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#62639 by Ibanezjem777
Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:45 pm
Any other guitarers here that have a Jem or UV?
I have a Jem7vsbl and Im looking to get a UV this summer.

#62705 by ianlogan123
Sun Dec 26, 2004 5:39 pm
Don't have one, but would love to have a white Jem. Have you read the sad story of EVO at

#62736 by Kinski
Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:13 pm
I wish the UVs were made without the ghastly Floyd Rose.


#64093 by Greg Reason
Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:56 pm
UVs look fuckin sick but they sound cruddy. I have an Ibanez RG7620, much nicer sound. It's essentially a Universe without the flash and with nicer pickups. Also, the 76s were available with and without "ghastly" Floyd Roses. I love the FRs though, so I got the model with it equiped, and I tell ya, it is a Godsend. Never goes out of tune and whammys so hard that the strings go "blegh" and flap around like grass in the wind. Killer tone, too, the Dimarzios in there rule, they even sound awesome on clean, which is unusual for an Ibanez guitar. Also, it has the best seven string neck I've ever felt. Plays like a comfy six string. Shit yeah. :twisted:

#64314 by Kazrog
Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:07 pm
Greg Reason wrote:UVs look fuckin sick but they sound cruddy. I have an Ibanez RG7620, much nicer sound. It's essentially a Universe without the flash and with nicer pickups. Also, the 76s were available with and without "ghastly" Floyd Roses. I love the FRs though, so I got the model with it equiped, and I tell ya, it is a Godsend. Never goes out of tune and whammys so hard that the strings go "blegh" and flap around like grass in the wind. Killer tone, too, the Dimarzios in there rule, they even sound awesome on clean, which is unusual for an Ibanez guitar. Also, it has the best seven string neck I've ever felt. Plays like a comfy six string. Shit yeah. :twisted:

I used to have one of these for a few years and I finally decided it sounded bad and was going to upgrade to EMG pickups. Then I discovered that I could get half of a new guitar made from better woods for the price of the EMGs plus the routing that would need to be done to accomodate them. This month I'm going to order an ESP SC 607 (the Stephen Carpenter series 7 string that Dev used on "Alien.")

#64708 by Woocifer
Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:30 am
Greg Reason wrote:UVs look fuckin sick but they sound cruddy. I have an Ibanez RG7620, much nicer sound. It's essentially a Universe without the flash and with nicer pickups. Also, the 76s were available with and without "ghastly" Floyd Roses. I love the FRs though, so I got the model with it equiped, and I tell ya, it is a Godsend. Never goes out of tune and whammys so hard that the strings go "blegh" and flap around like grass in the wind. Killer tone, too, the Dimarzios in there rule, they even sound awesome on clean, which is unusual for an Ibanez guitar. Also, it has the best seven string neck I've ever felt. Plays like a comfy six string. Shit yeah. :twisted:

Hey man, I just ordered an RG1527 Prestige series Ibanez yesterday based on the same model as the one you were talking about Greg...based on your and others mention of how well they play. If it doesn't play well, I will hunt you down. No I'm not kidding...hunt - you - down... hahahaha Actually I just brought back an RGT42FM the other day, sadly, because the floyd was a little wonky...but it was such a nice guitar. I'm hoping for the same from the Ibanez.

Oh yeah to Kazrog, why not shell out the extra 100 or 50 bucks to get the Baritone version of the same guitar? I tried a 7 string a while back felt pretty good...however I tried out a 6 string recently and what a piece of junk that was.

I'm telling you, the upper end ESPs are great, but the lower end and LTDs that they come out with are just such junk to play...they feel bulky and thick like a gibson...just lifeless and heavy.

#64723 by fragility
Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:21 am
Greg Reason wrote:My goodness, don't get me started on EMGs again... :lol: Toneless pieces of shit.....

Although I'm no EMG fan, I can never understand blanket statements like that. I'm sure there are plenty of songs which you love which were played with EMG's. there are always situations when they fit perfectly. Whatever preferences we have, I do not believe they are 100% perfect rules like the statement you made.

Each to their own :)

#64834 by Greg Reason
Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:27 pm
I'm going to like songs I like regardless of the tone of the guitar on them. And you can do a hell of a lot in production to remove unlikable characteristics also. What I would say is that I would not want my guitar to be eqiuped with such p/us because whenever I heard it, it would be overblown gain with little subtlety and little tonal character other than extremity. Good for metal perhaps... But I like even my metal to have a bit of class..... No disrespect meant, but I don't dig them personally.

As far as the seven string guitar you're buying feeling good, keep in mind that my RG is the most expensive model seven they made besides the Universe, so it will set up better than a lot of others. However, that said, a good guitar worksman should be able to do a great setup if it is Floyd Rose equiped. They just have to balance the neck angle with the height of the bridge and it should play like butter. I would reccomend you use fairly heavy strings too (I use .60s) because the more tension they have the less they will make large arcs in their vibration, so will be able to be set up lower without fret buzz.
#66595 by Krak
Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:58 pm
I've got a UV7BK, you know thet black universe with the ghastly green pickups. I must say I love it but I agree that it doesn't sound the best. It also has the tendency to feedback if you look at the wrong way. Needless to say my little finger-tone-knob-rolling skills have gotten pretty good. If I had the coin I'd consider new pick ups. Any suggestions?

#66703 by ianlogan123
Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:59 am
If you don't have a lot of money what about Kent Armstrong. His pickups are really well made, sound good and are really cheap compared to the big boys. They're about £30 each if you're in the UK. I don't know what they cost in USA.

#67418 by ebles420
Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:39 am
i've got an RG450

so it's like a jem, but without the monkey handle
i changed from stock pickups to a dimarzio evolution at the bridge and an air norton at the neck. have not changed the middle single coil, and probably won't now i've got a strat that i'm currently customizing with a pearly gates plus at the bridge and dimarzio virtual vintage 2.1 at the neck and middle....

it'll be sweet

with regards to 7 strings... i'm interested in the schecter blackjack c7. NO FLOYD ROSE!!! it has a string-thru body.

i'm probably gonna sell the ibanez to buy that

#67536 by Woocifer
Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:29 pm
Schecter eh? I tried one...I thought it felt like a baseball bat was cut in half and drilled into the body, I didn't like it at all compared to my Ibanez RG7321. I tried a Stephen Carpenter too and it was all right, but it still felt cheap and weak...

#67810 by ianlogan123
Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:06 pm
Baseball bat as in really fat neck? Thats how I like them! I can't be bothered with wimpy little skinny necks, but then I've got huge hands.

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