The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#315103 by daevly
Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:26 am
Do you find yourself listening to certain albums more often in some seasons than in others? Attached picture shows my prefered albums,A.E. goes all the year as S.Y.L. does too.
If the sub-forum is incorrect,move my thread :)
#315105 by EphelDuath666
Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:04 am
absolutely, I think that's the case with any music for me. Epicloud and Addicted are great summer albums and then on the other hand Ghost and Ki are great autumn albums. So yeah, I'm totally like that too. I tend to listen to plenty of black metal in autumn and winter but hardly listen to any in the summer and spring. :)
#315107 by fragility
Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:36 pm
Yeah, the weather and seasons make a huge difference to me

Interestingly mine are very different, although some of it I think is linked to when they came out. I remember this glorious day, driving in the sun about a month after Ki came out which means ill always associate it with summer
#315115 by Faffy
Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:30 am
Ki, Ghost and Syncehstra will always be the ultimate summer albums for me.

Having said that though, music for me tends to be categorised into "study music", "public transportation music", "walking music", "running music"... etc :P

As far as seasons go, I find that most albums I am familiar with are linked to the first time I listened to them, so Strapping will always be Christmas music :D
#315153 by Raithfyre
Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:48 pm
I'm kinda surprised that no one thinks of Ki as winter music, it very much is to me. On that same note, Ghost is summer. I think I'll always associate Addicted! with winter as well, not because of the music but because it was a huge part of my life in winter '09. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I finally really "got" the album (it was maybe my 10th listen, and also my first Dev album). Can't really stick a time period on Decon, for some reason. Besides that, all the others are anytime music, except Physicist. Definitely summer for me with that one.
#315156 by Voradin
Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:07 pm
Ok I'll bite, been a while since I've posted anything...

Deconstruction = Late Summer/Early Fall
Addicted = Early Spring
Synchestra = Late Summer/Early Fall
Accelerated Evolution = Fall/Winter
Ocean Machine = Summer
Infinity = Spring/Summer
Physicist = All Year Round
Ziltoid = Late Summer
Ghost = Spring
Epicloud = Fall/Early Winter

I didn't realize until just now that I associate so much of Dev's music with Summertime... :shock: Ironic, I'm a huge Dev fan but I hate Summer intensely.
#315161 by Garrie
Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:07 am
I find that I usually just associate music with the time of year that I first hear it or really get into it.

So Ki is a summer album and Addicted is a winter album.

The main exception to this is anything that can be described as "melodic death metal" - for some reason all melodic death metal sounds about a million times better in winter than in summer. I could listen to In Flames, At The Gates, Soilwork, Insomnium, etc for hours on end in the winter, then during the spring-autumn I listen to nothing but prog!

In the winter of 2010/2011, for example, I listened to almost nothing but James LaBrie's "Static Impulse", which is decidedly Melodic Death Metal.

Anyway, for Dev:

Summer Albums
Accelerated Evolution
Ocean Machine

Winter Albums
Ziltoid The Omniscient

I don't really associate too much with spring/autumn. They just fit into the summer/winter feel for me really.
#315285 by LeperMessiah1170
Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:26 am
Heavy As a Really Heavy Thing = Summer
City = Late Summer/Autumn
Ocean Machine = Summer
Infinity = No clue, Winter maybe, or Spring
Physicist = Summer
Terria = Autumn
SYL = Not sure
Accelerated Evolution = Summer
Devlab = Autumn
Alien = Autumn
Synchestra = Summer/Autumn
The New Black = Summer/Autumn
The Hummer = Spring
Ziltoid the Omniscient = I associate this album with space, rather than a season
Ki = Winter
Addicted = Summer
Deconstruction = Summer/Autumn
Ghost = Spring
Epicloud(er) = Summer/Autumn/Winter
#315308 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:56 am
Dev can be listened to in all seasons for me; overtime seasons don't matter as much as the moment I choose to listen. I suppose it depends on what kind of day it is and how I'm feeling on that given day.
That said, in general, I find darker, gloomier music works best for those kind of days, whereas happier music can be listened to on brighter days. Or something like that.
#315490 by Blazingmonga
Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:46 am
Interesting topic, and cool diagram!

I always found that the albums generally take me back to when I first heard them, and the season associated with that time.

Physicist always evokes winter for me, and I think the sound reflects that too
Synchestra is summer to me, but also spring and reminds me of when I had my job interview for the place I work now (that was a good day!)
Ocean Machine is night time to me, stars and sky, and long landscapes and days outside in the wild. Not sure what time of year...hmm.
Ki and Addicted are bright sunny albums for me. Ki in particular reminds me of a beach in Portrugal
Deconstruction and Ghost are Autumn.
AE is Spring for me, fresh starts and positive energy, blossom.
Ziltoid is some 5th, extradimensional season and dimension that cant be comprehended by mortal human minds.

City is a cold, clammy summers night, or early morning.
Alien is late in the year.

Devlab/Hummer make me think of being in my flat in Edinburgh in summer while at Uni, debasing my mental state.
#315555 by pandemic
Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:25 pm
ki = spring
addicted = summer
decon = fall
ghost = winter

why am i the only one who thinks like this?

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