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Do you want to experience autoerotic photosynthesis?

#143689 by Acrid
Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:52 am
Holy shit, everyone into drone and/or ambient gotta check this out. What an atmosphere, what an echo filled cave dedicated to the name of Monotony. I DARE say this is even more meditative than Om's grand prayers. But this is different. Where Om lifts you up on a high mountain in buddhistic nirvana and lets you gaze out all over the world, Slomo will not take you anywhere...well, maybe just a few feet down into the earth.

You press play, and the entire room turns into a huge botanic cave, where moist and steam makes love in the organic atmosphere. You're like a plant in full autoerotic fotosynthesis in golden, brilliant SUNNshine (with an O, and at least three right paranthesises behind). This mentioned stimulus is not a ten-minute sloppy wank. NO, this is a slow, determined and loving cycle; an hour of thundering and humming botanic foreplay and dirtytalk. This is Mother Earth's own version of a twelve British pound blowjob from a toothless Camden-whore; a huge steaming cloud of earth gases, feromones and oil steam.

Whether you're sitting there with a headset or huge speakers in your room, the music comes crawling like goddamn fucking cobwebs and smears itself all over the walls, the roof, the floor and your persian carpets. You're trapped in a narcotic cocoon of sound waves and bass frequencies. This is the soundtrack to the slow rotting of a bunch of Greenpeace members under the soft crust of the earth, while plants and weeds break out of their ironic cadavers. Does not matter if you are here to "save the planet" or chop down all its trees, it won't matter fuck all; Slomo will get you in the end.

I feel intensely like cursing and swearing loud and frenetic in a multitude of our spoken languages, but only to open my mouth will be nothing less than a fucking disgrace to everything this album is.


Cool cover, yes? bO)))tanic

#143693 by Leechmaster
Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:55 am
This is bloody hypnotizing... Cheers for the recommendation!

#143720 by Intoc
Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:56 pm
I'm liking it so far.

#143726 by djskrimp
Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:32 pm
<sways entranced> you've got me. I am in your trap.

#143745 by JuZ
Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:12 am
Hmmm. Think I'll stay the hell away then. I have something of an issue with dizziness. Thanks for the heads-up. Or the... head-wobble... or something.

#143776 by Acrid
Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:12 pm
If you are not as impressed as I am, then you are wrong. My words are like a syphilis infected nuclear missile of insight, where others' are just nonsensical jibberish. Total botanic judgement day.

#143778 by Josiah Tobin
Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:58 pm
It's... good? Really, it's very good ambient, but I dunno if I would give it quite as much praise as you have. I mean, it's really good stuff, yeah, but I've heard other music of the genre that I enjoy more. I guess I'm wrong and my opinion must be ignored in its falsehood or something. :P

#143779 by ASHORIZZOR
Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:37 pm
Since I am a fan of Sunn and Earth I sure as hell will enjoy this. Thank you very much!

#143780 by Bender
Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:37 pm
I like it. I really enjoy drone ambient dtuff, esp Stars of The Lid.

#143859 by Hughie
Sat Mar 24, 2007 10:14 am
It's good.. but your review annoyed me so much that I can't listen without being annoyed. :(

#143906 by HauntingTheHoly
Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:43 am
Hughie wrote:It's good.. but your review annoyed me so much that I can't listen without being annoyed. :(

Yeah, I'm basically in the same boat as you, only I'm so annoyed that I'm not even considering listening to it. Maybe if someone else gives it a review I'll check it out.... :P

#143912 by Leechmaster
Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:02 am
Heh, I just read as far as what genre they are (halfway through the first line) and didn't read the rest. So I can still enjoy it. :D

EDIT: That's not meant to be offensive. I don't like reviews as I feel they ruin the surprise and whatnot, so I just sought to find the genre and that was enough for me.
Last edited by Leechmaster on Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

#143918 by Goat
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:23 am
Haha, you guys are mean! :lol:

#144142 by Acrid
Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:25 am
They are not mean, just full of encyclopaedic ignorance and stinky things.

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