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#323301 by JuZ
Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:28 am
swervedriver wrote:Grand Budapest Hotel

Such a fun movie! Couldn't help but smile throughout most of it. :) If you're looking for something light-hearted to watch, definitely check this one out.


I remain head over heels in love with this film.
#323302 by aleksi
Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:27 am
JuZ wrote:
swervedriver wrote:Grand Budapest Hotel

Such a fun movie! Couldn't help but smile throughout most of it. :) If you're looking for something light-hearted to watch, definitely check this one out.


I remain head over heels in love with this film.

Moonrise kingdom is another good one from the same director.
#323506 by vt1100
Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:19 am
Expendables 3

Director's cut once again, although I haven't seen theatrical version so really can't compare. So, this was actually better than second part, still pretty basic shoot and kill all mayhem. Antonio Banderas manages to steal the show while Wesley Snipes just sucks. Not greatest cinematic masterpiece ever but still decent past time.
#323670 by EphelDuath666
Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:33 pm
I watched Boyhood, Fruitvale Station, Joe and My Brother the Devil recently and they all were actually quite excellent. Still need to watch Blue Ruin, Guardians of the Galaxy and Calvary but also need to buy them first, heh.
#323675 by vt1100
Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:40 pm
Did a bit recap of this years blockbusters and watched:
- X-men Days of future past
-Guardians of the galaxy
-Edge of tomorrow
All very entertaining stuff. Also we went to see final part of Hobbit in 3D and it was ok, although I can't but think that this story could have been easily fitted in two great movies instead three "ok" parts.
#323677 by Cosmic Sea
Tue Dec 23, 2014 2:29 pm

[Possible spoilers ahead, in case anyone's interested]
It's no new Saving Private Ryan or Das Boot, but I enjoyed it. Definitely a movie to be seen in a theater. The history buff in my was delighted to see all those authentic vehicles on the move.
Overall, the special effects were quite impressive, though the laser-like tracer bullets looked like something out of Star Wars, to be honest. Also, the final battle against the 300 men strong Waffen SS battalion was flat-out ridiculous, and has one of the puzzling abrupt day/night transitions I've ever seen in a movie. The fight starts, it's daylight or very early evening, then suddenly it's the middle of the night. I really don't know if it's just a goof or supposed to imply the fight has been going on for THAT long. Anyway, I find either option very hard to believe. Also, two potate masher grenades dropped inside the tank, almost right in Brat Pitt's lap not only have fuses that burn for 10 or 15 seconds, but also seem to have absolutely no effect on the dead/dying crew inside the tank... :lol:
Now that despite ranty description of it's shortcomings, I enjoyed it. As said above, it's no Private Ryan, but still a war action flick worth checking out.
#323682 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:32 am
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

I'd put this on par with Desolation of Smaug in terms of quality. It's shorter than the others, featuring more interesting spectacle and less filler. The battle scenes themselves are pretty well executed, plus it's also great to see Christopher Lee act badass as Saruman.
With that said, the flaws of the previous films do spill into this one. It's a bit like Revenge of the Sith in some ways - all bets are off and the battles are raging, yet sappy love stories worm their way in, along with characters that serve little purpose other than to annoy you or provide a cheap laugh. Legolas also shows off more of his implausible fighting skills, one scene of which made the mumakil stunt from Return of the King look subtle.
Still, the story threads from the first two films are resolved and the fighting scenes deliver the goods. There are times when it nearly reaches the greatness that Return of the King displayed. A shame Bilbo was a bit underused in this installment, but when he is on screen he shines, thanks to Martin Freeman's excellent performance.
Overall worth watching, but it also proves The Hobbit should have been two movies instead of three (though they'd probably still end up being pretty long).
#323688 by Raven Skyler;
Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:49 pm
Dumb and dumber To:
I'm a Big fan of Jim this lifetime I can't tell you how many times I've watched the first one. I was seriously acting like a kid when I headed to the movie theater. But I was actually disappointed in the second D&D I think it's because I was expecting to see the first one. And I tend to overanalyze everything..... So I left the theater Not even 15 minutes in. :/
#323692 by swervedriver
Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:26 pm
Anyone seen The Interview yet? With the whole controversy surrounding it seems little attention is paid to whether the movie is actually any good, so I'm curious.

Watched X-men Days of Future Past and Shutter Island this weekend. The former I feel has quite some plot holes and some rather lackluster action; the latter is really good at shaking up your view of what the movie's reality is, not entirely unlike movies such as The Sixth Sense and Inception, and I liked it.
#323706 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:46 am
finally saw Guardians of the Galaxy (bought the UK 3D Blu-ray) and what a great, great flick it is. Soooooo very entertaining and fun. My favorite Marvel flick so far and maybe a game changer for the Marvel movie franchise in the same way Iron Man was a game changer back then. If the new Star Wars movies will be just half as good as this (please Disney and Abrams, DELIVER!!) I'll be a happy camper.
#323709 by JuZ
Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:33 am
EphelDuath666 wrote:finally saw Guardians of the Galaxy (bought the UK 3D Blu-ray) and what a great, great flick it is. Soooooo very entertaining and fun. My favorite Marvel flick so far and maybe a game changer for the Marvel movie franchise in the same way Iron Man was a game changer back then. If the new Star Wars movies will be just half as good as this (please Disney and Abrams, DELIVER!!) I'll be a happy camper.

Lots of fun, hey? That's what makes it stand out for me... It's so much FUN to watch, especially compared to some of the weaker comic movies.

I'm trying desperately to keep my SW expectations low. For the sake of retaining sanity if it turns out to be shit, or even just OK. Abrams needs to knock it out of the park.
#323794 by vt1100
Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:08 am
Pompeii - What a turd this one, waste of time.

Automata - This one was slightly better but somehow loses it's grip at some point and becomes bit borefest.

Sin City: A Dame to KIll For - Best of the three, but still nothing too special and feels somehow one of those sequels that you can go on without.
#323799 by vt1100
Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:22 am

Now we are talking, this is the shit. Keaton makes amazing performance here as former superhero actor who now want's to do "serious" acting at Broadway, black comedy at it's best. Also shooting is great as whole movie seems to be one seamless scene, great stuff.
#323856 by Retribution
Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:47 am
I seldomly watch movies but that sounds interesting.
The last one that I saw was Gravity. I was sceptical when reading reviews but eventually decided to see for myself. I found it ok at times but awkward at others due to a few cheesy lines or overly obvious symbolism. There were also some odd decisions script wise. One of those felt a bit forced and they abandoned their claimed focus on "realistic physics" more than in other parts to achieve it. Not that movies need this at all I think. But it felt strange considering their intended focus on getting it right.
#323858 by JuZ
Sat Feb 07, 2015 7:06 pm
I watched Divergent and can barely remember any of it. It was like they spliced several of those teen-fiction deals set in the near future like the Hunger Games and added a splash of dull.

Watched Big Hero 6 with my son and we enjoyed it. Ok, he loved it. Pretty generic stuff in terms of plot but it was lovely to look at and the robot was endearing at times.

Edit! How could I forget?! I think I'm the last man on earth to see it but I finally watched Django Unchained. Tarantino knocked it out of the park again. Waltz is so, so good. Damn, I could watch him act all day. Tarantino had a lot of fun with bloodpacks in this one and even though some of the action sequences looked like they were set up awkwardly, I half expect that he did it deliberately.

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