DTP boxsets galore!
#310536 by Pockets1777red
Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:31 am
Luna Moon wrote:If anyone's still looking for By A Thread, I just got mine from Amazon this week - so it must be out there now! It was from a secondary seller, or whatever, of course - but it's new and everything! Started it last night - can't wait to continue it tonight!!! Beautiful audio and visual production, I may say!

Actually, now it is almost completely sold out on all of the Amazon websites. There are a few left, but at "Almost Sold Out" prices of $150-$200!
#310665 by Seirenes
Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:11 am
Fun fact - as mentioned, bought off amazon Italy, it said it is "german" edition but the Addicted DVD menu doesn't work, so I have checked the .vob file framerate - and it's NTSC! Already sent the email to CM.
#310676 by Pockets1777red
Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:30 am
Seirenes wrote:Fun fact - as mentioned, bought off amazon Italy, it said it is "german" edition but the Addicted DVD menu doesn't work, so I have checked the .vob file framerate - and it's NTSC! Already sent the email to CM.

All of the boxsets are NTSC, by the way.
#311360 by goncalobcunha
Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:08 am
goncalobcunha wrote:Bought it now from amazon.de

Sh*t!! Received an email from amazon.de right now saying that it's not available. All these days waiting and now probably can't find it anywhere. Any suggestions for an European customer? :(
#314347 by Peasy
Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:24 am
Oh Noes, Im new to all this stuff - was this a limited edition or something?

I have "By a Thread" on spotify but I would like the real thing... I cant find it on the obvious sites except ebay and I dont have
#314514 by hasso
Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:35 am
Couldn't afford it in summer either. Now I have resources, but ... It's OK that I can't by a limited edition, but the fact that I can't buy any video edition at all any more is unacceptable. Living outside of old Europe is bad enough for me due to transport costs I pay for CDs/DVDs. Now this ... Really, really disappointed.
#315209 by cjb
Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:15 pm
im in the states and i bought the european version when i first heard that the usa ones were sold out. i have a multi regional dvd player so i figured it wouldnt matter, but the dvds all play in every player i have, so it appears it doesnt matter what version you buy. the dvds play in my ps3, my computer, my multiregional dvd player, i loaned them to my buddy and they played in his regular dvd player.
seems their really isnt an issue what region you buy.....
#315217 by Garrie
Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:55 am
Lettuce wrote:If you're wondering-

Meaning that chances of them reissuing are slim. So if you find it, snap it up.

Grand. Hope he becomes a global superstar and then I can sell it for my retirement fund!

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