
#157284 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:17 pm
Biert wrote:Devour was also on the soundtrack of some movie. Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something.

I think that was the one on the soundtrack for The Cave, actually.

#157303 by TallNerdGuy
Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:35 pm
I just looked up the official soundtrack to The Cave, and "Love?" was the SYL track included. I didn't know that some other bands like Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, and Mastodon were on there, too.

#157308 by Deathcom7000
Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:37 pm
They played Love? in an episode of Viva la bam I remembered. It sickened me...

#157310 by JayjayAbnormal
Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:55 pm
Deathcom7000 wrote:They played Love? in an episode of Viva la bam I remembered. It sickened me...

Oh yeah. I remember hearing a bit of Skeksis too.

#157312 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:32 pm
TallNerdGuy wrote:I just looked up the official soundtrack to The Cave, and "Love?" was the SYL track included.

Oh, that's right, it was the Alone in the Dark soundtrack that had Devour on it.

#157335 by azuritereaction
Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:10 am
Tracy wrote:He would love to do movie soundtracks one day. An SYL song was in a movie last year though I can't remember which one. He wouldn't object to a song being used though would prefer some input as to the circumstances. That is not always possible as usually it's all negotiated through publising companies and not the artist. The only thing you can do is say in the publishing contract "no toilet paper ads" or whatever, otherwise it is their discretion.

As I emailed the webmaster and Devin himself (i assume), what about music videos themselves, or a "short story" to one of his songs (if you get what I mean)?

I make music videos both as a hobby and a side-job, I recently finished two videos for Jennifer Batten for her tours and DVD, and Devin is honestly one of my favorite musicians, ever.

There's SO MANY of his songs that I think would fit good in a short story where a story's told through the music, or in a more surrealistic music video itself.

So i'm also asking here then to Tracy, do you think he'd ever be interested in something like that? I'm not wanting to do it to get money or to do it all corporate like or whatever, I wouldn't complain about getting paid but honestly I just want to make a visual element to Devin's audio element, if you get what I mean.

Also, I do all of my music videos myself, with a few current exceptions where I got clips from other sources (free sources, etc.) but with Devin's video i'd use all clips I film myself (I own a SonyVX2100), I edit the video, film it, basically do everything myself.

So you wouldn't be dealing with some corporate people who would want to "sanitze" the video for public viewing, or who would want to make it all logical and watered down so that all creativity was sapped out of it; you'd be dealing only with me, a massive Devin Townsend fan :)

and by dealing, what I mean is that i'd send you betas of the video, see if you liked it, if there's anything you'd want changed, etc.; while i'd have a definite storyline in mind in my own mind, Devin made the song so he knows in his mind what was going on storyline-wise with the song, so i'd want to make it as much as possible of what he originally saw in his mind visually, and if you'd be ok with it, putting some of my own ideas as to what I see when I "visualize" the song.

Long post I know; you can see some of my stuff at , the Flight of the Bumblebee and Motivation video are the two most recent videos i've done with After Effects, the rest were only done with Premiere and as such are not anywhere near the level of video editing I can do now.

Soooo yeah. that's about it. :P


#157341 by Keeker
Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:08 am
Your bees were excellent. :D

#157379 by azuritereaction
Mon Aug 27, 2007 1:23 pm
Keeker wrote:Your bees were excellent. :D

Thanks :) That one was rather different for me actually; i'm far more used to using my own footage and working on a video a long period of time;

that video, all of the footage was supplied by Jennifer Batten and I only had about a week and a half to work on it, so it was sort of a rush job :/ I hate how YouTube kills the visual quality too, really sucks.

I'm listening to Dev's music right now and it just blows my mind (at least to me) how much of his music is literally *made* for music videos or a short "music" story so to speak.

#157428 by sj_2150
Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:46 am
JayjayAbnormal wrote:
Deathcom7000 wrote:They played Love? in an episode of Viva la bam I remembered. It sickened me...

Oh yeah. I remember hearing a bit of Skeksis too.


theyve had Soul of a new machine era Fear Factory aswell... sickens me too. spoiled little brat. if i was his dad he would be living in a cage :)

#157472 by TallNerdGuy
Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:47 am
If I were his dad...that'd be cool, because he could probably afford to support me for life.

#157501 by funny_little_guy
Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:28 pm
Why were you guys watching Viva La Bam?

#157532 by JayjayAbnormal
Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:33 am
funny_little_guy wrote:Why were you guys watching Viva La Bam?

I live in a family. Not all of us have our own TV's bundled with a satellite receiver :P

#157534 by Deathcom7000
Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:47 am
funny_little_guy wrote:Why were you guys watching Viva La Bam?

I remember coming across it and thinking "maybe it will be so bad, it's funny". It wasn't.

#157536 by TallNerdGuy
Wed Aug 29, 2007 11:42 am
I don't watch the show religiously, and I'll usually only watch it if nothing else catches my interest. But I did notice something about the overall experience of the show: Bam isn't even the most entertaining part to the show. His "sidekicks" come up with the funniest stuff, but they rarely show them because all the little goth girls (or homosexual goth guys) want to oggle Bam. Ryan Dunn and Brandon D. are such assholes to the other people and make such sarcastic comments that it's hard to not at least acknowledge the humor to the situations. It's not the funniest stuff I've seen, but it sure beats the hell out of all the reality show shit aimed toward teens on MTV and VH1 nowadays.

#157556 by sj_2150
Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:13 am
TallNerdGuy wrote:If I were his dad...that'd be cool, because he could probably afford to support me for life.

at what cost? your dignity? he fucks with his mum and dad all the time. for christs sake he busted in on his dad while he was taking a crap and started belting him up.

and its a stroke of good luck that hes famous

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