Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#323589 by Octillus
Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:54 am
Were you the one punching me in the kidneys during The Devin Townsend Project show at Webster Hall in Manhattan?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!

#323590 by Octillus
Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:06 am
Not to be so sour up top - but that was really the most violent moshing I've been subjected to at a DTP show. There were a lot of kids trying to get violent at the front of the crowd - rather than participate with the pit in the middle - I was with my girlfriend, a tiny person, and people were aggressively leaping up to crowd surf at inappropriate times and constantly being skewed in our direction. On the left of me there were 4 other girls who were all small, and frankly trying to enjoy the show while avoiding cheap punches, kicks, and elbows.

None of these kids knew how to mosh properly, so I absorbed a lot of it. And then at a certain point, I had to get a bit aggressive with them myself, not something I'm normally proud of doing - but after you take a few crowdsurfing boots to the face, you kinda lose your nerve. We left right after DTP - never been a huge AAL fan, but I had NO interest putting up with that through another set, especially through the jazz noodling hour.

Anyway it's nice to see some diversity in the genre, but if I never had to see Monuments again I'd be perfectly okay with that. I feel like I woke up in 2003 or something.

Dev's set was pretty decent, though there were no surprises.

Midnight Sun
A New Reign
March of the Poozers
Ziltoidian Empire
(about where the show became hard for me to enjoy anymore)
Bad Devil
Ziltoid Goes Home

A New Reign was fantastic and by far the heaviest song of the night and I'm not talking in terms of speed - I love this song on the album, but man oh man is it a weary dirge of sadness. Ziltoid Goes Home is definitely a burner - I dig it.

Ziltoidian Empire... doesn't fare so well. It's very impressive to be seen played live, but I have no tether to it while watching it live, and I think the set would've been better served by like, Deathray or another Sky Blue song. I guess because the tour is with Animals as Leaders? Who knows.

Excuse me while I go grab some ice.
#323592 by swervedriver
Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:44 am
Thanks for putting up the topic dude. Here's a pic of Dev's ass.


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