The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#71992 by 66tinytears99
Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:38 am
Hey, i was just wondering if anyone has any pictures of their DTB tattoos, id like to see them!
#71997 by Drumdude13
Sun Feb 27, 2005 9:59 am
66tinytears99 wrote:Hey, i was just wondering if anyone has any pictures of their DTB tattoos, id like to see them!

I don't have one .....yet. I am getting one done though. I already have a tattoo of my last band's logo - God Awakens Petrified and I mean to get one of the DTB as well. Both bands marked major turning points in my I gotta' get a DTB tattoo as well.

Tattoo's RULE :twisted:
#72050 by steve_dave
Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:34 am
66tinytears99 wrote:Hey, i was just wondering if anyone has any pictures of their DTB tattoos, id like to see them!

I got one on my right forearm, looks like yours, but maybe a little bigger. On the other side i've got an 'SYL'... because 'SYL is the opposite to the DTB' kinda thing.

seriously though, whoever designs the logos (more than likely dev) deserves a fuckin award! all the logos are genius!!!

#72068 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:15 pm
I really REALLY want to get the SYL logo somwhere, but im not going to simply because i think getting band tattoos is a bad idea no matter which band. ugggh i want it so bad though. all i can think of is when homer looks at his tattoo "STARLAND VOCAL BAND!? THEY SUCK!"

#72076 by Burzum
Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:14 pm
I have a policy never to get a tattoo of a band logo or a sporting team logo. I would however use a picture off an album cover if it appealed to me enough, but not an actual cover itself or anything easily identifiable.

ie, in the film clip to Def Leppard's Let's Get Rocked there's this screaming face musical note that looks cool which I was once considering getting because nobody would know where it came from anyway but in the end I found soemthing I liked better

#72079 by Greg Reason
Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:15 pm
Burzum wrote:I have a policy never to get a tattoo of a band logo or a sporting team logo. I would however use a picture off an album cover if it appealed to me enough, but not an actual cover itself or anything easily identifiable.

I know what you mean.... I am picky about that too, I wouldn't want to just have a band name or whatever. I got the tatoo shown in my avatar because not only do I consider Infinity to be possibly the greatest album of all time but also, it stands for so much else and has so many other meanings to me and my life.

#72098 by Oscar
Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:09 am
Personally I'd only get a band logo for a tattoo if I were in the band myself... more personal that way.

#72100 by steve_dave
Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:29 am
Greg Reason wrote:I wouldn't want to just have a band name or whatever.

Ever so slightly off topic... but at a gig i saw a guy who had 'EARTH' tattooed on his right cheek and 'CRISIS' on the other. covering pretty much the whole of both cheeks.

What if one day he thinks... crap... i don't really like earth crisis anymore...

I mean at least with an 'SYL' symbol, should you stop liking them one day, you can pretend that it's like the japanese symbol for 'METAL' or somethin, know what i mean?

#72149 by 66tinytears99
Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:20 pm
I can see why some people think its a bad idea to get band tattoos, i guess its worse if you get a bands name tattooed for example if you had "STRAPPING YOUNG LAD" tattooed on your forearm you would more than likely regret it one day. Something subtle like the DTB or SYL logo is cool though. Im definetley gonna get the SYL logo at some point.

#72153 by Burzum
Tue Mar 01, 2005 3:40 pm
Well at least the DTB and SYL logos do look good and it's not like you have METALLICA tattooed across your back!! :shock:

The infinity symbol is good too because let's face it it's an infinity symbol. It's a common thing and only you know that in this case it representents Dev. So it's all good.

I'm actually off to get another tattoo sometime soon but don't know what i want yet - any suggestions??

#72312 by ebles420
Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:12 am
i've an syl tattoo (see album and rate.. you know you want to)

btb looks too mcu like an anchor - i don't want to be mistaken for a gay sailor (not that there's anything wrong with being gay or a sailor)

#72313 by FinnAtLondon
Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:31 am
I know a person who tattooed Devin Townsend naked on himself, but it is up to him wether to post it here.


#72320 by Burzum
Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:51 pm
You could always get Canada tattooed up your leg ...

#72552 by IanDork107
Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:38 am
Getting tattoos of artists is a ridiculous idea. No matter how much you like them. Terrible terrible idea.

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