Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#325836 by EphelDuath666
Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:01 am
as for Horizon Zero Dawn....I'll post some screenshots I took myself (or I'll try to anyways). It really is VERY purty. Took these using the game's photo mode.













#325972 by EphelDuath666
Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:15 pm
so I played several of the SNES Mini games and it works wonderfully. Zelda: A link to the past, Super Castlevania 4, Super Mario Kart, Super Contra 3 and Super Mario World are the ones I tried and they were as much fun as ever. You can save your progress whenever you want to, there are 4 slots for each game and there's also a rewind function that allows you to rewind your game for 30 seconds to undo any silly mistakes., the only trouble is that you have to get up every time and push the reset button on the mini console to do all that. But that's only a minor issue and hardcore gamers won't want to use the rewind function much anyways, if at all.

The SNES Mini controller's cord is supposedly longer than the NES mini controller's cord but it's still too short and you still have to sit relatively close to your TV...UNLESS you buy an extension cord for 10 bucks/Euros. And I'm happy to report that all NES mini controller cord extensions work with the SNES mini as well. I got one and it works just fine.
All in all I'm very pleased with this console. Yes, I wish the console's collection of games weren't limited to 21 games and 99 Euros/bucks is quite a lot of dough for such old games. BUT it's worth it for the HDMI support alone. Mario Kart of course can look quite rough on an HD screen but I don't wanna know what it would look like without HDMI support. And since the console includes real classics (for the most part) there really isn't much one could complain about.
#325973 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Sep 29, 2017 6:23 pm
Excellent review. I may consider the extension cords, actually.

Mine is presently available for pick up but down here we also need to pay for an AC adapter separately. Although I bundled that in with my pre-order, apparently the warehouse stocking them were delayed so I'm waiting til Monday to collect. Might as well look at the cords if they have them.

As for the rewind function, that sounds almost tempting for the games I have not played but I imagine it would be more for the uninitiated to games in general. I'll likely skip it.

Edit, found a pack of the extension cords and nabbed it. Still waiting for the console, etc.
#325975 by EphelDuath666
Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:59 pm
you'll be very pleased with it. I tried the rewind function when I played Castlevania (mostly because my reflexes aren't what they used to be *ahem*) and it works like a charm. It's a pretty cool feature actually. I know which game I will definitely need it for (fuck you, Contra III).
#325980 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:06 am
Finally picked it up today and opened the box with a grin.

I started with Super Metroid (of course). I told myself I'd only play for an hour as I didn't want to overdo it.
So, nearly 3 hours later and about a third of the way through the game...
It is addicting and I am nearly 20 years out of practice. The controller was easy enough to get used to but those somersault wall-jumps, goddamn I forgot how hard they were to get right.
I also spent a lot of the time going in circles because either I forgot where I was meant to go, or I'd remember but get stuck for whatever reason. Even with a full map it's easy to get disorientated, especially in Norfair.

Will have to continue tomorrow, hopefully without playing into the small hours.
#325981 by EphelDuath666
Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:56 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Finally picked it up today and opened the box with a grin.

I started with Super Metroid (of course). I told myself I'd only play for an hour as I didn't want to overdo it.
So, nearly 3 hours later and about a third of the way through the game...
It is addicting and I am nearly 20 years out of practice. The controller was easy enough to get used to but those somersault wall-jumps, goddamn I forgot how hard they were to get right.
I also spent a lot of the time going in circles because either I forgot where I was meant to go, or I'd remember but get stuck for whatever reason. Even with a full map it's easy to get disorientated, especially in Norfair.

Will have to continue tomorrow, hopefully without playing into the small hours.

likewise. Super Metroid still kicks all sorts of ass. But boy did I forget about EVERYTHING in that game. Which would be OK if I hadn't played the same 5 years ago, hehe. Oh well. Guess I must be getting old. But iit's still a lot of fun. Those wall jumps though...
#325982 by Bookwyrm83
Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:00 pm
A big "fuck off" of course to SF2 Turbo.
I remembered liking it least but forgot how ugly, garish and unappealing compared to the other SF2 games it was.
Regardless of adjustable speed, the AI seems more imbalanced than the others in this title, as well. Damn you Nintendo for not giving us outside Japan New Challengers!
#325996 by EphelDuath666
Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:21 pm
damn that new trailer for The Last Of Us 2 looks amazing! :shock:
#326035 by EphelDuath666
Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:55 am
played through South Park The Fractured But Whole (twice) and it was fuuuuuuuuun! And funny as hell. I sure hope they'll make another one. My only wish is for them to add some endgame content because there's really nothing left to do once you've finished both The Stick Of Truth and The Fractured But Whole.
#326104 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:13 pm
well, picked up a bunch of games and played a few of them Played through Far Cry 5 which was fun. I enjoyed it a whole lot more than I enjoyed Far Cry 4. It's much funnier. Well, the side missions often are. The main missions, not so much. As usual they are awfully "serious". But like I said, I enjoyed it a lot and it's oh so pretty.

Speaking of pretty. God of War...holy FUCK. What a gorgeous, gorgeous game. Looks absolutely stunning and it's a lot of fun os far. They completely changed the formula for this one. It plays a lot more like a, let's say, Dark Souls...without the frustrations though. Well, so far anyways. I'm sure I'll get my ass handed to me on a plate at some point. But it's been great so far.
#326106 by Victimlas
Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:15 am
I have Far Cry 5 on my list. Just finished Rise of the Tombraider which was awesome, and now playing Detroit: Become Human which is FANTASTIC. Loving it and can't wait to replay to see the different scenarios
#326108 by EphelDuath666
Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:37 pm
Victimlas wrote:I have Far Cry 5 on my list. Just finished Rise of the Tombraider which was awesome, and now playing Detroit: Become Human which is FANTASTIC. Loving it and can't wait to replay to see the different scenarios

ha, I started playing that today and yes, it IS FANTASTIC. Not just visually. Also emotionally. Incredible stuff. Only played the first few chapters so far but I'm quite sure it'll only get better. Can't wait to play the rest of it.

