All hail Ziltoid!
#167737 by djskrimp
Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:35 am
It's an impassioned review that is essentially saying, "I want Ocean Machine Part II, but didn't get what I wanted, so I'll rip this album to pieces with patently false impressions." Meh, so what? We know how damned good the album is.
#167893 by TallNerdGuy
Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:42 am
I like how the reviewer treated it more as a review of Devin himself rather than the album.

Also, down in the comments, some douche bag called Devin's playing "safe." Apparently some people still believe that doing all that guitar wanking mumbo jumbo for an entire album makes the musician a true experimental hero of the music industry. More than half those comments were ridiculously uneducated, though. You can't please everybody, unfortunately, and not everyone can hear what we hear.
#167932 by BrunoN
Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:15 am
Deathcom7000 wrote:I'd like to see him make something better. Hell, even a fraction of something as great as Ziltoid.

Since when critic needs to be a musician? But yeah, "it just no longer seems that impressive when any teenage art school drop-out living with his parents, sitting in his boxer shorts can do the exact same thing" statement kinda lacks evidence - army of dudes doing similiar music.

And why in boxer shorts?
#167933 by Biert
Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:26 am
BrunoN wrote:And why in boxer shorts?

Because the reviewer is a teenage art school drop-out living with his parents, sitting in his boxers behind the computer all day, ranting about artists who do what he wants to do, but do have the ability, as opposed to the reviewer?
#167977 by djskrimp
Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:50 am
TallNerdGuy wrote:I like how the reviewer treated it more as a review of Devin himself rather than the album.

Also, down in the comments, some douche bag called Devin's playing "safe." Apparently some people still believe that doing all that guitar wanking mumbo jumbo for an entire album makes the musician a true experimental hero of the music industry. More than half those comments were ridiculously uneducated, though. You can't please everybody, unfortunately, and not everyone can hear what we hear.

The Beatles' guitar playing was "safe". People are still covering their music. No one probably even remembers Guy Mann Dude and the other Shrapnel shredders from the 80's. Mr. Townsend learned early on how to craft a SONG...not a showcase. Yes, sometimes he does get all wheedly-wheedly, but he's practiced a LONG time; he's allowed. BUT. Most of his songs are written to serve the song, not the player.

What I'm saying, TallNerdGuy, is that I agree with you.
#168047 by Kivenkantaja
Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:22 am
I thought you guys were just acting like a bunch of fanboys as usual but then I saw the review. 1 point out of five?!? What the hell :D

[quote]The fact is, it just no longer seems that impressive when any teenage art school drop-out living with his parents, sitting in his boxer shorts can do the exact same thing (and that's kinda the image you get here--he couldn't hire any musicians to inject some life into this ***?).[quote]Am I the only one wondering why Devin had to hire anyone to play on his albums?

[quote]The "concept" of this album appears humorous in nature and indeed it is. It's a heard-it-before gag (if you can go so far as calling it that)--the kind of horrid joke you wish your friend would just stop telling--only it lasts an hour, and all you can do is hide your head in embarrassment and cringe at the silence after the punchline.[quote]That bad, huh? This guy must have had horrible time listening the lyrics of non-english/american bands.

Ziltoid was kind of a disappointment to me also but 4 great songs (2,4,5,10) saved it. I'd give it a 3/5.

ps. I didn't try to chop up his review and analyse it properly. those two things just caught my attention.
#168542 by Yanko
Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:05 am
REBEL MUSIC!!!!!!!!111111111one

anyway, it's really funny to read people saying
"Awesome review and I will not be checking this out anytime soon. "
it reeks complete lack of personality "Oooh! the reviewer in the site said it's bad, so i shouldn't take a look!"

I can't make music that well, but boy, if i were bad enough to be a music reviewer, i'd feel so sorry for myself :sad:
#173338 by Van Pole
Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:19 am

He didn't even analyse one song... One Fuckin Song !

He propably listened a few tracks from Ziltoid's Myspace page and that's all. Joke of a review, waste of time of your life.

Now everyone can write an article... even retarded spastics like mong from and Sputnik is a Russian piece of junk. Name perfectly fits for this, so called 'music' site.

Send a letter to FBI to close this page, immediately.
#173385 by Van Pole
Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:35 am
BrunoN wrote:
Van Pole wrote:Send a letter to FBI to close this page, immediately.

Let's inform Vatican, they'll excommunicate the fuck out of 'em!

/w\ Image /w\


Sputnikmusic truly fucked.

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