Follow the way Follow the way Holding mother

#119966 by VelvetKevorkian429
Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:21 pm
Yeah, your right. I noticed Devin does that with alot of his songs. I like it, but then I don't when I find myself constantly rewinding the song to hear that part again.

But I think it's just our problem.. Dev is most likely really happy with his works. And I am to. Dev's music is jus great. it's a shame most people in this world won't ever expierience this musc.

#120033 by Blazingmonga
Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:41 am
I suspect that if these wonderful sections were repeated then they would probably cease to be so wonderful. Well, they certainly would be less of a 'highlight'.

I think part of the awesomeness is because you have to build up to these bits...and if you know when they are coming then you can expect them, look forward to them even.

They are 'peaks' of awesomeness on the graph of awesomeness versus time.

#120036 by [brett]
Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:57 am
I have no probs with Physicist at all. If the great parts were repeated, on any of dev's songs I can bet you would be a little bored with hearing them now. Having them at only one point in the song keeps you going back for more. Also as monga said ^^...They are something to look forward to in the song, the rest of the song before these parts act as a really great gradual build up so when these parts kick in, you can tell the song is at some sort of peak. Thats kind of how I see it.

Whatever devin does is right if you ask me, I can't complain about any of his songs, not even a little.

Back on subject, If you don't own Physicist...for goodness sake go buy it!

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