Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#279229 by DevinJayLeibe
Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:49 pm
I can't help but notice my favourite musicians are all one man band type deals. Devin Townsend, Jon Crosby (VAST), Trent Reznor, Tom Shear (Assemblage 23) are some examples, where none of them have a 'set' band they write with. Maybe it's because the music is a lot more concentrated when unified by the same creative force (lyrics + instruments + vocals). I personally get the same feeling from Garm of Ulver and his other projects,Justin Broadrick, Steve Wilson and others even though they are more involved in 'recurring' bands. You would think a bigger pool of creativity = better stuff but it never seems to have the same focus as stuff spearheaded by one really creative individual. I guess an example for me would be Dream Theater; all great musicians but - personally for me - lacking that kind of depth of unity in all aspects of their music. Often the vocals and lyrics seem very disconnected from the music. Tool however I think are an example of a band that does pull it all together. Not saying DT is/was bad just... Not 'there' for me.

I hope you get what I mean and that it doesn't just sound like I'm talking out my butt. Just wondering, what are your thoughts and who else gives you the same vibe? Are there any bands that pull it off?
#279230 by stubear280
Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:59 pm
I understand what you're saying. I like a lot of one man projects, too. Or, at least projects where one person is the sole writer for instance:

John Zorn (doesn't play everything, most of the time, but writes it all)
Mike Patton's solo stuff. I.E. his soundtrack work
That One Guy (A very modern one man band)
Bill Laswell
Tom Waits (I'm pretty sure he writes mostly everything, I may be wrong)

I could keep going on. I just feel like one man projects give you a closer look as the musicians as people, it's a tad more personal that full bands.
#279236 by Bookwyrm83
Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:06 am
Keiji Haino
Steve Moore
Wrest (Leviathan, Lurker of Chalice, etc.)
Rev. Kriss Hades, who also has played solo, though I have seen him play with an ensemble band.
Ice Ages; even though Richard Lederer has corresponded with others for lyrics, he does everything else himself, even live (albeit for small crowds).
#279298 by Bookwyrm83
Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:32 am
Jari Mäenpää & Wintersun is worth mentioning, if only for the first album.

His yet to be released second album Time is probably the most ironically titled album ever.
#279301 by Faffy
Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:11 am
Arjen Lucassen!!

And lots of the other bands I listen to are mostly centered around one person:
Tuomas Holopainen (Nightwish), Amy Lee (Ev.), Daniel Gildenlöw (Pain of Salvation), ReVamp (Floor Jansen)... and of course Loreena McKennitt!
(yeah, I'm ignoring the man-part of this topic :P )
#279304 by Abydost
Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:06 am
Susanne Sundfør, Reso, Spor, Feed Me, Steven Wilson, Fredrik Thordendal... Can't really think of others that I'd call favourite.
Out of those listed, Steven's music feels most personal to me. Very thought/emotion-provoking.
#279342 by DevinJayLeibe
Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:40 am
I forgot a few there for sure. Bill Leeb, Front Line Assembly and Delerium another one, but there are tonnes of examples in silly electronic music. I think it's easier to take the music honestly if there's one person behind it because you know they're going to be generally putting their all into it. Cloudkicker is amazing :o the guy looks like such an everyday nerdy dude, but there's all that awesome music in him :O
#279373 by JuZ
Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:00 pm
kyl88 wrote:
mEh! wrote:Cloudkicker!

and umm.. Me..?

Adrian, is it? I really like your music! Very well done!

So much talent round here. :D

Just having a listen now. So... you're doing this at 17? :shock:

Well done! I like it a lot.

Back on topic, I'm gonna throw in one from left field... Prince. Yes he's gone loopy and Wendy & Lisa are highly regarded and excellent musicians in their own right, but he was one funky little bastard with an epic amount of talent and vision. Plays a shitload of instruments too (for example he's a much better drummer than Devin, who quite frankly sucks behind the kit).

Another non-metal person... Stevie Wonder. Played with fantastic musicians, but the music was his. And he's also a better drummer than Devin. :lol:

Ooh, speaking of drummers who also happen to be one-man music projects, Wally De Backer (aka Gotye) is another one.

There's definitely something to be said for an undiluted vision being realised by one person. And I think it's probably easier these days as you can create much of it yourself at home, rather than "needing" a band.
#279405 by fragility
Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:12 am
There is a certain element of cohesiveness etc that is unique to one man projects (and also for those bands where it's just the one creative force and the rest of the band are almost like session musicians)

Similarly though, there's something magical about the interplay of a band that works and that's something that can't be replicated by a one man project
#279417 by Meh
Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:28 am
Burzum....End thread.

More seriously, I like a lot of one-man bands as I listen to a lot of Black Metal and depressive/suicidal BM. Caina, Xasthur and Nortt also come to mind as great composers of introspective music.
#279419 by Meh
Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:31 am
^ Just would like to add Brian Eno notably the Ambient series. Although not a one-man band as such, Scott Walker is a genius composer of introspective, deep, dark music.

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