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Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:19 pm
by Roddy
Silly name for a thread, I know. There will only ever be ONE Strapping. It was totally unique, and Dev and the boys are untouchable in this style of music. But now that they are gone ( :cry: ), I've been trying to find other bands that can fill their place, to some extent. Bands that are brutally heavy and chaotic but have soaring and inspirational melody at the same time.

I honestly can't get into Zimmers. I know it's 3/4 of SYL, but if you take out the most important element (ie. the songwriting genius) it becomes not as good. I bought an album by an English band called 'Biomechanical' recently, who were reputed to be in the SYL mould. I THINK it's good, but the production is so scratchy and unclear it's hard to tell. I also bought an album by a band called 'Scarve' last week. The cover even likened them to Strapping. It's very good, but again the production isn't quite up to scratch and the melody isn't there. I love bands like Mnemic and Gojira but I wouldn't put them in the same category. I'm beginning to think it's a vain search. Any other suggestions?

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:42 am
by Biert
Why would you want them replaced? SYL were a good band, they've put out 5 albums, 2 DVD's and a live EP, most of which are good. Not a bad record for a band. Just check out those other bands and see them as an addition to the music you already know, rather than a replacement.

If you really want something similar to SYL, I suggest checking their "similar artists" page on . It's basically a list that says "People who listened to SYL also listened to..." (Top 3 are Devin Townsend, Zimmer's Hole and Gojira).

I also recommend Hacride.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:18 am
by Roddy
Yeah, I suppose 'replace' was a pretty poor choice of words.

And thanks for the reccomendation. Have just been listening to Hacride. Lovin' it! Cheers!

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:03 am
by BrunoN
Main problem with other modern industrial-progressive whatever bands is they lack funny, charismatic frontpeople. All Scarves, Mnemics, Hacrides and Sybreeds have competent singers but they just fell flat a bit in teh fun department (I mean Sybreed's Ben is superfunny bloke on their forums but onstage he's kinda focused on making metal impressions). One of main selling points in SYL for was Devin and his antics. Loved the music, then loved the band even more after seeing the frontman, style he performs and what he's got to say.

Again, nothing wrong with bands I've mentioned - love their music to the bits, but still, cracking frontman is cool addition to any band.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:56 pm
by Roddy
BrunoN wrote:Main problem with other modern industrial-progressive whatever bands is they lack funny, charismatic frontpeople. All Scarves, Mnemics, Hacrides and Sybreeds have competent singers but they just fell flat a bit in teh fun department (I mean Sybreed's Ben is superfunny bloke on their forums but onstage he's kinda focused on making metal impressions). One of main selling points in SYL for was Devin and his antics. Loved the music, then loved the band even more after seeing the frontman, style he performs and what he's got to say.

Again, nothing wrong with bands I've mentioned - love their music to the bits, but still, cracking frontman is cool addition to any band.

Yeah, true. Dev truly is a one of a kind!

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:20 pm
by Leechmaster
Try Threat Signal.. Their Under Reprisal album had a sticker on it that said "For fans of Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad and Soilwork".. You can't argue with a sticker. Fact. And they're Canadian!

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:29 pm
by Biert
Leechmaster wrote:Try Threat Signal.. Their Under Reprisal album had a sticker on it that said "For fans of Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad and Soilwork".. You can't argue with a sticker. Fact. And they're Canadian!

That's the same sticker Hacride's first album (Deviant Current Signal) had.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:38 pm
by Roddy
And very similar to the sticker on Scarve's album.

Have checked out threat signal, sounds awesome! Thanks for the tip, will track down their album. I was aware of them, but had never really checked them out. That makes 2 excellent suggestions!

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:46 am
by sj_2150
Gojira have an obvious influence from them but i dont think they reach the same level as SYL. close but no cigar. Their albums are a bit too long and it kinda gets draining after a while.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:53 pm
by Roddy
sj_2150 wrote:Gojira have an obvious influence from them but i dont think they reach the same level as SYL. close but no cigar. Their albums are a bit too long and it kinda gets draining after a while.

Agreed. I bought Gojira's last 2 albums recently, and I love listening to them. They're totally awesome, and unique. But I find it tough going after about 4-5 songs. It's the vocals themselves, and the lack of melody....

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:37 pm
by stratman687
Necrophagist is one of the most impressive bands I've ever seen. They aren't heavy per se but i would consider them "brutalz". I consider the guitarist the craziest and most fluent sweep picker I've ever heard. The guy plays metal riffs that are based off dissonant sounds used in classical piano music. Pretty sweet stuff, but there's only death growls if that's a big factor to you.

Also Opeth can be crazy and chaotic, but not really crazy to the SYL extent. I don't think Opeth is meant to be listened to just for the heaviness aspect of them, even though they are a death metal band. Great melodies and variety of music in opeth!

Although you've probably heard of them, Dream theater is worth a listen. They have alot of good songs other than the crazy shredzorz stuff, although those are good too!. Awesome melodies in Dream theater and alot of epicness, not the corny epicness though like dragonforce!

I'm SURE you've heard and listened to Metallica, I think they deserve to get mentioned again for the purposes of this thread. Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, and And Justice for All are classics. They def deserve kudos for crazyness, cool melodies, and good instrumentation in these. Oh, Kill em all is cool too.

And of course the mighty meshuggah should definitely excel in the aspects that you listed!

All of these bands listed (especially including devy's music) are worth more than one listen to judge. None of them I fell instantly in love with...I find my favorite bands, i usually don't like very much to begin with, including devin's tunes.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:59 pm
by junkmonkey
If you're looking for some nice heavy brutal tunes with a hint of melodic singing (in their later albums at least) i would recommend Anaal Nathrakh :twisted: ,if you still want something heavy but also with some good clean,catchy almost "poppy" sounding vocals i recommend Raunchy :D ALWAYS a fun listen for me!Scar Symmetry is always a good choice too although their lead singer Christian has left to start other projects :( oh and Mercenary!!they're quite good too (especially the album "The Hours That Remain")

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:56 am
by Roddy
junkmonkey wrote:If you're looking for some nice heavy brutal tunes with a hint of melodic singing (in their later albums at least) i would recommend Anaal Nathrakh :twisted: ,if you still want something heavy but also with some good clean,catchy almost "poppy" sounding vocals i recommend Raunchy :D ALWAYS a fun listen for me!Scar Symmetry is always a good choice too although their lead singer Christian has left to start other projects :( oh and Mercenary!!they're quite good too (especially the album "The Hours That Remain")

Yeah, got Raunchy's Death Pop Romance album just the other day. Lovin' it! Am actually a real sucker for the bruisin' Metal stuff but with the soaring melodic choruses! Fun is a good way to describe it!

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:25 am
by Turge
Mencea has many similarities with Gojira and SYL, check them out.

Re: Bands to 'replace' SYL

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:31 pm
by Roddy
Turge wrote:Mencea has many similarities with Gojira and SYL, check them out.

Just checking them out now. Lovin' their stuff too! Another great tip! There's just TOO much amazing music out there to keep up with these days....