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#81634 by GDiddy
Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:00 pm
rgx612a wrote:
a_random_person wrote:Sweet....

Now all I have to do is figure out 'infinity'. The thickness of so many layers of vocals, guitars, and ambience all stacked together with some weird energy is just........*nosebleed*

For the record, I am SO glad Dev is totally doing his own thing. Definetely one of my all-time fav. musicians, period.

And for another random point, 'two weeks' or what I call a DTB teaser really got me anticipating his next solo record a lot. Can't wait to hear Vai play (or sing if he does) on it!

Vai's playing on the new DTB record? I don't like the sound of that.

The sound that I don't like is "dtb".

#83842 by asparagusDuck
Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:49 pm
if he stopped calling it the Devin Townsend Band and just referred to it as Devin Townsend would you like it better or something?

#83859 by Atari
Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:46 am
It's even more complex with sound isolating earphones......:D

#83895 by Chops 666
Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:26 pm
gurp13 wrote:
a_random_person wrote:And for another random point, 'two weeks' or what I call a DTB teaser really got me anticipating his next solo record a lot. Can't wait to hear Vai play (or sing if he does) on it!

What I remember hearing was that Vai was going to play on a song on the new DTB album and that Devin would sing on a new Vai record. But, Real Illusions just came out and Devin is *not* on it, so I kinda think this was more of a "Yeah, let's do that" kinda thing but that it probably won't happen.

And, personally, I sorta hope that the stuff that Devin did for the Ayreon album is a teaser for the next album. Those bits that he's on are just awesome! Especially that part where he sings about rage on "Day 3: Pain". God, when I hear that my heart just leaps in my chest. It's like the song was in black and white and suddenly bursts into color. It's such a bummer when it goes back to the normal song. The same goes for "Day 8: School," it's just beautiful. "Day 16: Loser" is pretty brutal and totally has that SYL vibe (at least Dev's part) From what I understood, Devin wrote and recorded and produced his parts, that Lucassen just gave him the outline and that Devin did the rest. So, it was original to him in that sense.

Man, I cannot stand that Ayreon album. His music just pisses me off. In fact the "Day 3" song sucks ass with that stupid flute interlude in the middle. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! I'm angry just thinking about it.

Then Dev's part comes on and it is one of the best pieces of music I ever heard. His vocals make me shiver and break out in goosebumps every single time. Maybe it is the dynamics of hearing something so incredibly bad go into something so powerful that gets me but it is probably one of my favourite performance I have ever heard Dev do.

Oh yeah, I love Terria. I think it is Dev's crowning achievement (Under the Devin Townsend name). The only problem is finding the time to sit down and hear it in it's entirety. It feels wrong to listen to it in pieces. It is the perfect album (as Dev intended) to listen to while driving great distances.

#84049 by gurp13
Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:33 pm
Well, I kinda like that album sometimes, but other times I don't. Hmm, that sounds like lyrics from a cheesy Bob Seger song. Anyway, I definitely hate the flute. Flute is not metal. Ever. And, some of the lyrics are so painfully cliche that it makes me cringe. And, and, the fucking album is way too long. I'd have been happy with something closer to an hour of music, which would have been reasonable and perhaps would have necessitated cutting the flute.

Anyway, I think that my main point was that Devin's part in the songs were the best fucking parts of the album by far. I second the goosebumps observation.


Chops 666 wrote:
gurp13 wrote:
a_random_person wrote:And for another random point, 'two weeks' or what I call a DTB teaser really got me anticipating his next solo record a lot. Can't wait to hear Vai play (or sing if he does) on it!


And, personally, I sorta hope that the stuff that Devin did for the Ayreon album is a teaser for the next album. Those bits that he's on are just awesome! Especially that part where he sings about rage on "Day 3: Pain". God, when I hear that my heart just leaps in my chest. It's like the song was in black and white and suddenly bursts into color. It's such a bummer when it goes back to the normal song. The same goes for "Day 8: School," it's just beautiful. "Day 16: Loser" is pretty brutal and totally has that SYL vibe (at least Dev's part) From what I understood, Devin wrote and recorded and produced his parts, that Lucassen just gave him the outline and that Devin did the rest. So, it was original to him in that sense.

Man, I cannot stand that Ayreon album. His music just pisses me off. In fact the "Day 3" song sucks ass with that stupid flute interlude in the middle. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! I'm angry just thinking about it.

Then Dev's part comes on and it is one of the best pieces of music I ever heard. His vocals make me shiver and break out in goosebumps every single time. Maybe it is the dynamics of hearing something so incredibly bad go into something so powerful that gets me but it is probably one of my favourite performance I have ever heard Dev do.

#87171 by VampireDaveGrohl
Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:24 am
I'm still waiting to "get" Terria. Much as I love Devin's work, i do often think he has one mainflaw when i listen to him for any length of time, and that is finding a good riff/bit of music and doing it over and over in the song until i just get bored of it. Normally this isn't a problem, but it does annoy me in a couple of songs (The end of "War" on Infinity goes on for too long in my opinion). This is probably why AE is my fav, as there is almost none of this (except the last minute of "Away", but that's forgivable)

So yeah, whenever i listen to Terria it tends to be when i'm doing something else, ironing, playing a game etc. I've not managed to get into it yet. But everyone here talks about it as if it is a god like disc, so i suppose i'll have to dedicate some of my time to experience it with headphones.

Um, sorry about that, felt like joining in.

#87173 by funny_little_guy
Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:30 am
Join in! It's great fun. Terria for me has become like an experiance. I can listen to it and not need to do anything else, it's it's own world.. and I can sleep to it! :)

#88622 by Axioma
Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:06 am
I'm sitting here, mildly (very) stoned.. reading these wonderful posts, just finished listening to city, I WAS going to eat but now it looks like I've started olives, oh I've missed this journey.

Even now, after all this time and all these many many listens, from olives onward I'm hearing new things, new sounds floating over the top, and my understanding of music is so much greater now the whole trip has become much more intense I've got to go now, olives is finishing and I cant sit here typing during this album! This is truly the new level huh, music that grows forever..

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