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#307044 by Lettuce
Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:58 pm
Aww they're adorable! Even though they're simple in design, you can definitely tell who is who!

We should have a DTP Baking thread. I have a friend I do cake decorating with who'll be up for it (she met Dev in June!) Here's some Deconstruction cakes I made!

#308342 by Lettuce
Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:23 am
Yus!!!! I have an amaaaazing brownie recipe which has orange oil, a little cinnamon and some chilli powder! It's very rich but with a fiery aftertaste :D It's not from any book or anything, I worked it out myself while at uni for something to bribe my tutors with and I think the only place I have it written down is to an email to a classmate...I really should get a notebook for that kinda stuff. The burger buns were vanilla sponge cakes cooked in a Yorkshire Pudding tin (I dunno what they're called outside the UK, like a cupcake tin but not flared, the same size all the way down) and the sauces and cheese were vanilla buttercream (again, an amazing one that I don't have a recipe for that I just have to work on until I get it right...)

Bookwyrm83 wrote:Yum! I'll bet even Dev would eat those cheeseburgers.

That's Beav's pic so he might have done :P There were LOADS, and all of them were gone. I don't wanna brag don't invest in a Kitchen Aid, Magimix and a gym membership if your baking is mediocre :B
#309248 by izumix
Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:47 am
That sounds great. I like a orange peel candy coated chocolate, that brownie should be loved me!!

I have been knowing a Yorkshire Pudding, but never seen the tin in Japan. But I found a burger bun tin :o
Sorry this site is only Japanese language.

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