Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250488 by Mikey
Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:09 pm
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at the London Music Hall in London, ON?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#250527 by Matt08642
Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:31 pm
Holy SHIT.

First time I have seen Devin live, and I was fuckin' blown away.

The pre-show meet and greet was amazing, Dev played Coast, Ih-Ah, and some others, and answered tons of questions. Afterwards, almost everyone got stuff signed and got a pic with Devin.

After that, there was both the openers, neither of which I am a huge fan of, but they both had great energy.

Once Devin came on the whole place went crazy, and from that point onwards it was pretty much a barrage of awesome.

Setlist was something like this:

By Your Command
Deep Peace
Color Your World
The Greys

No idea about the order, haha.

Dev needs to come back to London, cause after this I guarantee I will be at any of his shows I can!!

Thanks for the great show!!

#250545 by Antiyou
Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:40 am
VIP was awesome. Dev told a story about giving so many interviews in a day that he had to try to make the same points over and over seem fresh and interesting. I got the distinct feeling that as he was telling the story, he was living it.

Goddamn, I can't believe how many idiots have no idea how to turn off the stupid fucking photo-snap sound on their phones.

Tesseract were pretty good. I called them "Between the Buried and Meshuggah". The singer was to emo.

Dev's voice seemed shaky in the VIP session but he absolutely nailed it during the show; even extending some of the shrieks in Deadhead. I wasn't a huge fan of the setlist but that's one of those things that will never totally satisfy me.

I thought the sound was kind of muddy during the show. You could hardly hear Dev's guitar in "By You Command". Sometimes his vocals dropped in volume as well.

Overall, it was a great night because it was a Dev show.
#250547 by ultimatecoffee
Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:59 am
Matt08642 wrote:Holy SHIT.

First time I have seen Devin live, and I was fuckin' blown away.

The pre-show meet and greet was amazing, Dev played Coast, Ih-Ah, and some others, and answered tons of questions. Afterwards, almost everyone got stuff signed and got a pic with Devin.

After that, there was both the openers, neither of which I am a huge fan of, but they both had great energy.

Once Devin came on the whole place went crazy, and from that point onwards it was pretty much a barrage of awesome.

Setlist was something like this:

By Your Command
Deep Peace
Color Your World
The Greys

No idea about the order, haha.

Dev needs to come back to London, cause after this I guarantee I will be at any of his shows I can!!

Thanks for the great show!!


you look ripped d00d! :lol: i'm really excited for the show tonight in cleveland. a 2.5 hour drive to see dev headline is better than driving 4 hours to detroit to see him open for BTBAM and play a 45 min. set, which was still worth the drive.
#250649 by mcivak
Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:42 am
long time fan.

saw the Toronto show the night before, but had VIP to london show.

vip was the most amazing concert/musical experience i have ever had. hands down. boom...the peak. dev serenaded us with coast, ih-ah, solar winds, and another one from ki i don't recall the name of now...and maybe one or two others. while we sat back on couches, some on the floor, dev strummed and sand these tunes while engaging us by walking and moving around...WHAT A PERFORMER! so, with the best part of my life wrapped up the rest of the show...

was good. the sound in london was WAY better than toronto...WAYYYYY.... unfortunately a speaker blew in the right side PA system...if you moved to the left side of the room you couldn't hear it.

KINGDOM IS THE BEST LIVE SONG EVER!!! DEV - more physicist!! I would have had Dev's guitar a tad louder.

hearing ziltoid live was amazing for me...and also life and truth from OM and Infinity.

this night is a must for any devy fan.
#250673 by zebulon
Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:06 pm
my son turned me on to Dev a couple of years ago.... was SO looking forward to seeing him but unfortunately family responsibilities intruded.... damn... please come back to London Dev!!
#250728 by longtimedevinite
Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:25 pm
Was at the meet 'n' greet too. That was awesome. He played Lady Helen last, which was great. I love that song. Got video of the songs. Tried to get some at the concert, but my memory card was full :cry:
Got stuff signed and a pic with the man.

Thought the show was epic as well. Wish he'd played longer! I could have done another hour easy.

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