Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#249564 by Mikey
Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:06 pm
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at Ramona Mainstage in San Diego, CA?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#249565 by asuss06
Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:15 pm
Fantastic Show!!! the VIP thing was so great and felt like we were sitting around with an old friend. funny, informative and great to hear his softer side.
Show was great, but when is Dev not great? Warm-up bands didnt impress me much, but whatever. forgot my camera at home so no pix, but its all im my head forever now. Gene was there too, supporting his "brother".
Wish i could see him again tonight!!!
#249579 by chloe
Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:46 pm
the VIP show was just mindblowing. hearing coast, terminal, and ih-ah up close and acoustic was incredible. his so-called disengaging banter was plenty engaging. i'm always amazed at how charming (to me, at least) and totally gracious he is.
the show itself was fantastic. addicted, supercrush (amazing as always), deadhead, pixellate, color your world, the greys... ouch, my heart... i told him before the show that he has a habit of playing my favorite songs every time i see him live and he did not disappoint (then again, how could he?)
devin's at the top of his game, and it's great to see him at such peace with performing.

our pics
"meek" dev
"mutual boredom"
yes, you're seeing this correctly

just an amazing show. i consistently am at a loss for words when it comes to seeing devin live. the VIP show alone was worth the $60... but hell, i could never put a price on the chance to see dev.
#249581 by Sam-I-Am
Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:38 pm
Hey guys...finally able to put faces to a couple of names on here. Chloe - we didn't speak but, thanks to the pics you've posted, I remember seeing you. Asuss - you and your wife sat next to my husband and me for Tesseract.

So. The show was terrific from Tesseract on for me. Hands down, my favourite part though, was the VIP bit at the beginning. It was so nice to see Dev be exactly the gracious and down to earth dude I've always imagined him to be. Loved how he greeted us as we came in..."hi, I'm Devin, what's your name?" I mean, really? How unassuming is THAT? It was awesome to hear Terminal in person from 3 feet away...that was the highlight of the music for me in that bit.

The openers. Well. Wither was fine in the beginning - I've always liked the Sisters of Mercy and their first bit was definitely in that vein. However, it did drone on a bit...OK, a lot...and by the end of their set I was bored and reading a novel on the kindle on my iPhone. Thanks I'm sure to the bright spark sitting behind me who heckled them to make their last song 'a short one, please', the sound guy PLAYED THEIR SET OVER while they tore down and Tesseract got set up. UGH. I'll find ya yellow shirt guy...kidding. No sense of humour it would seem because the remark WAS funny...and there is a limit to how long we wanted to listen to a band with THREE guitars (yes, plus bass) and NO drums. Very odd.

Tesseract was a nice surprise for me. Having had my head in the sand since starting going from 24 hrs a week to 60 with a new job at the beginning of the year, I've missed out on anything new or noteworthy. Had no clue who was supporting Dev on this tour until I arrived at the show and until they took the stage, didn't realise that the van we had passed on the way into Ramona was full of Tesseract and their stuff. I hadn't heard of them before and was all set to keep reading my kindle...and then they started. I found them to be thoroughly entertaining - bought the album on iTunes on the way home, even. For those who have not heard them, they are on YouTube. Check 'em out.

So, yeah...then we were treated to the set up music for Mr. Townsend. Oh. My. God. That was hilarious! Ziltoid is now a top 40 pop radio DJ in case anyone has been wondering what he has been up to since trying to get our finest bean. Barbie World...Single get the idea. Watching metal heads bopping around to this stuff was...well...a hell of a lot more entertaining than the first band had been. Dev has just the best sense of humour.

So, his show starts and he sees Bender standing in front of the stage...and we were treated to a dancing Bender (yeah, a dude in a Bender suit) for a bit. There wasn't a dull moment from start to finish - the man is an amazing showman and obviously loves being up there. The finish was really special to me, though. I love Deep Peace and that section of Baroquey guitar solo in it stops me in my tracks whenever I hear it. To hear it played flawlessly, note for note, beat for beat, though. Well, I am not a musician and cannot fathom how someone can pull off something like that. For me, it was perfection.

Devin, thank you for what was probably the most fun 6 hrs I have had in a long time. Well worth the 4 hrs of driving that day! I only wish I could see the show again before the end of the tour. :D
#249594 by ynotgeetar
Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:05 am
Well It's my turn...
This show has to be the best one so far. I've seen Devin 4 times now and just wow!!! Thew wife was on a mission (see last pic) and mission accomplished.

On with the pictures and Devin If you see this, the offer still stands when you guys come back to San Diego!!!

Here's The rock star moment during the VIP.
After the acoustic set.
And you can't forget about this guy!!!
And let's hear it for DAVE YOUNG!!!!!! Can you hear the cheering!!!
Made sure this one was drinking to keep a level head!!!
On with the show....
Well lookie here!!!
Coming off the stage..
And on the TABLE!!!!
Proof that ZILTOID was here!
After the show pic's...
A Couple of goodies!!!
There's more pic's but these speak the 1000 words!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Last edited by ynotgeetar on Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#249658 by Zion
Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:59 pm
First time seeing will never be forgotten. So much energy.

Wither drummer, singer(s) were not very good. Music was ok, but nothing to add to a collection. Made fun of once by the crowd...and it was funny. Crowd not real into them with the exception of a few die hard fans.

Tesseract, reminded me of Meshuggah with a singer that sings instead of growls. Was impressed, and have the desire to look into them more. Seemed like nice guys as well. Crowd for the most part was into them...quite a bit of energy.

The videos just don't give Devin enough cred....He came out and it was solid energy from start to finish. He played great, sounded great, was funny with witty comments, enjoyed the crowd and they loved him. I ask myself how the hell this guy isn't huge. I keep thinking he will be. But glad he entertains like he doesn't care if he is or not.

I walked in to get a drink, he walks up and gets spaghetti...totally cool down to earth dude. It was like a VIP moment not paying for it. I didn't say anything never know if he's gonna say shut the F up, or how ya doin thanks for coming.

Bender was a fan that came took pics with people and then got to jam on stage. Lucky. Did a good job too. Then Dev sings his ass off...which no camera can really do justice. I mean I hear the video and think was like 100 times better than what it is playing for people who weren't there. I took my wife who was totally out of place, and she actually liked it. I was weak cause I just sat at a table to take it all in.

Hoglan was there takin pics and watching the that was a plus to see. Except he walks like he should be in a wheelchair all slow, but he drums like he's fred flinstone driving his car with a bass pedal underneath.

For the first time ever seeing was totally impressive, better than most concerts, totally professional in an entertaining fashion. The fans suprisingly looked like they came from as many backgrounds as you can think of. Even saw some younger kids there with parents...kind of nice to see that too. All I can really sum it up with is energy, fun, and excellent musicianship. IT WAS the shit.
#249687 by Biert
Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:20 am
Love the toupee mate :P

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