Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250204 by Mikey
Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:39 am
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at The Palladium in Worcester, MA?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#250207 by life93
Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:32 pm
Amazing show last night. The upstairs was pretty packed by the time Devin came on, I was talking to the security guard before hand and said they were about 90 tickets away from selling out, not counting the people who bought tickets at the door. Devin and the band seemed to be having alot of fun. Anyway here is the setlist:

By your Command
Black Devil
Bend it like bender
Colour your World
The Greys
Instrumental Jam/Deep Peace
#250242 by davebmetal
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:13 am
I have to say this was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Dev truly knows how to put on a show. He was all smiles up there. Awesome time and the crowd was really into it. I didn't know there was this many Dev fans in my area. Tesseract impressed me as well.

Does anyone know if they were going to do another encore? It looked like they were about to come back on stage but the security guy came up there a few minutes later and said the show was over. My brother seems to think that some dick in the audience did something to ruin it. Can anyone confirm?

Anyway, what a great time.
#250243 by vaijuju
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:18 am
life93 wrote:Amazing show last night. The upstairs was pretty packed by the time Devin came on, I was talking to the security guard before hand and said they were about 90 tickets away from selling out, not counting the people who bought tickets at the door. Devin and the band seemed to be having alot of fun. Anyway here is the setlist:

By your Command
Black Devil
Bend it like bender
Colour your World
The Greys
Instrumental Jam/Deep Peace

Whooaa! great setlist!
#250245 by Sumwun
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:35 am
Great show!

Was up stairs by the wall looking down into the stage. I didn't expect to see Dev in a suit, but he was rocking Doc's, It seemed. Saved Street cred imo :wink:
Interaction with the crowd was awesome! Dev, was in fist bumping between chords, letting people rub his sweaty head, and just generally making eye contact with his fans. He took a few on stage, made them dance like fools and all had a good laugh. One spunky girl asked if we were better than New York. Dev had a good laugh and avoided answering the question like a true politician! There was a brief mini-break at one point in the show, i mean.. fast. But, It was awesome of the crew to come out with bottled water and hand a good amount off to the fans up front in the pit. Shit like that is what makes this guy so awesome.


The music.

My location made it a little hard to hear the full spectrum of sound. But, the drums were great. Dev's voice was great, really great. I had a hard time hearing his guitar when he went on lead runs but I was ably to watch it. Bass and rhythm were on, making it a very tight show. I tried to get Planet Smasher played, I failed. Next time I will bring a sign!

Great show! Great time!
Thanks Dev!
#250246 by Sumwun
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:36 am
davebmetal wrote:
Does anyone know if they were going to do another encore? It looked like they were about to come back on stage but the security guy came up there a few minutes later and said the show was over. My brother seems to think that some dick in the audience did something to ruin it. Can anyone confirm?

Anyway, what a great time.

I read on twitter he was on Skype with his Family and Apologized.
#250247 by jburde
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:58 am
Most intense show I've ever been to; I think it was sold out, tiny club packed with 250 or so people, it was the size of a place my band would play. Devin was all smiles, most charismatic musician I've ever seen play, a TRUE performer!(it's not hard to see that he truly loves doing what he does) Even the crowd was great, I cpuld feel the love in the air. Guitars kept cutting out sometimes though, not sure if it was the Palladium or something with the equipment...? Maaaaany memorable quotes from the show... "Yankees suck!" "Take it off!!!" (yes, we got Dev to strip for us :-P) I felt like people were being disrespectful though, he asked for silence for the mellow jam and people in the back kept yelling, but Dev got through like a champ.

I wish I had gotten his attention also, especially before Bender, it was my friend's birthday! Overall, it was an amazing show, with a great supporting act.
#250248 by Quaid
Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:24 am
I was the dude who yelled, "BEND IT LIKE BENDER!!!!!" and Devin said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the guy who yells!"
I felt like a total ass. My bad, Dev (if you read these forums).

I was at NYC and Worcester. They were both fucking amazing. Neither was better than the other. He's such a great performer. I love his solo material so much and I'm thrilled that he gets to do this headlining tour without having to play SYL material in order to sell tickets (I like SYL a lot, but like Devin, I'm getting older).

The only song I've never heard him play live that I REALLY want to hear is Depth Charge. Maybe I'll get my wish tomorrow in Hartford. I got VIP tix for that show and I'm REALLY stoked. The Webster is an absolute shithole, but Devin WILL make it awesome.

