic Meal Time. Cannibalism is frowned upon in most societies, as it is technically murder, but if eating meat is murder anyway, why not murder the murderers? Why not take the Cattle Decapitation approach and just farm humans? Naturally, meat-eating humans would be exempt, because they could get the aforementioned diseases, plus they already get to eat other species’ meat; if you allow them to eat people, pretty soon we’ll have no population left.

So, what do you think? Discuss in a friendly and civilized manner your thoughts on selective cannibalism.
#293828 by swervedriver
Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:39 am
#293835 by Faffy
Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:35 am
^Na-ah! Too obvious :D

I've always wanted to eat a vegetarian. LET'S EAT THEM BEFORE THEY EAT US!
#293856 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:06 am

but on a more serious note...I'm vegetarian, I did not turn into a vagina yet and the little hair that I have any more is very dark. I eat plenty of soy and let's be honest, most of you wouldn't touch soy even if it was the last food on earth. And yes, just logically I do believe that mankind deserves to be eaten more than animals do. I would never eat any of you though. I'm too afraid of catching one of your diseases...

#293871 by Dunkelheit
Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:56 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:Image

but on a more serious note...I'm vegetarian, I did not turn into a vagina yet and the little hair that I have any more is very dark. I eat plenty of soy and let's be honest, most of you wouldn't touch soy even if it was the last food on earth. And yes, just logically I do believe that mankind deserves to be eaten more than animals do. I would never eat any of you though. I'm too afraid of catching one of your diseases...


i love meat, but i also love foods in general, and veggies are an important part of my diet, it took me a long time to find the perfect "soy product", but i did! and holy FUCK does it taste exactly like meat (rightly seasoned though)
#293878 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:14 pm
Dunkelheit wrote:i love meat, but i also love foods in general, and veggies are an important part of my diet, it took me a long time to find the perfect "soy product", but i did! and holy FUCK does it taste exactly like meat (rightly seasoned though)

yes, just recently I found some pretty amazing stuff that's for the most part made of milk (!!!) but does also include a bit of soy and tastes like chicken (or at least it's what I remember chicken to taste like, heh. Been vegetarian for over 11 years so my mind may also just trick me).
#293885 by Faffy
Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:29 pm
I see... apparently there are a lot of potential meals on this forum.

*sprinkles vegetarians with some cardamom*

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