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#324508 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:16 pm
Arkham Knight has me stoked, until I look at my wallet and remember I cannot afford it or a console for the moment. Dammit.

Did pick up a US copy of South Park: The Stick of Truth for cheap - and then forgot it in the US! Oh well, my sister will be bringing it back with her. :P
#324511 by EphelDuath666
Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:57 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Arkham Knight has me stoked, until I look at my wallet and remember I cannot afford it or a console for the moment. Dammit.

Did pick up a US copy of South Park: The Stick of Truth for cheap - and then forgot it in the US! Oh well, my sister will be bringing it back with her. :P

well, look at it this way...the longer you wait, the cheaper the new consoles will get. And at some point there will be a game of the year edition of Arkham Knight with lots of free DLC anyways. But trust me, it's a really great game. A lot of people seem to complain about the Batmobile and how this is 'Batmobile - The Game' now. Bollocks if you ask me. If you removed the Batmobile from the game then Arkham Knight would be exactly like Arkham City or Origins. I think that would have been a bad decision. The Batmobile adds so much gameplay though as you also need it to solve puzzles and not just for cruising around and it's a real game changer. Maybe that's just too much change for some people but i'm enjoying it.

and The Stick of Truth is suuuuuuuuuuch a great, great game. You'll laugh your ass off. Randy is super awesome as always. Can't wait for 'The fractured but whole'.
#324515 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:03 am
I am patient and waited for years to get a PS3 (you may remember my "fuck Blu-ray" stance) and besides, knowing how much DLC they're rolling out just a the moment with Arkham Knight, the GOTY is a no-brainer.
Plus with a cheap console I can also play catch up with GTA V and Last of Us remastered. Hopefully I'll also know whether or not Star Wars Battlefront III is worth investing in. Doom IV has me intrigued. But, I still need to milk the games I already have.
#324518 by EphelDuath666
Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:15 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:I am patient and waited for years to get a PS3 (you may remember my "fuck Blu-ray" stance) and besides, knowing how much DLC they're rolling out just a the moment with Arkham Knight, the GOTY is a no-brainer.
Plus with a cheap console I can also play catch up with GTA V and Last of Us remastered. Hopefully I'll also know whether or not Star Wars Battlefront III is worth investing in. Doom IV has me intrigued. But, I still need to milk the games I already have.

Battlefront has no proper single player campaign, if that's what you're going for. Very disappointing to me as I'm not much of a multiplayer person.
#324540 by EphelDuath666
Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:48 pm
well, completely done with Batman Arkham Knight now. I achieved 100% game completion and got every trophy the game has to offer. First time I've done that in a long time. final verdict is....AWESOME! Loved the game. The riddler challenges were LOTS of fun and way more challenging than in any previous Arkham game. That's why I did them all this time. You can really tell they put a lot of effort into creating them.
I put in the old Arkham games when I played through Arkham Knight for the first time and instantly missed the Batmobile. So I'm definitely not one of the people who think it's a bad addition to the game. In fact, I think it's a great addition as its usage is cleverly integrated into all sorts of puzzles. So you don't just use it for shooting and driving around. And it's quite something to jump off a huge building, dive down to a road into the Batmobile, drive to the other end of a district and then have the Batmobile shoot you back into the air just so you can get to a Riddler trophy in time.
Yes, handling the Batmobile is very tricky and I very often cursed it during speed challenges but it's not really a basic car, it's pretty much a tank so I guess it makes sense that it doesn't handle the same way a Porsche would, heh. This is one of those titles that totally justifies getting a next-gen console.
#324571 by EphelDuath666
Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:45 pm
So I played through Borderlands 2. I really, really didn't like the first Borderlands game. Didn't understand what people liked so much about it at all. Then I read all the great Borderlands 2 reviews and how it is way better than the first one so I eventually got the Handsome Collection for PS4 which didn't cost me much.

Aaaaaand....I still don't get it. It's sooooo tedious and the missions are hardly ever fun. All you do is shoot, shoot and shoot...and the amount of shootouts is just nuts...and fetch stuff. I mean, people complain about Bioware putting too many fetch quests into their games but when Gearbox makes games that are one big fetch quest then it's OK? Like I said, I don't get it.

I mean, yes, the game is funny and I LOVE Claptrap...which is funny because most people hate Claptrap but love Borderlands...but my problem is that it wasn't really FUN to me. I mean, how much fun can it be to just loot for guns and shields over and over again just to find better equipment to fight your way through mediocre missions?

It does look nice, I have no problem with its visual design and actually like cel-shaded animation but the world just looks static and boring and exploration is no fun at all. I never had the feeling that I just had to go to this or that place now to further explore it. Of course I know that the game is designed to be played with other people online but that wouldn't have made its missions or its world any more fun to me.