Tesseract was REALLY good. I will definitely pay attention to them from now on.
#250250 by wyldweasil
Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:24 pm
Quaid wrote:I
I was at NYC and Worcester. They were both fucking amazing. Neither was better than the other.

gonna have to disagree with you, the sound was pretty bad at Worcester, not Dev's fault, more of the Palladium's for having that cheap PA up stairs. When a bass drop hit in NY, it felt like the building was shaken to it's foundation, when a bass drop hit in the palladium it sounded like the PA was farting out.
I guess that's the downfall of having good equipment, it doesn't matter how great your gear is, if you are running direct through a shitty PA, it can only sound so good.

Overall, i liked the show, just wasn't as energetic as the NYC show.
Not trying to be a buzzkill, I was just really bummed about the PA and the place being cramped. I think they oversold it.

he played great (we'll pretend that deadhead thing didn't happen...)

looking forward to Hartford!
#250252 by t man
Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:12 pm
wyldweasil wrote:
Quaid wrote:I
I was at NYC and Worcester. They were both fucking amazing. Neither was better than the other.

gonna have to disagree with you, the sound was pretty bad at Worcester, not Dev's fault, more of the Palladium's for having that cheap PA up stairs. When a bass drop hit in NY, it felt like the building was shaken to it's foundation, when a bass drop hit in the palladium it sounded like the PA was farting out.
I guess that's the downfall of having good equipment, it doesn't matter how great your gear is, if you are running direct through a shitty PA, it can only sound so good.

I think it was more to do with where I was (directly in front of Devin) but there were times where I could barely hear the guitars or singing. Didn't bother me too much because being right up there was really fun and made up for it, but that's pretty much my only complaint of the show. I'm pretty sure Devin said something like "Next time we'll get the real palladium" or something like that.

he played great (we'll pretend that deadhead thing didn't happen...)

Yeah I was wondering if anyone else noticed that...

Got to meet Devin outside after the show, it was quite a wait but it was worth it! Didn't really chat because it was about midnight and I'm pretty shy, but he was very kind and just meeting him was amazing.

Other than that my opinion of the show is pretty much the same as jburde's.
#250261 by wyldweasil
Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:48 pm
Yeah, I wasn't trying to crap on anyone's experience, i was kinda not happy we got jibbed on how amazing the show could've sounded. With the amount of people in there, i'm surpirsed they didn't just move the show into the big room, it's not like it was in use.

I hate it when Venues do this side show stuff, because it's never the full on show you paid to see. If i was going to see a hardcore band, I'd understand, but the venue should've been better equipped for proper musicians considering all the shows they host.
But then again I did see them once mic a Bass cab with an SM57...
#250262 by jconwell821
Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:59 pm
Gotta agree with everyone, Devin was great last night. Also, I agree the Palladium's PA was pretty crap-tastic. I was upstairs and had trouble hearing the vocals and some of Devin's leads during some parts of the show. Other then the cramped feeling and the crappy PA the show was fantastic (first time I've got to see Devin Live) and lived up to all the hype from a few friends. My only regrets are: 1: No Anneke, she adds so much to the songs on Addicted - but I can live with just Devin I suppose. 2: My buddy and I were hoping for Devin to play Vampira and go nuts on stage since it was so close to Halloween. Oh well

Great Show Devin and DTP!
#250285 by Love of Socks
Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:14 am
Sound in Worcester ranges from tolerable to so bad bands sound completely different when you see them the next night. You can tell what song is being played, shake your ass to it, and have a great time. However, in depth analysis will generally serve only to annoy In fifteen+ years of going there, the only fully audible band in either room I ever saw was Nightwish. It's fine by me for Devin because there's an automatic excuse to take in 2-3 gigs per tour. However, I can understand some people being frustrated.
#250303 by ben802
Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:37 am
twentyjunious wrote:hmmm should I ask? ...What was the deadhead thing?

during the part of the intro guitar part, dev played part of the melody like a half step off by accident. he laughed it off and got through it and made a couple of humorous "oops my bad, oh well" faces. its good to see he can have a sense of humor over that kind of thing. anyone who knows dev would love him for it anyway! i loved it cause deadhead to me is probobly one of the most moving songs ive ever heard.

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