The infinite waltz, welcome home, ladies and gentlemen

#127742 by HauntingTheHoly
Sun Aug 06, 2006 6:23 pm

The two albums you mention (Terria and Infinity) are a solid step above the rest of Dev's (and all others) music. I give albums like Ocean Machine and Synchestra a 10 out of 10, but these first two go beyond sound. I agree that they are "growers." I didn't get them the first few listens. But it took you months?? That's insane. Did you perservere b/c of how much you liked his other stuff?

#127747 by Turge
Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:27 pm
HauntingTheHoly wrote:@Turge

The two albums you mention (Terria and Infinity) are a solid step above the rest of Dev's (and all others) music. I give albums like Ocean Machine and Synchestra a 10 out of 10, but these first two go beyond sound. I agree that they are "growers." I didn't get them the first few listens. But it took you months?? That's insane. Did you perservere b/c of how much you liked his other stuff?

Don't forget that I was listening to almost all of the DTB catalog and all of SYLs, and that SYL ranks higher in my book than DTB, and that I was listening to all the other music I like, and that I did other stuff than listening to music.

Did you perservere b/c of how much you liked his other stuff?

I'm afraid I don't understand the question... "b/c"? (it sucks having english as a secondary language)

#127748 by Atari
Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:05 am
b/c = because

#127860 by Turge
Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:46 pm
Atari wrote:b/c = because

Thanks. :)

HauntingTheHoly wrote:Did you perservere b/c of how much you liked his other stuff?

Yes, I figured it had to be worth the wait :D

#128923 by Whiplash
Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:36 am
Yesterday i finally understood Infinity, after having sleeping problems for 2 weeks and now having to work every day starting tomorrow..the album just perfectly describes my state of mind, the beautiful yet on the edge of insanity of the album is just perfect with how i feel.

#128925 by YojimbO
Mon Aug 28, 2006 9:58 am
The very first Devy thing I heard was his contribution on the Rush tribute album Working Man, where he did vocals on Natural Science. Of course his style couldn't be compared to the other songs on that album which was why I wanted to hear more of Devin's work.

First came Terria, then OM, then Infinity... and later on all the others. I'd say indeed Terria is an album that grows gradually on each listen, whereas Infinity takes time getting used to but then all of a sudden "clicks" as a whole. I couldn't get into it for quite some time first, I instantly liked Truth, Bad Devil, Ants and Noisy Pink bubbles but Dynamics and the other songs took me more time to digest. Once I "got" Dynamics I found the album as a whole to be a true masterpiece.

#128970 by John
Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:56 pm
YojimbO wrote:I'd say indeed Terria is an album that grows gradually on each listen, whereas Infinity takes time getting used to but then all of a sudden "clicks" as a whole. I couldn't get into it for quite some time first, I instantly liked Truth, Bad Devil, Ants and Noisy Pink bubbles but Dynamics and the other songs took me more time to digest. Once I "got" Dynamics I found the album as a whole to be a true masterpiece.

Well said and 100% agreed!

Dynamics is in my opinion the undisputed climax of the album, and the falsetto "keeeeeey" in the second chorus is definitely the climax of the song. It took me forever to get past the massive walls of sound leading there, but the reward was incredible. Once I "got it" I played it over and over again every evening during a whole summer. :)

#128975 by day old male
Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:42 am
For me, Infinity was a major turning point in Devin's career. This was late '98, and remember, at that time we basically only had HAARHT, City and OM (and Punky Bruster if you were lucky). All of a sudden he was showing me things that I had never heard before, vocally, sonically, musically and I remember the first listen vividly just about blowing my head off! I got it straight away. 'Truth' was like having an orgasm. One of my fondest memories of Infinity was sometime in late 98, maybe 99, sitting on the floor in my friend's bedroom at about 4am listening to Infinity on repeat. We both totally got it. It was bliss.

