Post your reviews, photos or videos of Dev's shows here! All tour dates included
#250321 by Mikey
Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:46 pm
Did you see the Devin Townsend Project at The Webster in Hartford, CT?

Please post your reviews, setlists, photos and video links here!


#250324 by Quaid
Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:13 pm
So I went to NYC, Worcester, and Hartford, but I only had the VIP package for Hartford. I have to say, that enhanced the concert so much. I probably had the most fun in NYC because the the PA was easily the best there, and the crowd was most nuts there, as well. I wish I could have gone to the VIP show at both of the other places, but alas...

First, we walked in and he shook everyone's hand as they walked in, which I thought was pretty classy. He prefaced the performance saying that they hadn't had a day off in a while and that his voice was essentially hamburger. He said that he'd sing the tunes softly and I really think that added an awesome vibe to them. The room was very dark and he was back-lit. The soft vocals with the echoing guitar was a mixture of haunting, peaceful, and relaxed. He performed a couple of acoustic tunes (the same he's been doing, Coast, Ih-Ah!, Sister) and answered questions and was very engaging. He told some great stories and gave some great insight into how his music comes to fruition and what his life is like. He also thanked us profusely for purchasing the VIP package and explained how it basically funded the tour. Then we got to take pictures, get stuff signed, and wish him good luck for the show! I can't say that I was star struck, because I don't really get that way, but I love his music so much, it almost felt like meeting an old friend for the first time.

I really enjoyed TesseracT again. I think we can expect great things from them. I wonder if Dev is maybe going to produce their full-length?
While they were playing, I got a picture with RVP and that was awesome, because I didn't get a chance to see him at the meet & greet. I told him he's one of my absolute favorite drummers (I'm a drummer) and he's right up there with Gavin Harrison for me.

Dev came out in that ridiculous green jacket and no pants for Halloween. It was great. I was right up front for pretty much the whole show. He played the same set-list he's been playing, and I'm TOTALLY ok with that. It's a great setlist. Even though the place wasn't as packed as I'd like to have seen, I have to give the Hartford folks props...they went adequately nuts for Devy. Everybody in the band was so professional considering Beav was sick, Dev had hamburger voice (yet he still sounded amazing), and Ryan's left pedal shit the bed. Total pros. Nice to see Marc Cimino again, too! The VIP enhanced the show so much. Occasionally Devy would make eye contact with me (he's awesome about that, BTW) and smile, probably because I know every word to every song. He did that with many people in the audience. You can tell that he's thrilled that he can be an artist that people love, without HAVING to be the skullet guy from SYL (I am also an SYL fan).

UGH! I'm on such a high right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Devin Townsend Project (and TesseracT). This was one of the best weekends of my life. Can't wait for Ghost and Decon! (and the subsequent tour!)

#250372 by wyldweasil
Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:43 am
awesome ^

since Alex(?) was right next to me, pretty pointless for me to post pics (by the way, thanx for taking the pic of me and the Dev!)
great show here though, was surprised it sounded as good as it did, def better than worcester, but yeah NY was the best. But this show had it's own character, and Dev and crew made it a special show, in it's small cramped space. Having this 3rd show with vip pass was a great thing and really wrapped the whole experience up quite well. Dev was very open and I have more respect for him now than I did before, I didn't even think it was possible!
I actually still haven't come down off seeing these shows yet.

I guess while I have the space, I'd like to Thank Dev and crew for doing this whole tour, it was more than that, in NYC it gave me a chance to reunite with friends and see a great show and head out on the town and have a great time afterwards. Without the show, none of them would've drove in from CT and Buffalo, so thanx on that just for giving us a reason to get together!
#250382 by Quaid
Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:31 am
Also, BIG props to Ryan for his work on the Ziltoid stuff. That stuff is NOT easy to play and he was a fucking machine on it.
#250421 by catharsis
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:14 am
it was a killer show. the best part was you could tell dev was just having a lot of fun and he looked a lot of fans in the eye and more or less said hi to them (even my wife, who wasn't THAT much into it ha). hey loveofsocks, was that you wearing the bunny hat or are you just making fun of the dude that wore it?
#250422 by catharsis
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:21 am
there was also a guy i chatted with for a few minutes and he took like 1000 pics of both the VIP and show so if you're on here, post that shit man. from what i saw, they came out great.
#250423 by wyldweasil
Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:25 am
Love of Socks wrote:I was right next to both of you and you never said hi! What do I have to do to be more inviting; wear a bunny hat?

hahahaha yeah! Right on!

there was also a guy i chatted with for a few minutes and he took like 1000 pics of both the VIP and show so if you're on here, post that shit man. from what i saw, they came out great.

yeah that was a very expensive cam, so i am expecting some great shots!
#250425 by Quaid
Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:59 am
I asked him if he'd be posting them and he said they'd go to his website. I said, "Oh you should totally post them to Dev's board too." He said he would.
#250427 by Love of Socks
Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:20 am
catharsis wrote: hey loveofsocks, was that you wearing the bunny hat or are you just making fun of the dude that wore it?

Making fun of him? That hat was handmade. The feel of the yarn suggests it would be a pain in the ass to work with but those stitches were fucking *tight*. Even though I suspect A commercially available pattern was used, it was originally designed for toddlers. Upsizing is a skill which eludes many knitters but that bad boy looked great!
What I was saying was even that dude's hat was friendly. A lot of big guys appear kind of mean. He looked like the sort who would cuddle you and your girlfriend out by the bus to keep you warm. Only vaguely intimidating aspect was he very clearly Knew People.
#250428 by wyldweasil
Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:49 am
He knew Dave on a name basis and carried on a convo with him about some John Deere liquor. I guess dude's got connections.

What was up with the oober nasty chick dancing horribly? It felt like there was an octopus behind me the whole night rubbing her sweaty tentacles on me.
#250429 by Quaid
Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:10 am
wyldweasil wrote:He knew Dave on a name basis and carried on a convo with him about some John Deere liquor. I guess dude's got connections.

What was up with the oober nasty chick dancing horribly? It felt like there was an octopus behind me the whole night rubbing her sweaty tentacles on me.

Yeah I think she might have raped me.
#250453 by Love of Socks
Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:17 pm
If you watched her closely, it was clear that her dancing was an extension of the music flowing through her body. Sure it's traditional at a Metal show for it to come out via pumping fists and flipping hair. However, the range of expression is going to grow as the scene does. Further, the girl is a lovely person. She has also supported Devin for years. Those gigs most people here "totally would've gone to but you know..." she found a way.
In general, Devy fans pretty good people. If one of us irritates you at a show enough to dump on people's happy reminscing with uncalled for, nasty, sad little comments then you need to speak up at the time of offense. So long as you phrased it nicely, the Bunnyside is a very accomodating area and would have welcomed her with open arms.

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