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#67659 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:48 am
FlatHead wrote:
HevyMinik wrote:"Writing and eating and shitting and sleeping
In rain or in shine masturbate ’till I’m blind.
In the cause and effect of the one troubled segment
Of time and the place and the look on your face.

And I write and I eat and I shit and I sleep
Yes, I eat leafy greens nearly three times a week.
And I’m not unafraid but no longer afraid of you

Thank you! I've been wondering what the exact lyrics were for that, for a long time. Funny thing is, now that I now what he's saying the words sound pretty clear :)

lol...I know this feeling...years back I wrote an email to Dev and asked him for the words...he answered and made me a lucky bastard. Since then I can sing along with that song without feeling stumbled.
#168804 by Matt08642
Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:48 pm
I know I'm bumping a stupidly old thread, but I just gave Terria another chance. :shock: AWESOME.

Favourite songs in order:

The Fluke
Nobody's Here
Earth Day
Deep Peace
Down and Under
Bonus Track

Awesome album!
#168843 by Niko
Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:28 pm
The Fluke is definitely one of the best songs ever (just like Mountain, Earth Day, Deep Peace, Canada, Down and Under, Nobody's Here, Tiny Tears and Stagnant also :mrgreen: ). I can't understand people who think it's 'cheesy', cause I don't think that anything that Devin has done is 'cheesy'. Just uplifting and happy. Just the way it is meant to be :wink:

Actually, the first two verses may very well be the best that Dev has ever done. Well, after The Greys. Or Storm. Or Slow Me Down. Oh, goddammit, I'm a fanboy, so I'll just say that everything he has done is best he's done :D
#168849 by TallNerdGuy
Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:56 pm
Niko wrote:...cause I don't think that anything that Devin has done is 'cheesy'.

Apparently you haven't listened to "Satan's Ice Cream Truck." :wink:
#175567 by Marijn
Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:58 am
Does anyone understand the words Devin screams in The Fluke? On the official Hevydevy Records site there are lyrics to the song and it says FREAK!!! FLUKE!!! But I can't hear those words in the real song... I think it must be a mistake. But I am also wondering what Devin does say.
#175607 by Biert
Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:34 am
It's true though. Around 1:20 he says (I think)

I AAAAAM.... FREAK!!!! FLUKE!!! FREAK!!!! (with lots of echoes)
#176129 by Marijn
Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:49 pm
With lots of echoes indeed :o
#178305 by jburde
Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:57 am
I love this song...entire album is amazing though. :D

I wish there was a tab for this song though : (
#179794 by ^Jozo^
Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:01 am
The whole Terria-album is awesome, but The fluke goes to the top 5. Positive and happy song with great riff and stuff like that. I remember when I was riding my bike and listening to Terria. When Down and under was playing, I was very relaxed, smoked a cigarette and drived slowly. When The fluke started, shivers went down my spine, I threw the fag away and started to drive faster. That song was a fucking energyshot! I wonder what people were thinking: seeing me drive my bike fast as hell, like 60 km/h and singing "I'm a fluke in your world" and stuff like that. Good times, good memories, indeed! The fluke and whole Terria kicks fucking ass and helps me to get through hard times.
#187885 by mannamann
Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:05 pm
"...Corona without a lime"


Am I the only one who didn't knew he sang that? Hearing the song in my head, I know in which part he sings it, but I mean.. Listened to that album 1000 times.

But my native language is not English, so lyrics often elude me :?


#189450 by SouvlakiSlowdive
Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:36 am
the-fluke wrote:There are no 'cheesy Devin Townsend songs!

"The purpose of this exercise, is to accentuate the CHEESIER part!" -Far Beyond Metal on No Sleep Till Bedtime

Yes there are! :D


#223441 by Aniland
Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:16 am
King Fear wrote:It's not my fav Dev song or even my fav song on Terria, but it's the one that represents Terria best if you had to pick just one song to introduce the album to someone who hasn't heard it before (even though it's the fastest song on the album and stands out a bit as such). It's got almost all elements on a single-song scale that make Terria the masterpiece it is on a grand scale.

This sounds about right. The Fluke is definitely a standout song of the album, and a standout song of Devin's career. Likewise, it's one of his best "upbeat" songs.
#224568 by orbsonb
Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:13 pm
Pound for pound I don't think it's the best song on Terria but the middle section from 2:40-3:55 ish is one of the most beautiful segments of music I've heard from Devin or anyone else.

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