Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#274755 by stubear280
Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:45 am
JuZ wrote: Party Down was a classic that many missed. Check it out... Very funny.

Almost done with it. GREAT stuff. Really upset there's only two seasons.

If you haven't seen Adam Scott in Parks and Recreation, he's pretty great in that as well!

Keep forgetting to mention this one, Bored to Death rocks!
#274765 by JuZ
Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:28 am
stubear280 wrote:
JuZ wrote: Party Down was a classic that many missed. Check it out... Very funny.

Almost done with it. GREAT stuff. Really upset there's only two seasons.

If you haven't seen Adam Scott in Parks and Recreation, he's pretty great in that as well!

Keep forgetting to mention this one, Bored to Death rocks!

Yeah it's a damn shame that Party Down never found the broader audience it deserved.

That said, after you give it a few months there's a certain symmetry to it finishing the way it does.
#274916 by Coma Divine
Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:31 pm
JuZ wrote:Current stuff... Game of Thrones makes the goofy kid centres of my brain jiggle with ecstasy. So cool.

Aye to this. I've "acquired" the first 2 episodes thus far, and it has nailed me. 8)

Also, Daily Show with John Stewart and Colbert Report. OK, it ain't technically "TV" as I'm streaming via their sites, but I'm watching it on my Bravia, so that qualifies! :P
#274988 by mrbean667
Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:14 pm
Really digging the new Torchwood. This season and the last were godly.
#274993 by Wosko
Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:51 pm
Sons of Anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooh and also the boys from trailer park boys have a new sketch comedy hour premiering this friday called "Drunk and on Drugs Happy Funtime Hour"
#275009 by stubear280
Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:20 pm
New season of Breaking Bad started tonight! Not gonna spoil it for anyone, but this season is gonna be EPIC

oh, and Son of Anarchy is pretty sick, too.
#275057 by Leechmaster
Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:57 am
Dexter is one addictive mo'fucka! I'm still suffering post-Wire depression but this was probably the perfect choice to follow up on. Into the second series now and loving every minute of it all. Except for Debra. My GOD is her character annoying. Hopefully she'll be killed off at some point, though I highly doubt it...
#275063 by Keeker
Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:36 am
Game of Thrones - was awesome indeed.
Spartacus - was rather interesting viewing as well!
Most flavours of Star Trek, even though I've seen them all so often it's no longer funny. I just find it a strangely comforting thing to watch.
QI - always edifying. Also, Mock The Week has many of the same crew.
Live at the Apollo - depending who's on it.
Horizon (when it's on.)
Top Gear, occasionally. I did watch it last night when they put train wheels on that old Jaguar and ran it on the railway. That was indeed a funny concept, but they went too silly with all the caravans as carriages.
#275951 by stubear280
Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:37 pm
I feel the need to point out how great tonight's episode of louie was. I felt it captured the whole scenario (not gonna spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet) pretty perfectly.
#280238 by stubear280
Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:36 pm
Just wondering, does anyone here watch Rescue Me and did they catch the finale? I just watched it and kinda wanna nerd out over it.
#280247 by sylkicks
Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:07 am
Leechmaster wrote:Dexter is one addictive mo'fucka! I'm still suffering post-Wire depression but this was probably the perfect choice to follow up on. Into the second series now and loving every minute of it all. Except for Debra. My GOD is her character annoying. Hopefully she'll be killed off at some point, though I highly doubt it...

DUDE. I thought I was the only one, I fucking HATE Deb. Everything she says irritates me. In the fourth season I warmed up to her a bit but she's still the worst character on the show. Just finished season 4, fucking crazy. So draining gonna have to wait a bit to start season five.

As for other TV I watch, thank God for Netflix. Finished the entire Monk series awhile back (really good show to throw on in the background), just finished X-Files season 1, been watching random episodes of Power Rangers and the animated X-Men series. I don't have cable so really most of the shows I follow are on there like the Office which I love. Other than that I watch Modern Family from time to time (fucking hilarious), of course Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park, and, of course last but not least, the mighty Avatar: The Last Airbender. Seriously such a good show.

And that's most of what I can think of right now...
#280252 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:34 am
sylkicks wrote:
Leechmaster wrote:Dexter is one addictive mo'fucka! I'm still suffering post-Wire depression but this was probably the perfect choice to follow up on. Into the second series now and loving every minute of it all. Except for Debra. My GOD is her character annoying. Hopefully she'll be killed off at some point, though I highly doubt it...

DUDE. I thought I was the only one, I fucking HATE Deb. Everything she says irritates me. In the fourth season I warmed up to her a bit but she's still the worst character on the show. Just finished season 4, fucking crazy. So draining gonna have to wait a bit to start season five.

Deb isn't quite as irritating in season 5 I found, though she still is the same character. Recently finished watching it, and I loved every minute. Julia Stiles completely removes herself from all those teen, rom-com roles she's normally know for. It will be fun to see how the next season plays out.
#280260 by JuZ
Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:14 am
A great show has been rerun here recently, called Supersizers Go... It's basically Giles Coren and Sue Perkins eating, drinking and messing about in the style of various English periods in history.

It completely works for me because I find the two of them work beautifully as a duo. They essentially treat the whole thing as a joke, eat like pigs and get drunk in period costume. Much, costumes aside apart from the odd ocassion, like my life to this point.

Speaking of food, I'm also a bit of an Anthony Bourdain fan. Loved his first book and although he's probably made too many of them now, his food and travel shows are often great. He has a healthy mix of genuine enthusiasm for food and cynical contempt for almost everything else.
#280267 by walt
Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:59 am
JuZ wrote:
Speaking of food, I'm also a bit of an Anthony Bourdain fan. Loved his first book and although he's probably made too many of them now, his food and travel shows are often great. He has a healthy mix of genuine enthusiasm for food and cynical contempt for almost everything else.

There there. I love Kitchen Confidential it´s probably one of my favourite non fiction books. I´m a chef by trade so i think to me, it´s more like a therapeutical read. I´ve read it like 4 or 5 times now, sometimes during stressful or bad work periods and it always makes me crack a laugh and remember why i´m still doing what i do.

It´s been a long time since i´ve watched any new No Reservations, but i think it´s a very honest and enjoyable food show. On the other end of the spectrum i have those horrendous episodes about Mario Batalli and Gwyneth Paltrow in Spain. They are so pompous and condescending, ruins what could have been a very interesting show...

Tv for me right now it´s all about Breaking Bad, probably best show i´ve ever seen after The Sopranos. Besides from the sick acting, the storylines and the evolution of the characters are just brilliant. Last weeks episode was crazy, so many answers and so many new questions at the same time! Maybe BB should have it´s own thread so we can discuss freely. :)

Also waiting for the new Fringe and Dexter seasons. In the humor department Community is doing it for me...

On the pending list are The Shield, Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones
#280291 by Keeker
Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:18 am
JuZ wrote:A great show has been rerun here recently, called Supersizers Go... It's basically Giles Coren and Sue Perkins eating, drinking and messing about in the style of various English periods in history.

It completely works for me because I find the two of them work beautifully as a duo. They essentially treat the whole thing as a joke, eat like pigs and get drunk in period costume. Much, costumes aside apart from the odd ocassion, like my life to this point.

Speaking of food, I'm also a bit of an Anthony Bourdain fan. Loved his first book and although he's probably made too many of them now, his food and travel shows are often great. He has a healthy mix of genuine enthusiasm for food and cynical contempt for almost everything else.

I saw one or two of those historical food things with Giles and Sue. Some of it was quite funny, yes.

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