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#71248 by EternalMetal
Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:53 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:
SasukeFutant wrote:
danceswithchickens wrote:Yes, but he said at least twice before that "certain information" had presented itself to him before the onset of this Christ complex. Yet he makes no allusions as to what the information was. What could make one think that he is God?

Be careful with chemical drugs, and definitely do not do them in excess.

their is a fine line between using and abusing, anc it seems like he was abusing them.

If he was getting so frustrated, why didnt he just take a break? Everything always works and comes together better after a nice break. Like give it a week or two off, or even a month if its that stressfull.

Abusing? I think he took acid once. Not what I'd call abusing.

"doing lots of Acid and stupid chemical drugs at the age of 23" Thats what i would call abusing, unless you know some other insider information that tells you he only did it once, but from the source i quoted (scroll up a few posts) this is what i found and what i based my response over. My opinion still stands.

Well, before that year he took off cause he flipped, he obviously stressed himself out. Maybe then he should have taken a break before the insanity hit? Just an idea, some people are workaholics and work themselves will a breakdown.

Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:59 am

im so fukin lost...
but then again..."scientists in the future will then label me as 'mentally retarded'..." *i think thats how it goes...


PS: I think dev is a musical god if that makes any sense at all...

thanks again...

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