Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#325985 by EphelDuath666
Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:55 am
I'll go watch it again tomorrow (Tuesday) with a friend of mine. I actually can't wait. The imagery and themes of the movie are still stuck in my head. Doesn't happen too often that a movie leaves such an impression on me. And it happens even less often that I'll go watch a movie again in theater.

Anyways, I was afraid that the movie might not do super well at the box office for various reasons (the movie's length, its pace, its R-rating, etc) but that's pretty much what happen and it kinda saddens me. It cost quite a lot of money to make it and I'm afraid if this doesn't do well there won't be another big-budget arthouse science fiction movie for a long while. I didn't expect there to be another Blade Runner movie after this anyways but Villeneuve will probably have to go back to movie with smaller budgets again because I doubt he'll change his style. Or at least I hope he won't change it.

And yet Transformers 5, Pirates of the Caribbean 5 and the The Mummy remake all made 100s of millions of bucks internationally. Not really buying the whole 'the movie's too long' argument either. Every single Transformers movie is that long and certainly not as good. Transformers 5 was critically slammed, film goers hated it too but hey, it made 550 million bucks worldwide anyways. People keep complaining about shitty movies and yet they sorta keep asking for them by buying tickets for them. Oh I guess it'll be Transformers 6 then. And 7. And 8. And...
#325988 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:31 pm
The Mummy (2017).

What an empty, hopeless, pandering waste of time and resources.
Tom Cruise plays the bone-headed "hero" of the story (an army sergeant who robs graves on the side) with the enthusiasm of a novice in his twenties (and with ADD). Russell Crowe's Jekyll & Hyde is fine, when he isn't phoning in narration. Sofia Boutella as the mummy is the only one here actually trying, and might have been greater if the movie was any good.
The rest of the cast/characters were either expendable or so tedious that you don't care what happens to them. Worse still is that I can see so many better (and less derivative) directions this movie could have taken. For all its attempts at universe building :lol: :lol: :lol: -ahem, it's seems more like a cobbling together of several, superior movies and ideas, and re-branded as a reboot. In other words, everything wrong with modern Hollywood epitomized in one film.

Poorly written, sloppily directed and seems interested only in eye candy. I'm calling this as my worst of 2017. Congrats, Dark Tower, you're number two! Wait...
I'm glad one of my friends downloaded this for me to watch, or I would have been really mad. Bourbon helped, too.
#325989 by EphelDuath666
Fri Oct 13, 2017 5:21 pm
pretty sure I don't wanna sit through that one, hehe. They will probably ruin The Invisible Man and all the others too.

In other news: I re-watched Blade Runner 2049 and it was still super awesome. Yay!
#325994 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:40 pm
Thor: Ragnarok

Preface: I've seen the first two Thor films once each. I saw the original in the cinema and liked it enough, and remember everything that happens just fine. I didn't bother with The Dark World until I rented it when it came out on Blu-Ray. Though I thought it was decent at the time, I barely remember the movie, just a few key scenes.

Happily, when I saw Ragnarok in the cinema last night I knew it would not be one I'd forget. I'm tempted to see it a second time, actually. Where the first two were fun but pedestrian, this one is a lark from start to finish, with every kind of color thrown on screen and every character seeping vitality. Since it is more of a comedy than its predecessors, I was glad to see that pretty much every joke hits the mark. The action and fight scenes were also better choreographed here than in the last two, in my opinion.

Those interested in Norse mythology might be annoyed that it continues to play fast and loose with those figures and characters. I had to remind myself at times it's a comic book movie to let those nagging thoughts go. And although I consider this the best of all the Thor films easily, I did like Spider-Man: Homecoming more as a Marvel film. Still, I recommend it and approve of its use of Immigrant Song.
#325995 by EphelDuath666
Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:19 pm
I saw The Shape Of Water at our movie festival yesterday. The movie won't be out till December in the US and February over here so I'm glad I was able to see it this early. The movie was excellent. It's kinda like Amélie meets The Beauty and the Beast meets Creature from the Black Lagoon...with sex, heh. If you like Guillermo del Toro's work or are like me and absolutely love love LOVE it then you have to see this one. It's definitely his best since Pan's Labyrinth, possibly his best movie so far even. Every single actor is excellent in this movie and I'm still amazed by how astonishingly beautiful it is. It's pure eye candy. It's heart warming, it's funny but then also sad. It's everything one can possibly love about cinema. And to think I won't be able to watch it again before February! Ugh. Highly recommended!
#326002 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Nov 16, 2017 6:37 am
Justice League

It was fine, not great but not as bad as anticipated. While the flaws of BvS are still visible here (chiefly in the story), this one does its best to lighten the mood, bring some color to the screen and not make you feel like you want to slit your wrists when the film is done.

