You are the rainbow! You are the sun to my chameleon!

#113618 by danceswithchickens
Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:28 pm
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:On that note, I think it's time for a bowl...

HAHAHAH have fun. last weed I had was in 2004 , up in the NWT, Canada, some stuff from BC called "Northern Lights" it simply turned my brain to puppy shit. Heh .
really strong stuff.

NWT? That must have been crazy! Never been there...usually stuff called Northern Lights is really good (if it's not just a marketing ploy), and while in the NWT you actually have a chance of seeing the real Northern Lights.

I'm interested to hear your impression of the Far North...

#113620 by stormqueen
Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:54 pm
Northern Lights is really best when you know the grower personally or are close in the chain of distribution.
Much freasher and stickier and oh so pretty.....
Plus, this way you know that it isn't just a marketing tactic.
So many wanna try and pass off normal hydro as Northern Lights it is kinds sad....
You naughty drug dealers you!

#113635 by Mudtrailer
Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:36 am
danceswithchickens wrote:
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:On that note, I think it's time for a bowl...

HAHAHAH have fun. last weed I had was in 2004 , up in the NWT, Canada, some stuff from BC called "Northern Lights" it simply turned my brain to puppy shit. Heh .
really strong stuff.

NWT? That must have been crazy! Never been there...usually stuff called Northern Lights is really good (if it's not just a marketing ploy), and while in the NWT you actually have a chance of seeing the real Northern Lights.

I'm interested to hear your impression of the Far North...

I cant comment on the Real vs fake Northern lights , all I can say was thats what I was given in name.
and the NWT..... its something that is like no other. it is the Pinnacle of waht I have experienced on this continent. I never imagined what I saw there. Musk Oxen : giant prehistoric goat. still running around , been around since the mammoths were. face to face with an old bull. (Laid an ambush for him) was superb. and the colors, was autumn when I went there. all I can say is BEST ON THE CONTINENT

#113665 by danceswithchickens
Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:59 am
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:
Mudtrailer wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:On that note, I think it's time for a bowl...

HAHAHAH have fun. last weed I had was in 2004 , up in the NWT, Canada, some stuff from BC called "Northern Lights" it simply turned my brain to puppy shit. Heh .
really strong stuff.

NWT? That must have been crazy! Never been there...usually stuff called Northern Lights is really good (if it's not just a marketing ploy), and while in the NWT you actually have a chance of seeing the real Northern Lights.

I'm interested to hear your impression of the Far North...

I cant comment on the Real vs fake Northern lights , all I can say was thats what I was given in name.
and the NWT..... its something that is like no other. it is the Pinnacle of waht I have experienced on this continent. I never imagined what I saw there. Musk Oxen : giant prehistoric goat. still running around , been around since the mammoths were. face to face with an old bull. (Laid an ambush for him) was superb. and the colors, was autumn when I went there. all I can say is BEST ON THE CONTINENT

Cool! Where are you from, anyway? How far did you have to travel to get there?

#113666 by EphelDuath666
Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:29 am
EternalMetal wrote:
Hughie wrote:I'm a straight edge metal head too.. although, at the chance of enjoying my favorite artist even more, one has to wonder if it would be worth it break edge... hmm:)

Straight edge is a waste of time. Its mostly just a bunch of young kids who believe the dangerous hype about drugs and are too scared to try them. There reallty isnt any reason to be afraid of smoking a little weed or drinking a few beers.

others might argue doing drugs and booze is a waste of money and brain cells :P

#113676 by The Voice In the Fan
Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:58 am
This is my first post, so hi and all that.
I have yet to listen to synchestra stoned, but I probably will in a few days. Never listened to music when previously stoned, so it should be interesting to see how an already flawless album can get better..

#113677 by Mudtrailer
Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:12 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:
Cool! Where are you from, anyway? How far did you have to travel to get there?

From Wisconsin: long way from there!

#113679 by Zombielord1985
Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:10 pm
im stoned....the cd is on....and im feelin good. i suggest it. or not its not everyones cup of tea.

#113680 by sicsmoo
Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:25 pm
I'm sure I have. I can't think of any specific instance...but I do smoke a lot of weed and listen to a lot of Devin. His stuff is great stoned.
#113830 by Mr. Hell
Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:07 pm
I find that when I did smoke, weed would bring out a lot in music that my mind was too narrow to pick up on previously. Now, as the years have gone on I find I pick up on such things by listening to the same album 15 times in a row on headphones.
#113850 by Mudtrailer
Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:40 pm
Mr. Hell wrote:I find that when I did smoke, weed would bring out a lot in music that my mind was too narrow to pick up on previously. Now, as the years have gone on I find I pick up on such things by listening to the same album 15 times in a row on headphones.

who has time for that shit??!?!?!

ahhah kidding.

#113955 by Verdo
Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:10 pm
Synchestra stoned wasn' t a good experience for me...I found it uninterresting and boring.

Well I know I'm the only one to be slightly disappointed by this album, but I prefer it while sober though...

The Stoned Terria experience is still unequalled IMHO

#114023 by asparagusDuck
Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:45 pm
Verdo wrote:Synchestra stoned wasn' t a good experience for me...I found it uninterresting and boring.

Well I know I'm the only one to be slightly disappointed by this album, but I prefer it while sober though...

The Stoned Terria experience is still unequalled IMHO

thats funny you mentioned that. I absolutely LOVED synchestra high but couldnt really get into Terria. Mountain and Earth Day were too long for me but I did enjoy Down and Under quite a bit. Maybe I'll have to try again.

#114066 by devileif
Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:54 am
I smoke rarely, I enjoy it when I do and I think that a little toke now and then does no harm. Atleast it's better than drinking alcohol. But Devins music has always worked and sounded unbelievable good while stoned. It sounds unbelievable good not stoned aswell but it is different.
I can remember lots of times watching a BBC nature movie called "Deep Blue" or the bird documentry "Winged Migration" with the sound off and listening to Terria,AE and lately Sychestra. It's amzaing how sometimes the music actually fits the movie. I remember one time watching "Deep Blue" and "Deadhead" was playing very loud; the movie was showing massive waves breaking at slow motion and the music was just made for it. My friend and I started laughingat how amazing it looked and at the same time said "no way... how fucking cool is that!" It almost felt like a religious experience. Anyway I find that lots of music works that way...

#114067 by Tatann
Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:02 am
I should try this this week end, hope it will be fun :D
I'm sure I'm gonna laugh during "Hypergeek" :lol:

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