Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250123 by Mikey
Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:59 pm
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at the Gramercy Theatre in New York, NY?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#250174 by darkmatter762
Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:58 am
Have been listening to Devin for about 14 years I guess; since Steve Vai's Sex & Religion CD. Got myself Heavy as a Really Heavy thing and have been hooked ever since!
This was my first live Devin Gig and it was amazing.
Did the VIP thing which was SO worth it. As others have said, he was a very gracious host and it was just like sitting in his living room chilling out with him and chatting about whatever. Loved it. he seemed so appreciative of all of us and our support which was awesome. Didn't have anything on me to sign, so I got him to sign my ticket. Hats off to the guy from Finland who brought Dev some of their "finest bean"!

First band were ok, not that good.

Second band TesseracT, from my homeland of England, were awesome I thought and after their set I went down to pick up their EP Concealing Fate which I listened to on the way into work this morning and really like.

When Devin hit the stage the crowd went nuts. I was so glad that he had what seemed like a full house as I'd been reading reviews of previous gigs that maybe hadn't been as good as Devin would have liked. But there was a lot of energy in the crowd. He played a LOT of Ziltoid which was amazing; wondered if that had anything to do with VIP session b4 hand where lots of people asked him about Ziltoid. He also played my fav track Gaia from Synchestra, so thought the set was amazing.

Can't wait for him to come back to NYC!
#250192 by Topcat
Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:13 am
Here's a couple pics from the show...

Me, my girlfriend, and Dev

The acoustic show

The actual show
Last edited by Topcat on Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#250206 by spocks_brow
Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:28 pm
One of my Top 5 shows ever.
Last night was seriously the happiest show I've ever been to.

VIP was awesome. Dev really is the most humble musician I've ever met. And it really did smell like poop in random spots in that theatre.

I really liked Tesseract and ended up buying the CD. Good stuff.

I was talking to the hot dog kid outside before the show, and he said that if Dev even pointed to him he'd be happy. You could tell he was awestruck when he got pulled up on stage. I've never seen so many prog nerds dancing in one spot before (including me :mrgreen: )

BTW, someone took a picture of me and Dev since my phone didn't have flash and said they'd send it to me. Was that you Topcat?
#250211 by darkmatter762
Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:21 pm
Hey Spock, did you say you were thedrummer on Facebook? If so, that might have been me and my wife. She took the photo of you n dev and him signing your CD? If that's you then we'll get that to you asap. If not, then ignore everything I just said :)
#250212 by royvis
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:34 pm
Great show, and my first live Dev experience!
The set list was pretty much the same as other shows, EXCEPT for the addition of "Bend it Like Bender", which was played in honor of his good friend from Long Island, who joined him on stage to perform the song. I think he said this was the first time he played it this tour.
#250213 by spocks_brow
Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:48 pm
darkmatter762 wrote:Hey Spock, did you say you were thedrummer on Facebook? If so, that might have been me and my wife. She took the photo of you n dev and him signing your CD? If that's you then we'll get that to you asap. If not, then ignore everything I just said :)

Yep thats me! Thanks man
#250214 by GKnight
Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:33 pm
royvis wrote:Great show, and my first live Dev experience!
The set list was pretty much the same as other shows, EXCEPT for the addition of "Bend it Like Bender", which was played in honor of his good friend from Long Island, who joined him on stage to perform the song. I think he said this was the first time he played it this tour.

That was Mark Cimino, who also played guitars on the Addicted album, I knew he looked familiar, he's the guy with the guitar behind Devin on the promo posters for Addicted.


I'm pretty sure Devin said this was the first time ever they played Bender live! I don't remember the Long Island part, but he said they knew each other from LA or something where they used to do things that would nowadays be considered gay... or something like that :lol:

Speaking of the setlist, did anyone record the exact setlist? I'm pretty sure there were a couple of changes from what was posted here before, obviously the addition of Bender, but I think something else was changed. I'm getting old and can't remember what exactly he played...

Great gig BTW, the sound was a bit rough but great otherwise. Didn't go to the VIP part unfortunately.

Edit: found a video of Bender on Youtube complete with the "hot dog guy" and some girl who also climbed onstage:

You're right, he did say he's from Long Island ;)

He also said before the song, "unfortunately we don't have Anneke here but"... and I thought he would say "but we have a guest female singer" but instead he continued, "I have her singing on tape" :lol:
#250233 by twentyjunious
Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:46 am
Nah, not the first time live. He played it for us in Aus as a closer and Beav sang as he said he wanted to finish the show on a fun note. But its a great song for live. Turns a mosh pit into a big dance pit :D Awesome
#250251 by wyldweasil
Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:31 pm
Don't think I can say anything anyone else hasn't said before in this thread.
The sound was amazing and on fire. The bass drops shook the building. I am very proud to call myself a Dev fan after this show! here's some pics

Here's a pic of Mark:

great show, hung out with a bunch of friends who traveled in for the show, as did I, great times. Thanx to dev for giving us a reason to unite!
Going to be very hard to top this appearance!

see you in hartford, I got VIP!

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