Wonder Woman is without doubt the strongest character, though Batfleck does fairly well (considering his character's about-face). Ezra Miller's Flash is fun but seemed too emphatic on being the source of most of the film's levity. Aquaman and Cyborg were fine if underdeveloped.

Steppenwolf as a villain was a good idea but he's too thin and familiar. This movie also has some of the problems I found with Suicide Squad (mainly setting up great characters into a jumbled CGI fest) but thankfully has more focus and entertainment value. I do have a feeling that there's likely going to be an extended version on video considering how crammed it feels, with some scenes seeming to build up to more.
Spoiler: show
How they brought Superman back to life made me roll my eyes but I had to accept it. Seeing him start bad (well, pissed off anyway) but turn good was well handled. Knowing in advance that Henry Cavill's mustache was digitally removed for the movie made it quite easy to spot those scenes. If you didn't know, you would still figure something was amiss.

Of the DCEU, Wonder Woman is still the best but this I'd rate this second. The margin between the two is wide but at least I'm still willing to see what they come up with next. For now. Oh and if you're interested, this one actually does have a post-credits scene.
#326005 by EphelDuath666
Wed Nov 22, 2017 3:32 pm
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Justice League

It was fine, not great but not as bad as anticipated. While the flaws of BvS are still visible here (chiefly in the story), this one does its best to lighten the mood, bring some color to the screen and not make you feel like you want to slit your wrists when the film is done.

Wonder Woman is without doubt the strongest character, though Batfleck does fairly well (considering his character's about-face). Ezra Miller's Flash is fun but seemed too emphatic on being the source of most of the film's levity. Aquaman and Cyborg were fine if underdeveloped.

Steppenwolf as a villain was a good idea but he's too thin and familiar. This movie also has some of the problems I found with Suicide Squad (mainly setting up great characters into a jumbled CGI fest) but thankfully has more focus and entertainment value. I do have a feeling that there's likely going to be an extended version on video considering how crammed it feels, with some scenes seeming to build up to more.
Spoiler: show
How they brought Superman back to life made me roll my eyes but I had to accept it. Seeing him start bad (well, pissed off anyway) but turn good was well handled. Knowing in advance that Henry Cavill's mustache was digitally removed for the movie made it quite easy to spot those scenes. If you didn't know, you would still figure something was amiss.

Of the DCEU, Wonder Woman is still the best but this I'd rate this second. The margin between the two is wide but at least I'm still willing to see what they come up with next. For now. Oh and if you're interested, this one actually does have a post-credits scene.

my thoughts exactly. I thought it was fun. Not great but fun. Some of the CGI was still 'meh' but I think it wasn't as crappy as it was in BvS or Suicide Squad. But yeah...

Spoiler: show
that removed 'stache :lol: I wish they had done a better job with that. Cavill sometimes doesn't look like himself as a result. They only removed a mustache but the whole face somehow looks like CGI, heh

I agree that Steppenwolf was pretty run-of-the-mill but I didn't mind him. Still better than whatever the fuck they made out of Doomsday. :D
#326012 by Bookwyrm83
Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:59 am
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Although this is only my first viewing (oh yes, there will be more), I am already enjoying this more than The Force Awakens and Rogue One. Can't decide if this is on par with/better than the original Star Wars; all I know is that The Empire Strikes Back still remains my favorite.

Structurally, this film does appear to take influence from Empire similar in the way TFA took it's influence from the original. However, where TFA told almost the same story, with a few new turns and good-natured jokes, The Last Jedi tells a more twisted tale and works as a deconstruction of the series. Besides being darker and more intense, it also flips expectations and uses mostly acid humor for its levity.

Visually the film is glorious. I watched it in IMAX 3D and this was hampered only by the fact that I was in the far left of my row (only a slight slant). The aesthetics are brilliant and the battles are jaw-dropping. Every character has been developed and evolved to exactly where they should be. Mark Hamill's sardonic Luke is one of the best roles I've seen him do. And although it was a joy to see her on screen, Carrie Fisher reminded me just how sorely she is missed.

