Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250304 by ben802
Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:22 am
I'd been looking foward to this cocert for a long time! First time I saw Devin Townsend was when he was opening for BTBAM in Boston at the house of blues in January. Needless to say, Dev is amazing live! His voice is by far one of the most unique, amazing, and versatile. I love how funny the man is and how he really likes to interact with his audience. During the "Ki jam/Deep Peace" Dev asked for complete silence and there was one dude who kept shouting things like "FUCKK!! and PLAY SYL!!" The audience would immediatley shut him down for it though. Dev still was nice about it and said something along the lines of "SYL was true to it self and is one of my all time favorite metal bands. But I now have a kid, I've quite drugs and alcohol and I would be a complete poser if I were to go back into SYL" Everyone cheered in respect for Dev. Absolutley awesome!The band was tight as well and I love them! The balance to me seemed overall pretty good. The only thing I noticed was that the guitar in the beginning of Addicted! seemed to keep cutting out in the beginning of it. Ever since I started going to these small venues for loud music I have started to bring hearing protection. I kept my ear buds in most of the concert to protect my ears as well as be able to hear more of what was going on in the mix. I did take my buds out everynow and then to see what it was like without them. After about 4 or 5 minutes it got so loud that I had to put them back in haha. I guess thats what you get for putting loud bands into small echo chambers like the palladium. I loved the opening band as well. They reminded me of Meshuggah with a really melodic singer as well as having somewhat of a slight hardcore element to them as well! The crowd kicked ass too. Typical sweaty dudes (and some gals too!) jumping all over everyone and not being able to keep my arms to my side since I was literally sadwiched by 5 to 6 people at a time. At one point Dev took a quick break and he and his crew started handing out water to everyone cause it was so damn hot. That was truly awesome! Hopefully Dev will tour again in the future and bring along that chorus thats been talking about!
#250333 by Hatredcopter
Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:59 pm
So was anyone here one of the people who went on stage for "Bend It Like Bender"? I think there were two dudes and three (maybe four) girls.

Also, for those who are interested I recorded audio at this Worcester show, which you can download below. You'll notice there are a couple other Devy recordings I have up. Enjoy!



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