Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250308 by Billbo
Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:49 am
ajk5132 wrote:To start, the opening bands were really entertaining. the Kesseract was really out there, and really a great energy. Periphery was a half hour metal guitargasm. wow.

Then came Dev.
by your Command

then he announced billy lockharte's birthday (billy i was standing one person over to your right and up a little... i celebrated with you, hahah)

he tells that he's going to play a song because someone has been emailing him about it so much.

Earth day
bad Devil

then he took a break so the band could take a poo

Color your world
The greys
Deep Peace

then i waited afterwards and my friends and i met the whole band briefly while we waited for Dev at the bar. then he came out and hung for a bit with those who waited. we gave him our ridiculous band demo that we've been doing since 2004 as a hilarious outlet of our talents and senses of humor. it's an epic tale of a goat who has to destroy the evil horse empire. yeah, when i found ziltoid, i thought immediately of how it reminded me of chorizo (our band). i asked him to produce for us! hahahah :lol: then he hung with us and took a few pictures with us.

i know everyone knows this already, but, as nice as everyone says he is, and as nice as he seems in interviews... he's nicer. humble, down to earth, and a class act. wish i coulda hung for a bit more.

it was simply the best show i've ever been to. best performance. best venue sound. most intimate audience. best after show experience. and i got to meet the Dev. i wonder if he'll listen to our demo?

thanks for celebrating with me dude! it was an amazing surprise for an awesome night. he really is so nice and humble.
#250417 by catharsis
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:04 am
all i can say is why would you ever need more than 1, maybe 2 things signed by the same person? bring a FEW of your favorite albums, 1 DTB, 1 strapping, 1 DTP to encompass all his work should surely be more than enough? like everyone said, i don't think anyone thinks you're a horrible person and dev was really pissed off about it. just, what's the point of getting everything you've ever owned signed? why go through all the trouble? you said something about getting 75 things signed by another band? jesus christ dude, you just need to relax.
#250419 by catharsis
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:06 am
SyntheticBreed wrote:I asked him about the DTP box set details.

did he say anything more concrete about what type of material will be on the box set, and how many discs?
#250432 by SyntheticBreed
Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:06 am
Looks like 8 discs. Pro tools shit, b-sides, the works. Around 50.00, cant wait!

I'm fucking stoked about it, and my collection rocks! All of Dev's works of art signed by the artist himself. Fucking incredible. :wink:
#250618 by ajk5132
Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:56 pm
angusruler wrote:i was waiting after the show, hoping to run into ryan. i have a pic of the accelerated evolution album cover, and was hoping he'd sign it. dev, brian, and dave had signed it the night before at Jaxx. i felt a tap on my shoulder....i turned around...and guess was ryan! he asked if i would take some pics of dtp, tesseract, and periphery. of course i said yes! but, only if he would sign my pic first! he asked my name, signed my pic, and shook my hand.i haven't met a whole lot of professional musicians, but, the dtp boys couldn't have been more nice or gracious. they've got two fans for life, my son and i. dev also wore my son's hat during the show, and made his day! i hope to see them many more, dave, brian, and ryan, thanks very much.

HEY! i was waiting at the bar with my two friends chatting with your son! it was nice meeting you and your son. you guys seemed like some really genuine gentlemen. thanks for the good times while we waited!

also, i'd like to point out how retarded it is that a concert review ended up being turned into a bunch of assholes randomly bashing a devin fan for getting shit signed. if devin thought it was weird he wouldn't have signed it all. you guys just need to calm down and mind your business. we're all dev fans here. some of us lead different lives. some of us have an interest in collecting, some of us just want to go see a good show. i brought nothing for dev to sign, but if brought my whole collection, and i had it with me, i don't see why i wouldn't have wanted them signed. especially if dev had the time. now, be human beings and get along. your acting like a bunch of ignorant metal heads.

The concert was Phenomenal, (to get back on track) and there's (not sure if i'm alowed to shar this info) some well shot video footage of this show, with very good sound quality. it's on youtube if you search for devin townsend west chester.
#250710 by Quaid
Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:18 am
Mcreevy wrote:Is Mark Cimino still touring with Devin, or did he just play those New York shows?

I think he just hopped on the tour bus for NYC, Worcester, Oneonta, and Hartford. Dev mentioned in Hartford that it was his last show.

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