Hey! You're awake!
#228598 by Fadefury
Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:35 pm
The Dev wrote:Sorry about that, just trying to illustrate the dichotomy...that was a little rude. :oops:

Well I know you always talk about honesty so I find nothing wrong with what you said. As long as it's what someone means when they say it then its okay by me. Vulgarity and all. All things are very subjective and its unfortunate that we have to compromise ourselves every day to not upset or "offend" someone else. Whatever that means.

All things set aside this is probably one of the best songs on the album because when first hearing this song on noisecreep "I think it was" it instantly connected with me on a personal level because a lot of times I can not admit to myself that I have a porn addiction and ever since finding it my ability to see the opposite sex the same as before has been impossible.
#228600 by The Dev
Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:04 pm
Yeah, being a pubic figure, (even a small time one like myself), means you need to take a certain amount of responsibility for basically everything you say in public...

I think the confusion that I inspire in a lot of folks that listen or are close to me is the 'ceremony of opposites'

Sometimes, Terminal, sometimes Shitstorm...always honest. With or without drugs...so I do my best to control myself so I'm not being delusional, but again...we're only human, no?

I've been that connundrum since I can remember, and the classic failure syndrome, though now aknowledged, is more of a personality trait (that can be curbed) than I realized. However curbing anything, be it a drug addiction, or a self sabotaging need to destroy your own world, is difficult and requires everything to 'play ball' with each other.

There's kids that listen to my stuff, and the realization of that was paralyzing for a while...I mean truly guys...I'm a pretty vulgar dude. I was raised in a VERY sarcastic family (first one to cry loses...) but you know, when it comes to folks that either put you on a pedastal or make assumptions (positive or negative) that they base their perceptions of who you are to (while using the music as a soundtrack) you have to be super careful...especially if your nature is to represent all types of emotions.

What I say to my buddies when we spend time together, mostly...I would NEVER say in public, and as well, things I tell my oldest friends I would NEVER say to my wife.

I ramble on and on though, and the internet is always kind of 'on' in my world...between the onslaught of emails, interviews, and setting things up (art, video, gear, tour) while I wait for stuff to download or solve itself, I kind of randomly answer questions on line.

It's unfortunate when (for example) I do something really sweet for a friend or loved one, and then they romanticize my 'sweetness' so that when I do something malicious, not even to them, but musically, they either think I'm a devil, or a charlatan.

I remember a buddy's wife, whos mother was a painter...she became fascinated by the energy on 'Infinity' and painted all these glorious pictures of me, standing on mountaintops, summoning animals or whatever, total hyperbole you know? And I remember thinking 'man when she hears Devlab and Alien, she's going to be fucked up' and lo and behold... she freaked out. Thought I was a devil that lead her into something. I never heard from them again.

But you know, I certainly didn't ask to be painted as something like that, in fact...I never really even asked to be a musician as much as it seemed like the most obvious extention of my being from a VERY young age.

So now, I do everything I can to control my addictions, and am confident as a result that everything I do now comes from a pure place. Yes, I'm intense, yes, I'm confusing, but you know, to not represent it accurately seems like a slap in the face to my true nature. What is my true nature? Well, it's a work in progress. I believe I'm 51, 49% in either direction at any given time. But that one % is a doozy.

Currently, as in today... my favorite color is olive green.
#228604 by OutsideofNight
Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:51 pm
The reason I like your music so much is because of the changes of vibe and overall 'purpose.' At times its blissful, and then its chaos...but to me its a controlled chaos. Chaos really can help show you things, or as the goes 'face/taste your chaos, know who you are." But I think once someone can find the reason chaos is there and why you react the way you do, then it makes people able to tap into different sides of themselves.

Dunno if i made sense, wut ever, lulz.
#228606 by Octillus
Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:11 pm
OutsideofNight wrote:The reason I like your music so much is because of the changes of vibe and overall 'purpose.' At times its blissful, and then its chaos...but to me its a controlled chaos. Chaos really can help show you things, or as the goes 'face/taste your chaos, know who you are." But I think once someone can find the reason chaos is there and why you react the way you do, then it makes people able to tap into different sides of themselves.

Dunno if i made sense, wut ever, lulz.

No no I get what you mean. The reason I've tapped into the music is so similar. It's the honesty, and I look at dev's work as a reflection of truly what a man (in this case, him) feels during these different periods of life.

It's fucking cool.
#228614 by mEh!
Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:01 pm
Hey Dev.
i'm young kinda lost in all there conversations with everybody beeing dads talking about pornoaddictions. it's a long way there from here..
You write some very intresting things but it's most of the time some serious grown up stuff.
Could you break stuff down a bit and give a word to the younger people? Like what would you say to your kid when he grows up? (stay away from drugs and use condoms!) No but seriously :D It's a hard question but hey, your 40 years old you must have some experience on your back.
This is embarassing and it sounds embarassing but I had to ask. Sorry. Ignore if you want to.
I'm sure I'm not the only young person here.
#228615 by The Dev
Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:11 pm
To younger humans:

Enjoy it all, enjoy your youth, enjoy the fact your face (hopefully) doesn't hang like a basset hound yet.

If you choose to do drugs, be careful, it has taken the souls and lives of many far stronger and greater than yourself.
I did them, I don't regret it....but I almost didn't get away...and now the struggle is omnipresent.
(If I had to do it all again, I probably wouldn't do any drugs, there's certain truths that you can't 'un-know' that are not necessarily 'bad' but make simple things no longer as easy to enjoy.) However again, I am happy with who I am, but I have an incredible support network.

