All hail Ziltoid!
#186247 by sylkicks
Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:46 pm
I loved Ziltoid, just like I've loved every release Dev has ever put out. Even his stuff that isn't quite as good (Physicist, Strapping Young Lad (album)) is still leaps and bounds better than almost anything out there. But back to Ziltoid, Ziltoid had its comedic elements, but it was serious at the same time too, which is something Dev is the master of. This element of comedy, but under it something deeper. And the music itself is jaw dropping. I love the twists and turns of the album, the layering, the way each track feeds into the other as either intense or quiet and chill as fuck. Amazing album, I thought. It has some of everything, and it all works.
#186316 by robvondoom
Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:15 am
Ha! Ziltoid is one of my favourite of Devs albums. Right up there with City, Alien, Devlab and Terria. I don't know if there's a song in the world that could have the effect Color your world has on me. It sets me free while crushing me entirely. Good stuff.
#189494 by Warhead
Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:19 pm
I think each album represents different sides of Devin, or different qualities. Ziltoid seems to be about self reflection but tries to cover it up with humour(everyone loves cheese). It shows us Devin's funny side, but under that light hearted exterior there is a layer of frustration. This album gets heavy as fuck at some parts.

Btw Ziltoid still gets played regularly. I love it!
#190828 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:46 pm
Ziltoid is awesome. I keep it in heavy rotation along with all the other Devin material.

It's fun to listen to, and there's this cool story and metaphor woven in there that makes you think. I always like going on a long walk while hitting up Ziltoid. Hyperdrive is beautiful, as is Solar Winds, and everything on it really. It's really an overall enjoyable album. 8)

Sometimes if I forget to do the dishes, my brother walks in and yells "Hey!!! Slacker!!" That's the only drawback :wink:
#197551 by Thebruce88
Sun May 10, 2009 7:01 pm
My only problems with Ziltoid lie with the middle of the album. I love the way it starts, I love the way it ends, but for me the songs N9 and Planet Smasher ruin the feel the album has. Hyperdrive is such a fucking incredible song, then he completely ruins the atmosphere it sets with the opening chants of N9.

Still though, after roughly a year of listening to this album, I fucking love it.

EDIT: Fuck that, I take it all back. I just listened to those 3 songs again, and it's awesome. I just wish Hyperdrive was about 40 minutes longer :(
#197884 by Leechmaster
Wed May 13, 2009 2:05 pm
I don't think anyone could really honestly say that the "All I wanna be is the universe", etc chorus lines of Planet Smasher aren't jaw-droppingly awe-inspiringly amaaaaaaazing. :)
#197949 by Blazingmonga
Thu May 14, 2009 9:20 am
Leechmaster wrote:I don't think anyone could really honestly say that the "All I wanna be is the universe", etc chorus lines of Planet Smasher aren't jaw-droppingly awe-inspiringly amaaaaaaazing. :)

Album highlight for me. Totally stunningerifficalicious.
#197973 by Wander
Thu May 14, 2009 2:29 pm
Ziltoid was actually the first Devin album I bought. I love it even though the story telling sequences get a bit tiring eventually and some tracks don't work that well for me (N9).

I kinda understand how some people see it being worse than other Dev albums, but I think it's just as high standard as anything he's done. Solar Winds and Hyperdrive alone make it worth purchasing.
#197986 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Thu May 14, 2009 5:04 pm
Funny how opinion seems pretty harshly divided on the CD. I figure that any album that makes me laugh as hard as Ziltoid does, is fantastic. :D Everytime I listen to it, I laugh :lol:

I also think it has a special place in my heart because it was the second Dev CD I bought after Chaos Years :D
It's good to have a funny, light-hearted CD mixed in with all the seerius bizness Devin CD's.
#198124 by eteled
Sat May 16, 2009 2:07 pm
As I tend to think each Devin release has been a great representation of the man's mental state at the time, I believe Ziltoid to be extremely pure on top of being a spectacular metal album.

Just think about where he was and where he was going at the time it was recorded, as well the fact that it was 100% solo.

It's my favorite release.
#198886 by Wander
Fri May 22, 2009 12:48 am
I gotta say, after a break of not listening to it for a while, Ziltoid sounds amazing.

Btw. One criticism I've seen often is of course the silly story and some people feel it's boring and therefore the lyrics are useless. This isn't true at all! I feel like Ziltoid actually contains some of my favourite Dev lyrics, which can be taken away from the story context and are beautiful in their own right.
#198967 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Fri May 22, 2009 5:17 pm
Wander wrote:I gotta say, after a break of not listening to it for a while, Ziltoid sounds amazing.

Right right?! :D I was just listening to it yesterday after a too long break from it, and it was one of those 'holy shit this is awesome' moments. I was especially fond of By Your Command all over again.

Wander wrote:Btw. One criticism I've seen often is of course the silly story and some people feel it's boring and therefore the lyrics are useless. This isn't true at all! I feel like Ziltoid actually contains some of my favourite Dev lyrics, which can be taken away from the story context and are beautiful in their own right.

Oh lame. Some peoples' opinions are just shit. I mean, without the story, there are no lyrics, and there is no album... so... :?
#199530 by Jaymz
Wed May 27, 2009 3:35 am
When I first got it I was thinking it's all a laugh and lighthearted, but the more I listened to it the more emotions it brought out (I'll never say "the more I understood it", I don't know enough about Devin to profess that I "get" him), but even today after having it for what, two years? I still get goosebumps at the "Stay at home for me" section in CYW and through all of The Greys I just well up over people I've loved and lost. I guess the album makes me feel humble and somewhat.. small (Like Ziltoid?). Yet at the same time a listen fills me with energy and the desire to go out and let someone know how I feel or something. The movement from 'humour' to 'emotion' (to me) as the album progresses reminds me of relationships or life in general.

Ramble over.
#203719 by Van Pole
Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:15 pm
Ziltoid stands test of time perfectly, imo.

Devin's unique sense of parody, genius songs like "Solar Winds", "Hyper Drive" or "The Greys" will make this album fresh and something different in music for many years to come.

Special place in my soul for Ziltoid. Always... :)

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