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#250631 by hamm
Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:58 pm
wyldweasil wrote:Image

awesome, so Ham from the ESP board did where his bender costume! he's worn that to several comic cons and what not, and he's gotten on the news with it. awesome!


Hey Weasil! the dev show in san diego was killer! and yes if anyone was courious I was sweating my ass off in that bender suit :lol:
#250635 by wyldweasil
Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:49 pm
hamm wrote:
wyldweasil wrote:Image

awesome, so Ham from the ESP board did where his bender costume! he's worn that to several comic cons and what not, and he's gotten on the news with it. awesome!


Hey Weasil! the dev show in san diego was killer! and yes if anyone was courious I was sweating my ass off in that bender suit :lol:

what's up Hamm!

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