#132106 by rgx612a
Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:46 am
Infinity took just a few listens to click with me. I remember being kinda buzzed at the time and just getting goosebumps from the album, it was amazing. Ocean Machine and Terria were instant for me, on the first listen i loved them. I'm like that with nearly everything...If it doesn't click with me on first few listens it probably never will.

#132125 by black_tooth_grin
Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:13 pm
Eyesore wrote:I had a hard time getting into Accelerated Evolution only.
Yeah me too, it was a pretty big step for Dev. I thought it didn't really have the complexity as the other albums. Don't get me wrong it's a fantastic album, and I still listen to it to this day...but it didn't hit me in the face like OM or Infinity did when I first listened to them.

#132223 by Deathcom7000
Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:49 pm
Infinity took forever for me as well. Dynamics really is the one that makes it click though.

As for Terria, I loved it instantly. And winter is approaching which, for me, is the best time to listen to it. Man what I'd give to have the same visions I had the first time listening to it :)

#132396 by toad
Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:30 pm
Hmm... similar thoughts here. It took months for me, too, to get into Infinity. I sensed that there was something genius there, but just couldn't listen to it somehow - probably because of the overwhelming intenseness. I think it finally clicked with Bad Devil ringing in my head over and over, like a stupid nursery-rhyme of a gospel bastard mutant that it really is - the sound of melting brains? It still takes a very special mood for me to listen to Infinity as a whole.

Terria as a winter record... it might be so. Maybe like this:

Infinity - summer. Over-exposure to sunlight, energy turning psychotic.
Physicist - fall. Speed still left from summer, but also a weird feeling of desolation and exhaustion.
Terria - winter. Massive but soft, huge snowdrifts and deep peace.
Synchestra - spring. Obviously.

So - sorry about going a little offtopic - that's the four seasons for me. (Haven't quite tackled OM yet... suggestions?) On with Infinity.

#134859 by Mazaro
Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:30 am
I'm more into the avante garde side of things, and the only time I have a hard time getting into Devin's work is when it seems redundant... like a riff or song sound unintentionally similar to some old song (either by Devin or not). Usually I end up noticing the more subtle differences that make it unique anyway, though (like in the case of a ballad like Nobody's Here).

For this reason Infinity was one of the most instantly likable albums he's made, in my case.

#150229 by Spaceship Superstar
Tue May 22, 2007 4:58 pm
This was the one remaining Devin Townsend album I didn't really "get" until i played it once again just last week in the car. Up until then I only thought of the album as decent background music compared to all his other projects, but this time around it just clicked & I was totally into it from start to finish, & now I finally see this for the work of genius all of Devin's albums really are. It's a totally spotless record now in my book, Devin Townsend officially has never done wrong.

#150251 by Eyesore
Tue May 22, 2007 10:20 pm
Spaceship Superstar wrote:This was the one remaining Devin Townsend album I didn't really "get" until i played it once again just last week in the car. Up until then I only thought of the album as decent background music compared to all his other projects, but this time around it just clicked & I was totally into it from start to finish, & now I finally see this for the work of genius all of Devin's albums really are. It's a totally spotless record now in my book, Devin Townsend officially has never done wrong.

I think it's a harder album to get into for newer fans, because Devin has so much other material now. When it initially came out, we had two SYL albums and Ocean Machine. Each album had it's own very distinct sound. Now Devin has so much material, it's all kind of blurred the lines a bit. This album is similar to that album; that album is similar to this album. This song is similar to that song; that song is similar to this song. When Infinity came out, it was like nothing he'd done before. No one had any expectations of what it would be.

Now Devin kind of works from one spot and extends his "musical arms," pulling in material from all kinds of different directions, but his base is firm. Infinity is planted firmly on a different planet in the Hevy Devy universe. Hehe. So I can see where fans that got into his other stuff first, may now find Infinity a bit hard to swallow. It's the ugly stepchild with a beautiful heart, and well worth getting to know. :D

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