Talk about other artists here (even though they all rip off Meshuggah)

#72279 by EphelDuath666
Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:48 am
Coma Divine wrote:
EphelDuath666 wrote:Dave aka Coma Divine is now able to say something about this band as well :) .
*looks around quickly*

Wha? :o

Hehe, actually I'd place No-Man closer to Sigur Ros than Porcupine Tree if it came to a choice. The "prog" elements are toned down considerably in favour of a simpler, yet soulful and quiet melancholy. Bowness' vocals remind me (as does some of the overall feel) of David Sylvian.


Returning Jesus (2002) is along similar lines, and probably my preferred of the two that I've heard thus far, if only for the beautiful closing track "All That You Are".
Definitely a late night cruise, these guys. Nice music to have in the background among the candles when one is gettin' it onnnn.

I would imagine. :wink:

must get my fingers on that one too...Together we´re stranger was easy to buy here in a local store but that one won´t be so easy. But I´ll find a way. 2 No-Man recommendations...if that doesn´t get people to check them out, then I don´t know whatelse will :D

#77720 by EphelDuath666
Wed May 11, 2005 4:43 pm
time to reload this thread again.

Mono - Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined

Just recently discovered this Japanese band and I really love this Album. You can compare their music to stuff from Explosions In The Sky or Godspeed You Black Emperor! but I think they're easier to get into than GYBE. The sound is a bit rough, probably like on EITS's Those who tell the truth... . There are also no vocals on this Album. If you like Post Rock, you should give them a chance.

#77746 by King Fear
Thu May 12, 2005 3:10 am
Old school recommendation day:
Classic German death metal with a modern edge. Still a great listen after 12 years.

#77783 by Socialenemy69
Fri May 13, 2005 1:44 am
VAST - Video Audio Sensory Theater
Awesome songs and production. This is their first album, Alternative/Industrial with a dash of metal.

#86475 by EphelDuath666
Tue Aug 30, 2005 4:47 am
haven't done this here for quite a while so here we go:

Mistress . In Disgust We Trust

Damn good Grind/Crustcore/Sludge influenced by Napalm Death, Extreme Noise Terror, etc. featuring Dave and Mick from Anaal Nathrakh. I can listen to that Album over and over again and it just doesn't get boring because all songs are really great. You can listen to a song here:

Smaxone - Regression

Very good "Pop" Metal which definitely sounds like it was influenced by Dev's music. If I'm not mistaken this band features Mnemic members. One of them is their singer Michael. The sound of this Album is not 100% great but I doubt that there was a lot of money there for the production but the songs still are really good. Listen to some samples here: ... aiting.mp3 ... ession.mp3 ... sation.mp3 ... erlife.mp3

Satariel - Hydra

I just recently discovered this band although they are not really newcomers. I don't know much about them but I think they're from Sweden. They play some kind of Melodic Death Metal but mostly a bit slowed down and the clean vocals are really great too. Check out some songs here: ... ce_web.mp3 ... arsold.mp3

that should be enough for now :P

#86489 by VampireDaveGrohl
Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:54 am
Anything by the Wildhearts - but Earth Vs The Wildhearts in particualar.
The Mad Capsule Markets - Osc-Dis (Oscillator in Distortion)
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Fantomas - The Directors Cut
Faith No More - Angel Dust

I must admit i aint that metal. The only metal i really listen to is Strapping Young Lad.

#86498 by Persuader
Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:12 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:Satariel - Hydra

Ephel: I know the drummer, good band! Phobos & Deimos roxx

#86506 by EphelDuath666
Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:36 am
cool, dude...I really only know this Album but I really like it a lot. Nice to chill to.

#86513 by Dartwa
Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:22 pm
I haven't read through this thread, so some of these might be repeats, but I guess if they're repeats, it's just reinforcement to check it out. If you're interested in hearing any of them, just PM me and I'll send you a couple songs or whatever:

Dog Fashion Disco: Mr. Bungle-esque metal band from Baltimore, MA. Their sound has been described as "circus metal," and they're a great bunch of guys. They just recently got the opportunity to write the musical score for Paul Schrader's Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist.

