Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)
#275024 by Wosko
Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:04 am
Fuck, violet me too i get it really bad when i try to blow up a baloon too fast or have a head cold shits annoying
#275028 by grrrv
Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:31 am
fragility wrote:Something I can put on loud and either:
- rock out at full pelt to
- dance like a complete idiot to
- sing my heart out to

I usually find that helps release everything :)

Absolutely! Lately, Angel Witch and Accept have been working well to achieve all three :) Has to be something that's easy and, most importantly, FUN!
#275042 by Leechmaster
Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:45 am
Final... Lots and lots of Final... As well as Council Estate Electronics, Pale Sketcher, Biosphere, Jääportit, Nest, The Hummer, some Blut Aus Nord, Nils Frahm... Bon Iver's new album is my current de-stresser, as well as Ghost. Just lots of anything sort of ambient or just nice and light listening does me nicely to unwind.
#275137 by lunarsea
Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:31 am
fragility wrote:Something I can put on loud and either:
- rock out at full pelt to
- dance like a complete idiot to
- sing my heart out to

I usually find that helps release everything :)

Yes, Maiden seems to really be doing it for me right now! I can rock out and belt out at the same time. :) As far dancing goes, I've gotta admit Mr. Mustaine put a little groove in my heart the other day. ;D Hope no one was watching. Definitely not an SYL week but perhaps some Addicted and Ziltoid. . . Type O worked well for me the first day of packing (chill yet heavy) but then yesterday I got all torn-up and gloomy over changes. Learned my lesson there. But, uh, yea I think I'm going with power and thrash on this one. (Octillus, I sad. I have no Dio or Priest in my current collection :'( . . . Unfortunately I won't have access to streaming till after this move cause it looks like everyone came through with some really cool suggestions. Can't wait to check em out though. :) Peace.h on this one. (Octillus, I sad. I have no Dio or Priest in my current collection :'( . . . Unfortunately I won't have access to streaming till after this move cause it looks like everyone came through with some really cool suggestions. Can't wait to check em out though. :) Peace.
#275161 by DevinJayLeibe
Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:43 pm
I go out on my bike before dawn, put Ocean Machine on and watch the sun rise to the death of music. Chills me out.

If it's a chaotic stress then I listen to cathartic crazy music, Decon is a welcome and well used new addition, but that includes SYL and bands like Anaal Nathrakh. Or more... ambient metal... Like ISIS and Gojira.
#275190 by mrbean667
Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:57 pm
I actually feel that the heavier and angrier the music, the less stressed I become. When I'm stressed, the last thing I want to listen to is calm music. Hence the usual bands are SYL, Meshuggah and Suffocation. They're for the times when I need to kill.
#275215 by Tyroshai
Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:10 am
^ What the two Aussies above said. :D

Although I can listen to metal at any time, for some reason when stressed it just sounds even better and gets the ol'adrenaline going. As long as it sounds HUGE, with an equivalent wall of sound that could melt your skin off- it'll do nicely.
Also lots of doom (especially Evoken) tends to do the trick, specifically 1:45 onwards:

#276067 by lunarsea
Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:18 am
Lettuce wrote:The sound of rushing water in my inner ear.

I get the SAME thing. My ears literally popped as soon as I was driving away from that portal-to-hell house for the last time. They had been bothering me for over a month! I'll send you a recommendation for a homeopathic med that worked pretty well for me, if you like. :)
#276069 by lunarsea
Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:31 am
Octillus wrote:Definitely get some Priest in there, stat!

I know! It's definitely on my list. :) I'm just glad I can listen to streaming musics again. Haven't had it in months so right now I'm having good fun listening to everyone's recommendations.
I think it was Bookwyrm that suggested Triptykon. This is my first listen to them! Diggin the shit out of this. .
#276174 by lunarsea
Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:49 pm
DevinJayLeibe wrote:I go out on my bike before dawn, put Ocean Machine on and watch the sun rise to the death of music. Chills me out.

If it's a chaotic stress then I listen to cathartic crazy music, Decon is a welcome and well used new addition, but that includes SYL and bands like Anaal Nathrakh. Or more... ambient metal... Like ISIS and Gojira.

<3 Ocean Machine. . I've just recently discovered Isis meself, and am really diggin on it. Thanks for the Gojira recommend!! Will definitely give Anaal Nathrakh a listen too soon. Sweet!!!!! Thanks guys. Oh, and Octillus: as soon as I fired up my Pandora yesterday, Hellrider greeted me.

:guitar: You guys rock.

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