Oh well, I know a lot of people like the Borderlands games a lot and that's cool. I guess I'll just never understand the hype for these games or a game like Destiny.
#324580 by Bookwyrm83
Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:09 am
Played and finished The Stick of Truth. Fun game but the combat gets a bit aggravating and uneven at times. Still, the story, characters, role play and environment more than make up for this. Loved the Canada level.
Gonna have to give it a second play-through, to make some alternate decisions and to pick up the achievements and items I missed the first time.
#324593 by EphelDuath666
Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:59 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Played and finished The Stick of Truth. Fun game but the combat gets a bit aggravating and uneven at times. Still, the story, characters, role play and environment more than make up for this. Loved the Canada level.
Gonna have to give it a second play-through, to make some alternate decisions and to pick up the achievements and items I missed the first time.

fun game, ain't it? Randy is awesome as usual. Whenever he showed up out of absolutely no where I had to laugh my ass off. Can't wait for 'The fractured but whole' :D I hope Ubisoft won't screw up what Obsidian built up with the first game. But Trey Parker and Matt Stone will be involved again so it should all work out nicely.

Also, Metal Gear Solid 5 in less than a month....yay! Coming up quick! I expect that one to blow me away. Also looking forward to Broken Sword 5 on PS4. Loved the first 2 Broken Sword games and the 3rd one was not bad at all either. Never played Broken Sword 4 though. Also kinda curious about Until Dawn which will also be released soon. An interactive teen slasher movie/game. Could be fun or a complete waste. Hard to predict. Halo 5 on the other hand I'm not excited at all for. Guess the Halo series doesn't do anything for me anymore.

Untill all this hits the shelves I'll probably put some more time into Arkham Knight. Played around with the new photo mode of that game a bit, quite fun.
#324595 by Victimlas
Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:44 am
I've been playing Far Cry 4 (finally!) and really enjoying it. Some of the side missions/areas are much of the same, but I am enjoying it so much more than Black Flag.
#324597 by EphelDuath666
Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:41 pm
Victimlas wrote:I've been playing Far Cry 4 (finally!) and really enjoying it. Some of the side missions/areas are much of the same, but I am enjoying it so much more than Black Flag.

hehe, funny you mentioned that because I'm playing Black Flag right now. So far I enjoyed it but that's thanks to the pirate related stuff. But since it's an Assassin's Creed game I might get bored rather quickly. And I have to say it...The Batman Arkham series does 'stealth' so much better. I know it was inspired by the Assassin's Creed series...maybe even ripped it off a little. But Rocksteady improved the formula greatly, alas I can't say the same about Ubisoft.
Still the sea battles entertained me so far. We'll see how long that'll last....
#324624 by swervedriver
Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:26 am
Finished Forza Horizon. Like, 100 % everything, bought all but one car to get the rather labor-intensive achievement for getting a medal in 146 cars. What didn't help was that I couldn't bring myself to do it by selling any car, so I've been racking up all the required credits by doing a whole bunch of street races. Which I realize is quite mad, really. Hence the Ferrari GTO costing another 10 million credits can fuck right off. I'm also not too fond of the mini-transactions system with which you buy tokens which you can otherwise use to buy cars or unlock some other bonuses.

Anyway, I'm just happy to have seen this particular Forza game through to the end. I can't say the same about the 'regular' installments, in which I tended to lose interest in towards the end. In this case the open-world aspect of the game keeps most of the courses varied enough instead of having the limited 20 or so closed circuits. The road traffic keeps the street races pretty entertaining especially during the high-speed races. Also, it has quite a terrific soundtrack, even on the indie radio channel which usually isn't my thing. Overall, good fun, excellent racing game.

I've read reviews saying the sequel hasn't been able to capture the same magic of this game, so I'm not sure I'll be picking that one up anytime soon. Instead, Dark Souls (the first one) should be appearing in my mailbox any day now...
#324626 by EphelDuath666
Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:13 pm
swervedriver wrote: Instead, Dark Souls (the first one) should be appearing in my mailbox any day now...

well, get ready to get your ass handed to ya....A LOT :lol:
#324628 by swervedriver
Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:37 am
#324631 by Cosmic Sea
Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:16 pm
I grabbed Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 and Planescape: Torment from GOG's D&D sale. Started with Planescape: Torment plus handful of mods to enable modern resolutions, fix bugs, and restore unfinished content that got left out in the release version. So far I'm still in the starting town, getting used to the UI and gameplay. So far it's feeling pretty awesome. The art style, atmosphere, and Mark Morgan's music is wonderful.
#324636 by EphelDuath666
Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:42 pm
played lots of Metal Gear Solid 5 so far and I really like it. It's fun and pretty addicting. But I will also admit that it kinda lacks in the story department so far. I loved MGS1 and MGS4 for their great stories, set pieces and boss fights. Not much of that is to be found in MGS5 so far. So maybe MGS does not work as well in a sandbox type environment as it does when it's more linear. But there's still a lot ahead so I'm not going to pass any final judgement on it yet.

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