Needless to say, if haven't yet watched the movie, DO NOT open the following tab:
Spoiler: show
Wasn't sure about Yoda's appearance at first. As I got used to it, he was fine, but damn I miss the muppet.
The scenes where Finn and Rose are on the casino planet almost stopped the movie for me. I know it's necessary and ties the film together but those sequences were the only parts where my excitement started to dip. BB-8 shooting coins was funny, though.
And finally, when Luke at last confronted Kylo Ren, I was smiling at the revelation but kept expecting Hamill to revert to Joker and go, "Surprise! You fell for the ol' fake Jedi gag!" In fact, it was hard not to hear Joker in various parts, including where he smacked Rey with the sawgrass.

Highly recommended. Even though I must, I cannot wait for Episode IX. Now stop reading this review and go so see the movie, dammit! Unless you're already seen it. Then go see it again. :)
#326013 by EphelDuath666
Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:35 pm
just returned and it was awesome indeed. I'll just agree with everything you said :P Liked it better than The Force Awakens although I enjoyed that one a lot too. Certainly liked TLJ a lot more than Rogue One which underwhelmed me a little, I have to admit. Great stuff!
#326015 by Bookwyrm83
Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:50 pm
Upon second viewing of Last Jedi, in 2D this time, I noticed
Spoiler: show
Yoda was a puppet. Pretty sure the first shot was CG but the rest was manual.
And the casino scene didn't bother me as much when I knew it was coming.
Finn calling Phasma "chrome dome" was sillier this time but the comedy of the film continues to work beautifully.
And I'm still not mad at Snoke's death, despite not getting to learn much more about him. Maybe IX will make a passing reference.

Still awesome and still highly recommended. Forget what the self-entitled fanboys are whining about.
I'm ranking this, for me, as 3rd best of the series.
#326016 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:23 am
The Disaster Artist

Hilarious and quite heartfelt, this is truly like an Ed Wood for a new generation, with the movie neither completely glorifying or condemning the people involved. There is still a sense of artistic reverence and licence, but the reality of the story shines through.
James and Dave Franco both disappear into Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero respectively. I put both of their performances as equally great, given how widely different their subjects are. The same goes for the other big names involved; I saw the real people, not the people who played them.
It might be a bit gentler on Tommy than what the book suggests but it pulls no punches, either. I say check it out and stay after the credits.
#326017 by EphelDuath666
Tue Dec 19, 2017 9:56 am
Bookwyrm83 wrote:Upon second viewing of Last Jedi, in 2D this time, I noticed
Spoiler: show
Yoda was a puppet. Pretty sure the first shot was CG but the rest was manual.
And the casino scene didn't bother me as much when I knew it was coming.
Finn calling Phasma "chrome dome" was sillier this time but the comedy of the film continues to work beautifully.
And I'm still not mad at Snoke's death, despite not getting to learn much more about him. Maybe IX will make a passing reference.

Still awesome and still highly recommended. Forget what the self-entitled fanboys are whining about.
I'm ranking this, for me, as 3rd best of the series.

same here
Spoiler: show
not mad at Snoke's death at all. I think this was the only way they could handle this. In fact, I think it was more of a mistake to only have Snoke present for a short time and only as a hologram in TFA. It wouldn't have made sense to keep him alive and have Kylo Ren be Snoke's minion for another movie. That works for a movie or two but not 3. I wanted to see him take over and I'm glad he did!
#326041 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:46 pm
The Shape of Water.

Agreed with the earlier post, Guillermo del Toro's best film since Pan's Labyrinth. Very well cast and directed, telling a surreal love story while expertly exploring human nature with spot on social commentary. Like all of del Toro's films, this movie is visually resplendent and draws you in from the first shot. The music and soundtrack add to the 1950's setting while simultaneously giving the story a timeless quality.
Absolutely worth seeing and deserving of its accolades.
#326064 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:01 am
Black Panther

An exciting and rather thoughtful film that effectively focuses on issues like race, heritage and identity while maintaining universal appeal. The action and fast-paced editing of the MCU is evident here but Ryan Coogler brings some different touches all the same, giving more of a unique spin on the sound and spectacle. Both Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan as T'Challa and Killmonger command the screen with their respective performances, making for a sympathetic hero and villain alike.

The story itself raises many stakes while keeping crossover characters/references to a minimum. There are a couple of flaws that did make me raise my eyebrows, however. Nothing to ruin my enjoyment of the movie but enough to make me aware of them. With an overall excellent cast and direction, this is one I'll have to see again to better decide where I rank this in the MCU filmography.

And a fun little story to end this on: during a scene that takes place in South Korea, an older lady came into the cinema and sat in the seat next to mine, muttering that she thought the movie started at 7:15 (it was a 6:30 showing). After a few minutes she asked me what movie it was, leaving when I said Black Panther. I swear I heard her then say, "I thought it was Fifty Shades". :lol:

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