Also just finished God of War. If you own a PS4 then you OWE it to yourself to play this masterpiece. It's an incredible game. Not a dull moment. Visually phenomenal with an attention to detail that you don't get to see every day. But also gameplaywise absolutely fantastic. Sony has once again proven WHY singleplayer games still matter. No run-of-the-mill multiplayer game will EVER reach this level of visual and emotional expertise. The game literally makes your jaw drop within the first moments already. And that doesn't stop.

I know Red Dead Redemption 2 will probably take the game of the year spot. For me personally anyways. But Rockstar really needs to step up its game and deliver something AWESOME if it wants to kick God of War off the throne this year. One of those games where I just felt the need to platinum it. Awesome.
#326111 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:03 pm
Been playing Mass Effect Andromeda A LOT. I waited this long because the game had so much shit thrown at it that I was worried it could suck. The original trilogy is my all-time favorite game (yes, it's one big game to me, heh). And what can I say…

I LOVE it. It's 100% Mass Effect. Actually much more like ME1 than ME2 or ME3, loyalty missions aside due to Andromeda's focus on exploration and sandbox gameplay. I understand that the game must have been in very bad condition when it was released last year with lots of bugs and problems when it comes to animation. And to tell you the truth, faces still don't look perfect but I'll tell you's not like the first 3 games were perfect in that department, Sure, characters looked more realistic but also a lot more stiff back then. In ME Andromeda characters definitely display emotion much better.

Lots of people critized the bad dialogue and writing. I can't say I agree with that. Yes, the tone overall is much more light-hearted. So what? Was it necessary for this game to be all grim and über-serious again to be a real Mass Effect game? It's still serious enough. The game's main character(s depending on the gender) now just has a sense of humor. I love the game's characters in general. Your squad mates are likable. I any of the nay-sayers wanna tell me that James Vega was great? Not one of the new characters is as bad as that guy (and he didn't ruin ME3 for me one bit).

Here's what I think. Yes, a lot of people were pissed off because of the technical issues, which by the way have been fixed for the most part. But I think a lot of the people who threw the biggest chunks of shit at the game were pissed off because of Bioware's supposed 'SJW' agenda. Which is bullshit btw. Yes, you can romance 2 guys in the game , for example, if you're a male character but there was a gay romance option in ME3 too. Let me repeat's an OPTION. And let's face it. Even if the Asari race has no's quite obvious what they look like and I'm sure no one complained when you could have your female Shepard do it with Liara. Pretty sure none of them oh so "butch" alpha male dip shits complained once back then. But it's fashionable to throw around the SJW term these days. And you know what? I'm much rather a SJW than a VSG.

But back to the game. If you loved the first 3 Mass Effect games then please, please, please give Mass Effect Andromeda a chance now. It's not perfect (neither were the other 3 games) but it's great. Now is the time to play it because now it's playable, hehe. Yes, I'm looking at you, case you haven't played it yet, heh. If you enjoyed ME1's exploration gameplay you'll get plenty of that in this game, except much better.

PS.: In case you were wondering what VSG stands for. It stands for 'very stable genius'. :)
#326127 by Victimlas
Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:41 pm
OMG! Thanks so much for the God of War recommendation :D :D One of the best games I've played, period. I just beat it a few days ago but still working on the Valkyries. What an amazing game in every respect- story, graphics and gameplay.

It's funny that you mention Andromeda because I've also been playing it. At first I was a little put off by the game, the glitches were a bit annoying and the graphics are just not up to par with some of the newer games. But you are right about it being more true to ME1. I love the exploration so much more than the previous games.

Don't get me started on VSG's :furious:
#326129 by EphelDuath666
Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:46 am
Victimlas wrote:OMG! Thanks so much for the God of War recommendation :D :D One of the best games I've played, period. I just beat it a few days ago but still working on the Valkyries. What an amazing game in every respect- story, graphics and gameplay.

that....last...Valkyrie. She almost drove me nuts. Watching a video on her where some Dark Souls pro took her apart without getting hit didn't help, heh. But I eventually took her down. There's an enchantment or something that allows you to slow down time for 10 seconds or so and that really helped. That and that stone which allows your son to revive you with a full rage bar helped too. But without all that I doubt I would have had a chance, he he.

Victimlas wrote:It's funny that you mention Andromeda because I've also been playing it. At first I was a little put off by the game, the glitches were a bit annoying and the graphics are just not up to par with some of the newer games. But you are right about it being more true to ME1. I love the exploration so much more than the previous games.

Same here. At first the technical aspects kinda put me off. But then I saw the beautiful environments and they made up for it. Soooo much fun to explore planets. And I have to say the jetpack was a great addition...and the fact that you can jump now of course. Makes the game feel much less two-dimensional. All that makes exploring so much more fun than it was in ME1. And the jetpack saved my ass quite a few times when I played the game on insanity difficulty. I'm really glad I finally played it.

Also: I'm really, really, really excited for Spider-Man but I'll have to show some restraint. I want to get all the DLC for it but I noticed in previous games that I hardly ever go back to a game to play DLC missions months after finishing the game. So I'll wait untill all DLC is out and will get the game and all DLC together. Can't wait though.

And Red Dead Redemption next month…..yeeeeehaw!!!!! I'll be playing the crap out of that one!

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