Hey! You're awake!
#228968 by jburde
Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:58 pm
The Dev wrote:Don't marry the first person you fall in love with.

You should tell that to my friend. He has a girlfriend, a year older than him going off to college after this school year, and he's convinced he's going to marry her... he's just setting himself up for something really bad
#229014 by stingrae
Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:47 am
awsome discussions dev
so stoked i get to hear u ramble for 4 hours in 2 shows in aus.
just dont get too carried away at the all ages and mention bending the ham to ass too mouth. my little brother will probs just laugh and imagine ziltoid saying it.
oh god i can see it now haha
#229050 by drukore
Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:14 pm
The Dev wrote:Everythings a dichotomy...

Farting as much as meditation, Being stupid as much as existential conversation.

Pretty much as 'base' as 'evolved'...

Om is the truth, the sound, a vibrational metaphor for the sum of all natural laws (to me) ...and in all honesty, I can't say it loud enough. And even when I think it, it's louder than everything I can imagine.

The pattern of 'You are a puppet' during Color Your World is morse code for Om as well, etc etc...same with Info Dump.

Us is the collective.

'You' and 'I' are arbitrary

Porn is incredibly attractive because of the 'base' being a survival instinct, yet it affects (in my opinion) how we view each other.

There is only truth, and to distort that through desire makes the ultimate goal (connection and merging with the Om) harder and harder.

So short term pain, long term gain... It would be great tonight to eat a rare steak, drink a bottle of wine, smoke a ton of weed and then bend the ham to some ass to mouth, but in the long term, it slows the vibrations down to the point where eventually, I rely on those things and without them I'm never truly able to have full clarity.

For some folks, that clarity isn't a goal, but I feel very much like I have a 'job to do' with music, so the closer I can get to that clarity, the more pure the vision will be.

Forever? Who knows...Deconstructions 'moral' was very overwhelming...'there is only truth, and it's different than expected, yet we know it all along.'

'There's a universe in us all'

All observations aside though, no mission or judgement...different strokes for different folks. I think being a masochist definitely plays into it.

The base side of things chooses chaos, 'I don't wanna save my soul, I just wanna lose control'

While the connected side urges us to 'Be like the mountain'

BEEN A DICK TO US! ..I think there's several of them kicking around in there :)

This makes more sense than all of Dr. Phil's books thrown together. Kudos for being a realistic mofo my man.

Chances are if Dev took over his show though it would probably be a lot less dramatic and more logical. With less whiny guests. That and the theme music would improve vastly and Dev looks better bald than Phil does.
#229104 by drukore
Fri Dec 18, 2009 8:46 am
I am curious though....if Dev feels like responding to this..

I read several spots about how Nickelback's "Dark Horse" was an influence on this record. Now beings that I'm not a fan of Nickeback's work (albeit they are good at the formula they have and the music they produce) I can't say nor figure out which aspects of them were the bigger influence on "Addicted".

Was it a matter of a balanced production? The pop sensabilities in the song writing? (It wasn't that awful hair of the singers was it? Perms never made a comeback from what I know....)

Like to me I hear a LOT of different influences on this record more so than any other Dev attempt. Such as the final lines in the verses of "Universe in a Ball" has a VERY distinct Grotus feel to them with the high-rate chorus/delay effect on the vocals (also see "Clean" and "Complications" off the brilliant Slow Motion Apcoalypse) or the various nods to the Young Gods's ambient tracks throughout....but the Nickelback thing I'm just not seeing....so hopefully Dev, you can break it down a little for us how Nickelback was an influence on this record...
#229116 by Abydost
Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:02 am
drukore wrote:I am curious though....if Dev feels like responding to this..

I read several spots about how Nickelback's "Dark Horse" was an influence on this record. Now beings that I'm not a fan of Nickeback's work (albeit they are good at the formula they have and the music they produce) I can't say nor figure out which aspects of them were the bigger influence on "Addicted".

Was it a matter of a balanced production? The pop sensabilities in the song writing? (It wasn't that awful hair of the singers was it? Perms never made a comeback from what I know....)

Like to me I hear a LOT of different influences on this record more so than any other Dev attempt. Such as the final lines in the verses of "Universe in a Ball" has a VERY distinct Grotus feel to them with the high-rate chorus/delay effect on the vocals (also see "Clean" and "Complications" off the brilliant Slow Motion Apcoalypse) or the various nods to the Young Gods's ambient tracks throughout....but the Nickelback thing I'm just not seeing....so hopefully Dev, you can break it down a little for us how Nickelback was an influence on this record...

It was the production of the album that sounded like a spaceship.
#229135 by drukore
Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:07 pm
Abydost wrote:
drukore wrote:I am curious though....if Dev feels like responding to this..

I read several spots about how Nickelback's "Dark Horse" was an influence on this record. Now beings that I'm not a fan of Nickeback's work (albeit they are good at the formula they have and the music they produce) I can't say nor figure out which aspects of them were the bigger influence on "Addicted".

Was it a matter of a balanced production? The pop sensabilities in the song writing? (It wasn't that awful hair of the singers was it? Perms never made a comeback from what I know....)

Like to me I hear a LOT of different influences on this record more so than any other Dev attempt. Such as the final lines in the verses of "Universe in a Ball" has a VERY distinct Grotus feel to them with the high-rate chorus/delay effect on the vocals (also see "Clean" and "Complications" off the brilliant Slow Motion Apcoalypse) or the various nods to the Young Gods's ambient tracks throughout....but the Nickelback thing I'm just not seeing....so hopefully Dev, you can break it down a little for us how Nickelback was an influence on this record...

It was the production of the album that sounded like a spaceship.

Hey thanks Dev! Wait...you're not Dev! :furious:
#229137 by swervedriver
Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:30 pm
The Dev wrote:
drukore wrote:I am curious though....if Dev feels like responding to this..

I read several spots about how Nickelback's "Dark Horse" was an influence on this record. Now beings that I'm not a fan of Nickeback's work (albeit they are good at the formula they have and the music they produce) I can't say nor figure out which aspects of them were the bigger influence on "Addicted".

Was it a matter of a balanced production? The pop sensabilities in the song writing? (It wasn't that awful hair of the singers was it? Perms never made a comeback from what I know....)

Like to me I hear a LOT of different influences on this record more so than any other Dev attempt. Such as the final lines in the verses of "Universe in a Ball" has a VERY distinct Grotus feel to them with the high-rate chorus/delay effect on the vocals (also see "Clean" and "Complications" off the brilliant Slow Motion Apcoalypse) or the various nods to the Young Gods's ambient tracks throughout....but the Nickelback thing I'm just not seeing....so hopefully Dev, you can break it down a little for us how Nickelback was an influence on this record...

It was the production of the album that sounded like a spaceship.

Is this better?

Dev mentioned this fact several times during the making of Addicted and it has appeared in several interviews. I think you can trust Abydost's response on this one.
#258579 by lokasenna
Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:38 pm
...alright. I'm going to ask, because I can't find the answer anywhere. It's a triviality, but honestly, it's the little things that drive me the craziest.

The background verse in between these two lines:

"OM! OM! OM! OM!

Devin, what is it that you're singing in the background here?

Oh, let's go... 'I will not choose I will not know control!'"

I suspect "Who's afraid of chaos?" but then again, my hearing sucks and at different times I've heard all sorts of weird lines that make little or no sense, ("Who's your friend of chaos?" "Who's your lord of chaos?")

Help a guy out? It's kind of making me a little batty here.

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