Get down there and... well, you know the rest
#173915 by Alex78
Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:16 am
^ you are right though, Petrucci is great. my fav is the Peruvian Skies solo...

as for Devin solo:

-the Deep Peace solo is #1
-the epicness of Funeral/Bastard/Death of Music
-beginning of Truth
-Life is all dynamics, how the songs builds up
-the transition to / beginning of Unity
-Earth Day chorus
-the beautiful part in Fluke ;)
-the end, especially the vocals, of Storm
-breakdown section of Random Analysis
-whole of Away and Deadhead
-Suicide solo
-beginning of Sunday Afternoon is so awesome, because it creates such a beautiful transtion from Away
-Judgment/Simple Lullaby, the transition is perfect too
#174063 by pastadude
Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:00 am
- Beginning of All Hail (I need the Velvet Kevorkian transition though. There is no other way to listen to it.) and that first big scream which just says "This album. It's big. Real big."
- Skeksis... the whole damned thing.
- "I'll show you how to be crazy... FUCK YEEOOOOWWWW!!!"
- "Technology will be the second coming." That is one SCARY ass line!
- After the breaking TVs in S.Y.L. And the first time I heard the chorus. Nothing will be like that ever. It just precidented SYL perfectly.
- Opening riff of Devour
- "FWWWEEEEEEEEEEE"/Beginning of outro in Aftermath
- Almost Again

Fuck this band kicks ass.
#181822 by Turge
Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:57 am
Oh my God... Am I supposed to list all those moments? Jeez... Uhm. Let me see...

Well, at least the part of Detox with the "oh, you fucker! rrrrRRRRAAAAHHH!!!". I approve of that part. :D
#181925 by chip8088
Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:29 pm
Strapping Young Lad:
SYL - The first verse when Devin is basically snarling the lyrics and then the chorus.
In the Rainy Season - The breakdown. Legendary.
Velvet Kevorkian - The transition into All Hail the New Flesh
All Hail the New Flesh - The whole damn thing, and especially it's transition into Oh My Fucking God
Oh My Fucking God - same as All Hail the New Flesh
Detox - The whole thing. (big pattern on this album)
Underneath the Waves - "On and on, it's on and on" The song starts off heavy, then calms down somewhat for that line, before exploding into an abysmal orgasm of intense rage...yeah..
Love? - Just that main riff. It's simple but pure.
We Ride - The crazy meltdown where Devin just starts screaming about relationships.
Possessions - "...I WANT YOUR HEART!!!!" right then, you're blown to smithereens.
Decimator - the S!Y!L! chant.
You Suck - me and my friends sing the chorus every time we hang out.
Wrong Side - The raw power behind the verse and the "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!SHUT UP! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP AND GET OUT THE DOOOOOR!!!"
Far Beyond Metal - Easily my favorite Strapping song. The whole thing is insane, but when the song dies down for a moment and Devin introduces Oderus Urungus and he sings his verse, i just have to headbang. Can't help it.
Almost Again - The first scream of the song and then the "At the speed of sound" part.
Polyphony - the transition into the New Black is godlike
(I didn't put anything off SYL because that is the only album I have yet to get my hands on, and I haven't heard enough of it)

Devin Townsend (solo and band):
Depth Charge - Most of it actually. the screams of "Who's behind the door?" and the vocal melody all around is amazing
Storm - The vocal line for this song is downright beautiful.
Slow Me Down - I don't care how 'mainstream' it sounds, this song is so damn catchy
Christeen - the little OW OW OW OW OW OW noises that are made at the beginning, as well as the chorus.
Funeral - this was my first Devin Townsend song i had heard. I listened to it, paused it halfway, got off the computer and drove 15 minutes to the only decent CD store near my house and bought Ziltoid the Omniscient (they only had that and Accelerated Revolution, which I went back for later). This song is the most beautiful thing i've heard.
Vampira - It's very catchy, and that dance Devin does in the video is amazing. haha
Earth Day - All in all this is my favorite song written by Devin Townsend, hands down. Everything from the "Eat Your Beets" line to the main riff (which is amazingly fun to play on guitar) to the random break in the song where Devin expresses how music is "Just entertainment folks."
ZTO - Funny yet epic
Hyperdrive - very mellow and different but really cool