Tub Ring: Very unique sounding band... almost punkish in parts, metal in other parts. Amazing keyboard work.

Opeth: An amazing band that everyone should hear if they haven't. There probably aren't too many people on here that haven't heard of them.

Between the Buried and Me: Kind of a blend of thrash/death metal/hardcore/progressive genres that prove to give them an awesome, unique sound.

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum: Very unique experimental band. They have heavy moments, yet also very mellow moments. They don't sound like anything I've ever heard before.

#86523 by alucard0848
Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:09 pm
he doesnt have an album per say he does have a website they u can listen to his stuff guys name is chad boltzx he does mash ups of classic earache death metal bands and puts vocals of pop/rb/rap artists very funny its a pisser heres a link

also new journey cd(they were giving them out for free at there shows and they have gotton little heavier in sound saw them few days ago grt show almost 3 hrs)

paul dianno-the live beast(older record but kicks ass all old school maiden songs)

the tubes-wild in london(good quality live show cant wait for dvd to come out alos a very fun band to see live)

nutley brass- misfits meet the nutley brass fiend club lounge(classic misifts songs done in top notch instrumental lounge form awesome nutley brass also did a ramones one a few yrs back. dev and nutley brass should team up would be kickass lunge cd of dtb and syl)

bad acid trip-lynch the weirdo(people who system of a done and mr bungle,fantamos)

toydolls-we mad!the anthology(funfunfun band nice 2disc collection)

iommi-fused(iommi and glenn hughes together is the sounds that come out of the cd is pure brilliance)

johnny thunders-anthology(underated,grt guitar playing,music can be diverse at times)

not a new band but metal church-the weight of the world(saw them at dingbatz a few monthes back and went to pick up the lastest album really good stuff)

chris caffery-faces(guitarist from savatage and tso solo cd debut awesome playing and actually nice variety of vocal performance by chris)

#86582 by Dunkelheit
Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:14 am
i've been getting into this style more and more, death rock i mean

so i'd recommend something that i acquired not days ago

voodoo church

#92816 by EphelDuath666
Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:50 am
Hidden In The Fog - Damokles


I discovered this band some weeks ago. They are from Germany and their music can be compared to the last 3 Albums by Emperor. Definitely, to be exact. And maybe they were also influenced by bands like Arcturus or Borknagar but the main influence is obviously Emperor. If you like Prometheus and IX Equilibrium then you'll have to give Hidden In the Fog a try. Btw, 2 of them are half African. Not that this makes any difference...but let's face it. It's not the most common thing in BM. Here's a link to a trailer mp3: ... railer.mp3

Riverside - Second Life Syndrome

This Polish band could be interesting for people who enjoy bands like Porcupine Tree, Kino, Pink Floyd, etc. Of course they don't re-invent the Prog Rock genre but still they do their job really well! Their new Album "Second Life Syndrome" is absolutely brilliant and can be somewhat compared to PT's newer Albums because Riverside also mix some "heavier" parts into their music. Unfortunately there's no mp3 of one of their new songs posted on their website but you can listen to a song from their last Album when you follow this link: ... nds_hi.mp3

#92817 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:08 pm
i might have said it before but listen to alice in chains, those guys can rock !!!

by the by, that mono website was killer >.< good stuff

#92861 by CardDinour
Mon Oct 24, 2005 6:28 pm
wow, i have to say this is the best recommendations thread ive read on any board. ive gotten a few songs from about 7 bands on here to listen to.

now my recommendation is:


i cant tell you too much about them cos i am just listening to a few songs myself from them and i am really interested in them :)

lots of catchy metal, beautiful mellow songs and a touch of atmosphere here and there :) they REALLY remind me of a muse type band, but much more colourful.

#92868 by alucard0848
Mon Oct 24, 2005 7:37 pm
that riverside song was really good.

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