Don't marry the first person you fall in love with.

Wear a condom.

Start exercising as young as you can.

Think hard about having kids before you do it. It's a fucking brutal job, but the rewards are great...but theres lots of assholes in the world and we don't need more.

To women: Men are hardwired for sex.

To Men: Women are hardwired for security.

...and vise versa of course...court accordingly.

Don't hang out with criminals because it makes you feel 'tough', because when shit goes down, you'll find out you may truly be alone.

Dance, even if you can't... 'we're fools weather we dance or not, so we might as well'
#228621 by JuZ
Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:40 pm
I would advocate the majority of this advice!

Particularly the exercise, and not marrying the first person you fall in love with (purely as this would have been DISASTROUS in my case!).

If I could be so bold (seeing as my advice is entirely unsolicited, haha) I'll add a few-

Don't lift heavy objects just because you can and everyone else is doing it. Back pain SUCKS.

If you love someone, tell them at least once. And if you can, tell them all the time.

Don't play music at super-loud levels in your headphones all the time. Hearing loss and tinnitus ALSO SUCK.

The BEST "common sense" advice I can think of: Start saving money now, even if it's a few bucks a week. It's easy and it's genius.
#228625 by manatee
Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:17 pm
And if I might add one more to the list...

Think for yourself! Learn to think critically about everything; people, politics, everyday life situations, etc.

It's truly shameful that schools don't emphasize this ultra-important skill when we're young.
#228626 by daneulephus
Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:27 pm
The Dev wrote:
I remember a buddy's wife, whos mother was a painter...she became fascinated by the energy on 'Infinity' and painted all these glorious pictures of me, standing on mountaintops, summoning animals or whatever, total hyperbole you know? And I remember thinking 'man when she hears Devlab and Alien, she's going to be fucked up' and lo and behold... she freaked out. Thought I was a devil that lead her into something. I never heard from them again.

This totally made my night....

#228627 by daneulephus
Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:30 pm
swervedriver wrote:
daneulephus wrote:
The Dev wrote: bend the ham to some ass to mouth,

What? :?

Masturbate to porn.

Surely the concept of ass to mouth is not unfamiliar to you? :P

Ooooooohhhhh ok. I get it.

You're right...it is VERY not unfamiliar. :wink:
#228632 by Fadefury
Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:47 pm
The Dev wrote:What I say to my buddies when we spend time together, mostly...I would NEVER say in public, and as well, things I tell my oldest friends I would NEVER say to my wife.

Would you say its a bad thing that I hold nothing back no matter who I am around? It has put me in some bad places such as getting warnings about things at work but I regret nothing. Words are just words and nothing more. People control the extent they take what is said. Some people frown upon vulgarity, some people don't like expressing negativity, religion, politics etc. I've never understood why people are afraid to talk about things or have the theory that something is inappropriate because when you look close you see its all based on an opinion of someone. I've also never been much of one for control that society sets people but that's a totally different topic for another time.

On the topic of the range of emotional expression you show in your music is STUNNING if I do say so myself. Humans are programmed to have a range of emotional response to things they encounter in life that goes across the spectrum. Ki was the real awakening of this for me. Your music and your ability to express this blows my mind. It's something that I talk about when expressing my love for your music to everyone.

I think its important for everyone to have a wide range of musical tastes because it allows people to really tap into the inner rage that I think a lot of us suppress by listening to Behemoth for example. Maybe you've had a great day at work and your sailing along and you just want some chill relaxing music. Turn on some clean acoustic instrumental and your gold. My current music tastes each week always reflect what I'm currently dealing with in my life and how my mind is reacting to it.

....Hope I didn't go way off topic with my mass amounts of randomly.
#228634 by chiller
Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:57 pm
The Dev wrote:I remember a buddy's wife, whos mother was a painter...she became fascinated by the energy on 'Infinity' and painted all these glorious pictures of me, standing on mountaintops, summoning animals or whatever, total hyperbole you know? And I remember thinking 'man when she hears Devlab and Alien, she's going to be fucked up' and lo and behold... she freaked out. Thought I was a devil that lead her into something. I never heard from them again.

But you know, I certainly didn't ask to be painted as something like that, in fact...I never really even asked to be a musician as much as it seemed like the most obvious extention of my being from a VERY young age.

That is messed up. I'm glad that my influence on other people is minimal at best.
#228638 by the_s_rabbit
Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:38 pm
The Dev wrote:Dance, even if you can't... 'we're fools weather we dance or not, so we might as well'

White-boy with no rhythm in club full of hot chicks = It's embarrassing as fuck to have a ass!

Maybe dance privately, like singing in the car. I can't get past the shitty pop radio music and embarrassment of being on the dance floor without tremendous amounts of alcohol. And at that point, you're an ass anyway.
Either way you're an ass. So in the end, Dev's probably right. Fuck it. Just go dance.

As for the other advice, it's right on.

Boys, wear a condom for fuck's sake. In school they show you all those nasty ass pictures of pus oozing from the genitals and shit. Yeah, I'm sure that sucks.
But your life will be fucked downside up if you get a girl pregnant. In school they never emphasize the importance of that. Or at least, they didn't when I was in school. Just ask yourself,
"Do you wanna have a fucking baby?!"

If you do drugs and/or drink, don't drive.

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