Face your chaos, know who you are!
#200998 by Sam-I-Am
Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:23 am
The glasses used for My Bloody Valentine were magenta/green...not the same as red/green...and not the same as red/cyan. The lines on the cd case appear to be red/green to me...so it would seem to follow that red/green are the type we need. I've asked for clarification from the Devster in an earlier post but still waiting. Busy guy, though.
#201007 by Biert
Mon Jun 08, 2009 3:38 am
Got my red/blue glasses and they don't seem to work :(
#201151 by Leechmaster
Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:52 pm
Biert wrote:Got my red/blue glasses and they don't seem to work :(

Right! I think that's the final nail in the red/blue coffin then...

RED/CYAN or RED/GREEN, people!
#201385 by Chili
Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:30 am
Just tried; both work. Red/cyan might be a little better though.

The effect is kind of subtle anyway... :P the images on wikipedia have more 'depth'.
#202976 by Griff
Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:43 pm
I just tested it myself too, it works. Yay! :)
#204124 by Sam-I-Am
Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:02 am
I've been a little out of the loop - BUSY with work, life, etc...so thought I would catch up a little here. I was reading the interview as linked by Dan (daneulephus) back on June 13th (http://soundshock.net/index.php/interviews/664-devin-townsend-interview) and came across this:

"On the designer of the KI artwork and working with Peavey...

'Name's Conrad. He's an Italian designer who's been a friend of mine for a few years. He does all the videos for the, what's that fashion company Dolce & Gabbana or something and they do fashion shows. Incredible artist. He did the video for Strapping's Almost Again, it was like really CGI and stuff and the whole artwork for KI is 3D right, if you have 3D glasses - the green and red ones - it's amazing, he's amazing and we worked really closely on it. I sent him demos and we just interacted really heavily on it. The passion that he had to be involved and understand why I was doing it, why I didn't do it this way or why I didn't do it that way."

I guess that settles it.
#204760 by Jem613
Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:42 am
Just bought some Red/Cyan glasses off ebay, only a quid . . . but they don't work too well

Definitley RED/GREEN needed

unfortunately they seem VERY rare, couldn't find any at all on ebay!! :(

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