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#233124 by ghyti
Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:39 pm
So I saw a post on Dev's twitter page that gave the link for Rock Band song requests, and I thought we should all submit a song (preferably the same one so it has more votes) so that we might see Devin in a future game.
Here's the link: http://www.rockband.com/request
It would probably be best to do something from Addicted since its his most recent and probably one of his most accessible works.
My vote is for Supercrush :guitar:
#233134 by dlayphoto
Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:24 pm
I voted Supercrush as well!
#233142 by TallNerdGuy
Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:51 pm
Its good to vote for the Dev's material the old fashioned way like that, but now that the Rock Band Network is prepping to launch in the near future, it might make more sense to try and get the Dev to participate in that. Basically the Rock Band Network is a way to allow practically ANY band to put up nearly ALL of their music to be played through the Rock Band games...after each song gets charted for each in-game instrument (by the contributing artist or someone affiliated with the artist), goes through a test-play period, and gets approved for sale in the online store. There is more to it than that, but it cuts out having to rely on Harmonix to decide on each song that goes into the game.

I think RBN has been discussed briefly on this forum before, but I think when the Dev gets the time he should seriously consider throwing at least a handful of his songs into the mix.

For more info, here is the site for those looking to participate: http://www.creators.rockband.com

For those who are looking to suggest to their favorite bands that they should join the RBN, here is a page outlining the basics you need to cover when asking: http://www.rockband.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153483
#233291 by Wander
Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:19 pm
Also, I'm wondering if Supercrush! is the best possible choice as I'd imagine it to be kinda dull on guitar in Rock Band. Sure it would be fun to sing and play on the drums tho...
#233294 by Octillus
Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:02 pm
As much as I want to see Dev in Rock Band, once RBN happens, I guarantee people are no longer going to discover new artists through the game anymore. So I'd really like to see him put in before then. Also, once the responsibility falls towards an artist as busy as Dev to put himself out there, I feel like it's not going to happen.
#233315 by TallNerdGuy
Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:48 pm
Octillus wrote:As much as I want to see Dev in Rock Band, once RBN happens, I guarantee people are no longer going to discover new artists through the game anymore. So I'd really like to see him put in before then. Also, once the responsibility falls towards an artist as busy as Dev to put himself out there, I feel like it's not going to happen.

Yeah, the idea of so many artists pouring all their tunes into RBN will over-saturate the content available to download. Many will ultimately go after the bands they are fans of, but I'd like to think that not everyone has that mindset. Some people are completists and will want as much content as they possibly can, others with a lot of time on their hands will preview many of the tracks and download the ones that tickle their fancy. Also, Harmonix has said that they are going to feature certain bands from week to week, so at least they aren't just going to be sitting back while total chaos ensues.

One way of looking at it is to compare it to iTunes or a music store. Within those things, there is a huge amount of music and too many bands to count. When someone goes into one, they most likely either A) have an idea of what they're looking for, or B) are going in with an open mind hoping to find something new. I feel that RBN will function in a similar manner...just as how a music store gets a bulk of their sales from die-hard fans of the artists, they also gain income from those who stumble upon a new artist they like. Artists can also advertise that "our new album can be purchased on the RBN" when they release a new album or maybe even say "get a download code for our new tunes on RBN when you buy our new album."

Unless the Dev has an Xbox 360 with an XNA membership and is willing to download the program to chart out all his tunes for 4 different instruments, then I'd imagine that he'd probably want someone else to do it for him.
#234458 by Mulzi
Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:44 am
Voted for Hyperdrive but Supercrush might be more fun now when I think of it

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