Sorry i had alot of them
#181951 by Turge
Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:27 pm
chip8088 wrote:(I didn't put anything off SYL because that is the only album I have yet to get my hands on, and I haven't heard enough of it)

I'll bet you'll be listing at least "Dire" and parts of "Aftermath" :D
#181989 by chip8088
Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:25 pm
Turge wrote:
chip8088 wrote:(I didn't put anything off SYL because that is the only album I have yet to get my hands on, and I haven't heard enough of it)

I'll bet you'll be listing at least "Dire" and parts of "Aftermath" :D

I actually have For Those Aboot To Rock, so i've heard a good bit, but i want to wait until i get the album and hear the originals to decide. I guess i could put the part from Force Fed "ANIMAL! YOUR AN ANIMAL! YOUR A GODDAMN FUCKING ANIMAL!" that part just kinda got me
#183914 by theycallmecheese
Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 pm
The first time Dev says "I am the coming of a new age." Best opening line to an album ever. 100% personality, 0% holding back. Oh, and that little hissing inhalation after "past your shit by far." I was paying the fuck attention from then on.
#184118 by kasarna
Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:27 pm
We ride: "What the fuck was that? I'm being completly rational! I'M NOT YELLING" :D
#186689 by Mazaro
Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:02 am


into that beautiful melodic chant of 'shine!' with the female vocals.

My favorite SYL moment ever. God, Alien is a masterpiece.
#187485 by Tyroshai
Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:15 am
the solo in "Gaia".

Closely followed by the entire tracks "Possessions", "Imperial" and "The Death of Music".
#187931 by hevysyl_rob
Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:21 pm
The entire songs of Love?,Imperial,spirituality,thalamus and death of music

The drum outro to In te rainy season, that part in SYL when they do it live most of the band rise their arms (you know what i mean? :D ) and the chorus of Force fed on the for those aboot to rock dvd the drumming in the chorus sounds sort of like tribal dumming (you know from like native african tribes etc :P) if you get me :shock:

But most of all possessions when dev screams Give it away and get away and the female vocaling in the backgroud i just love devs voice/growl in that part :D
Last edited by hevysyl_rob on Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
#188507 by Falling Upward9
Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:28 pm
When the Band kicks in on "Zen", the hair on my arms raises. That scream is awesome.
Shine... The whole fucking song.
Deadhead made me cry once.
Shitstorm made me have a panic attack right in the middle of Sam's Club.
No joke, I felt lost. The chaos of everyone going in different directions.
All I could hear was, "I fucking hate myself!".
It sucked and rocked all at once.
#188556 by hevysyl_rob
Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:56 pm
Falling Upward9 wrote:....Shitstorm made me have a panic attack right in the middle of Sam's Club.
No joke, I felt lost. The chaos of everyone going in different directions.
All I could hear was, "I fucking hate myself!".
It sucked and rocked all at once.

:shock: Dude, that sounds like you had a blast :P i remember i was listening to for those aboot to rock really loud and theres a bit in that (cant remember which) where dev just screamed and i did it along with it and i most done it wrong :D and almost blacked out, the blood like rushed to my head, and my vision went all blurred and there was like some sonic boom went off in my head :P and everything just went quiet for about 30 seconds before my hearing and vision came back fully...thne i continued to headbang and scream :twisted: i love dev, and headbanging very voilently to in the rainy season for the first time proper going for it and i fainted from dizzyness and it may of been all the blood rushing to my brain and the mass amounts of it swirling around my head, that i damage some blood vassels or somthin' and i woke up after fainting with a nose bleed, and i had about 7 nose bleeds within 2 days after that 8) but that didnt stop me from doing it again...but i seem to of grown immune to I.R.T.S now :| no more dissyness but still that massive buzz :P like with most devs songs

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