Face your chaos, know who you are!
#183007 by AlucardXIX
Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:22 pm
MeOpsis wrote:Yeah Shinedown's singer is good but he overdoes it big time. Completely ruined "Simple man" imho-and it even has the word "simple" in it.

It's damn good though...and nothing worse than a singer who over sings.
#183010 by The Dev
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:11 am
Ok, exported and consolodated all the fades on the drums.

Consolodating 10000 tracks of guitars now :/

3 more to go, will finish tomorrow.

Then I'll assemble some keyboard performances, pick the best chunks etc. Then export some 24 48 mixes into Logic and Live for some candy.

doing some bass this week...

Should be done by the 20th or so.

Art is almost done. Konrad is working on a video for 'Coast'

Simpsons movie shat the bed, so I ended up watching most of season 2 'arrested development'.

hanging with my cat...we're very close.

talk soon.
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#183011 by KantQontrolMyself
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:36 am
Arrested Developement for the win.

Definitely glad to hear the progress on the album...! Or rather albums. Freaking awesome.
#183012 by sj_2150
Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:37 am
:lol: BAHAHAHA! yeah The Simpsons movie sucked ass. Arrested Development is one of the best shows ive ever seen. cant wait for the album to be done. and your kitty is cyoooooooooooooooot :D
#183022 by Devymetalnut
Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:55 am
Nice update Dev, can we expect some samples of Spuki the cat on any of the new records? :wink:
Glad you like your cats dude, i have 5, rescue cases but ive managed to get them uber tame, yay me!
So around the 20th eh, sounds good to me, can we expect any special editions at all, that would be pretty cool.

Im just curious as to how many guitar, bass, drum and vocal tracks youve used on Ki roughly aswell as extras such as synths, orchestral parts etc i know how much you like adding many layers to your music and use of multi-tracking, since i am a bit of a music production nerd this would make my day :D
Also very curious as to what software and sequencers you used to record all of these, such as Cubase or Pro tools perhaps? Oh yeah and do you use Reason at all, just started useing it and it is quite spiffy :lol:

Sorry if any of this has already been said but theres alot of pages to trawl through in this forum, would be mucho appreciato. Thanks
#183025 by Ike
Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:36 am
Yay Devin, that's cool :) Great how it sounds like you're making an album like other people would knit a pair of socks or paint a painting: All leasure at home with the cat nearby and some happy stuff on the tube.
Exciting to hear that there'll be a video. The SYL ones have become better and better over time (though there was a lot of room for improvement to begin with ;D ), here's hoping that this tendency carries on.
Keep it up!
#183028 by Marijn
Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:06 am
Wow, a video for Coast! That sounds cool!

Devin, I wish you good luck with finishing the album that is going to make me scream of happiness!
#183029 by Matt Nevens
Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:21 am
The name "Coast" makes me think its gonna be a kind of dreamy, spacious song...maybe
Or maybe it'll rip...CANT WAIT!

I always say to myself i will never listen to new stuff before i get a proper CD in the mail but every album since Terria ive listened to two or more songs before its been released. THIS TIME I AM GOING TO WAIT! I felt i kind of spoilt Synchestra for myself by listening to a download cos when i got the real CD it sounded so much BIGGER!! I think when Dev makes any samples available i will have to check myself into a mental institution until the album is released. BRING ON THE KI!!!!!!!!!!!!
#183031 by The Dev
Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:35 am
Yup, using protool 8 (keeps crashing)... not 'reason', I used to use it but prefer Ableton currently.

Recording at a studio, sleeping at home (sometimes)

I've made so many records that it is akin to knitting...(or putting together a big puzzle) ...oh look! it's a sailboat! ...next.

Yup special edition, yup maybe a vinyl,

The only vid I've ever 'done' that I truly like is Almost Again and 1) I had nothing to do with it 2) I wasn't in it...go figure.

Anyways, Konrad did that one, and he's doing Coast.

Just waking up... I have to poo.

Spooky is really smart.
#183032 by Lawrence
Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:56 am
I thought the wrong side video was pretty cool, showed good contrast between the insanity and the heavenly chorus bit.
Glad to see your so enthusiastic about it, youve certainly come a long way in such a short time. It feels as though each post you make this project becomes bigger and bigger. 1st there was one record, then 2, now 4 and you have all these guitar tracks etc it sounds truly awesome man. And that you have so much experiance with making albums now must make the process so much more enjoyable.

Special editions etc sound great.

Cant wait for your guitar and amp line.

Your cats cool, i have a black cat as well called sweep, and his mother is called sooty but she was whild and she had sweep in our garage, so we took them in but she pisses all over the house so she has to stay outside. He's the most mild tempered cat ever though. And kinda fat but hes cool all the same.
The good thing about cats is they seem to understand your mood and change their behaviour to suit it.. weird.

Goodluck and have fun Dev!
#183034 by cmbs
Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:13 am
Devin, I was wondering if this album was going to be put up on Itunes store, because I got a 25 dollar gift card with Ki written all over it.
#183035 by BlackFabio, Inc.
Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:06 am
10000. guitar. tracks. :shock:

AND maybe a vinyl edition...audiophiles gonna get WET and crazy.

Damn, I wish I coud watch a Ki making of, sort like the Alien webisodes...explaining all the multitracking stuff for dumb production-wise musicians like me. :cry:
#183039 by Phase
Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:28 am
The Dev wrote:wet...yuck.

I'm filming it all...

Filming your wet poo?

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