Hell yeah, you fucking suck!
#181033 by cheesecake
Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:12 pm
Ok, so I'v been an SYL fan for just over a year now, and ever since I was introduced to them, they have been my favourite band; and Dev inspired me to start playing :guitar:

Anyway, I own Alien, The Chaos Years, The 2,500 copy Tour EP and I just bought The New Black yesterday. I love it. Sure, the intensidy does not live up to SYL standards, and not a singe song on it is as good as Detox( :D ), but I think overall its musically brilliant.

Now onto the topic:

What on earth is the shape on the front (and back) cover(s)? At first glance, it looks like a country, and then inside the booklet it looks like a crotch (sort of, hah).
Can anyone explane what it really is?

Many thanks =)

PS: I also own Synchestra (Special Ed.), Christeen + 4 Demos, Accelerated Evolution (Special Ed.) and Ziltoid (Special Ed.) - and Im stoked for Ki!
#181095 by djskrimp
Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:35 pm
I always thought it was like a Rorschach blot, in that you could supplant whatever you wanted to represent what you saw on the cover. It looked to me, initially, like someone's hip bone breaking up. Then, it looked like a false-colour satellite shot of some ice breaking away. I suppose it is whatever you mind sees.
#181098 by cheesecake
Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:57 pm
djskrimp wrote:I suppose it is whatever you mind sees.

Very true. It does seem as-if it was designed that way. Afterall its been used upside down, reversed and doubled throughout the cd booklet and on other versions (Japanese editions etc)
#210522 by Creepy McPeepy
Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:08 pm
cheesecake wrote:Ok, so I'v been an SYL fan for just over a year now, and ever since I was introduced to them, they have been my favourite band; and Dev inspired me to start playing :guitar:

Anyway, I own Alien, The Chaos Years, The 2,500 copy Tour EP and I just bought The New Black yesterday. I love it. Sure, the intensidy does not live up to SYL standards, and not a singe song on it is as good as Detox( :D ), but I think overall its musically brilliant.

imho the new black is one of the best albums and it definately has guite a few gems.
#245417 by Chimairacle
Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:58 pm
I see a huge, misshapen butterfly. But that's what I see in all Rorschach blots :lol:

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