Whoa, this is so heavy! And unbelievably cheesy!
#321666 by Peasy
Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:54 am
i was gutted that VIP sold out the day before. Should have been open to people who pledged for Casualties or people who come on the boards, who follow on twitter etc. Not for people who bought from kili and recieve their email, it sucks massive balls.

I got 2 stalls tickets and kept looking and bagged a box via the RAH website around 10:15, two friends are having the stalls tickets. Judging by the comments on facebook I got really lucky just to get them.

I would hazard a guess the rest of the good seats were snapped up by touts. How I despise touts with every fibre of my body.
#321674 by Odin82
Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:54 am
It pretty much sucks. I wish that the VIPs and special tickets were only available to members of a Fan Club, like the Metallica Model. Any chance of this being the route forward in the future Jasper?
#321676 by neilgwhite
Sat Sep 06, 2014 3:07 pm
Got mine at 10:12 and so pissed that by 10:15 they are appearing on 'other' ticket sites for stupid money. Went into panic mode and could only get front circle,. And there I was trying to decide which box I wanted!!!

Never mind, at least we got in, so many haven't.

Can't wait
#321680 by Faffy
Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:47 am
I was sitting there ready at 10AM to book Stalls Seats tickets and they were all snatched before my eyes. Would never have expected the tickets to sell out THAT FAST. Really awesome for the band though. For a bunch of nerds, they sure are popular. :P

Oh, and about this so-called "break". Remember Dev's breaks usually last as long as most other musicians spend making their next album. We won't even notice. ;)
#321683 by mikejs
Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:18 am
ppinkham wrote:I hope he gets the time off, but if Z2 does really well there will be a lot of label and management pressure to keep up the momentum.

Given how quickly it sold out (a lot faster than Retinal?), there'll probably be pressure to do a second night.
#321684 by fragility
Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:25 am
mikejs wrote:
ppinkham wrote:I hope he gets the time off, but if Z2 does really well there will be a lot of label and management pressure to keep up the momentum.

Given how quickly it sold out (a lot faster than Retinal?), there'll probably be pressure to do a second night.

Was wondering the same myself - hopefully they've got the option to, because the economies of sale of doing a second one would be make it a winner if have thought
#321693 by Boerbel
Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:22 am
As the ROH is booked 350 days a year, I think it will not be possible as they just can block a new date maybe months later.
And as Dev said, the 13th will be his last show for a while, they can
#321709 by debs
Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:16 am
i need to book my hotel and train and omg it sold out, although I still think touts and scalpers got a lot of the tickets. As i said i got circle s2 looks like i got a good view of stage

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