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#255106 by Bookwyrm83
Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:43 am
sarai-chan wrote:This week I've been mostly eating:


Macaroni, minced meat, eggs, milk, spices.
An hour in the oven and voilá, delicious goodness is here!

Nice, I gotta try that!

sarai-chan wrote:I'd like to try kangaroo, but I can't because just the thought gives me a very guilty feeling.
It can't be right to eat them! :|

Don't feel guilty; they're not endangered, and they're actually quite good. I had my reservations about kangaroo meat, but I tried some a few years ago, and now get it whenever the urge hits me. They have a really deep flavor, somewhere between lamb and ox, and not very tough texture-wise.
#255107 by Chimairacle
Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:50 am
Billy Rhomboid wrote:Have spaghetti carbonara this evening, with pancetta from our pigs, eggs from our hens, frozen peas from our garden and cheese made by my stepmother. Apple and cherry crumble in the oven for after, and huge vat of orange and grapefruit marmalade bubbling away. Cooking is the new rock n' roll.

Wow, that sounds great. I can picture you being someone to cook up a storm for a county fair or something :lol:
I'm a terrible cook. And lazy. But I love baking, especially decorative cupcakes and cookies. Sometimes I wish I had/knew kids to cook for, I did make some fairy-themed cupcakes for my friend's daughter's first birthday, though.

This is my specialty:


That one often appears in cupcake form too.

And these were for Halloween, two years ago I think.


I also looooove sushi, but it tends to be pretty expensive, even just for a single meal, so occasionally I make it myself if I have appropriate ingredients.


Never really turns out very good though. :lol:
#255111 by JuZ
Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:31 am
Kangaroo is indeed good stuff. Very, very lean though so you have to be careful not to let it dry out.
#255146 by Billy Rhomboid
Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:22 am
Your sushi looks excellent Chimairacle. Very well rolled.

Boiled up a whole load of old fish heads and tails etc this afternoon for stock and have langoustine risotto cut with pea and vermouth puree and fresh baby pea shoots.
St Clements cake for pudding to use up a bit of a citrus glut.
#255148 by Lettuce
Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:27 pm
Damn Billy, you certainly know how to feed your kids!

I did some lamb fillets in a rosemary and redcurrent glaze earlier, nommynomnomnom.
#255149 by The Fonz
Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:35 pm
I'm being a healthy douchbag for the next few weeks. Been eating nothing but juiced fruit for brekkie and dinner. I think I had four apples, two carrots, one lemon, a metric fuck-tonne of celery and some green junk this morning.
Decided to reclaim some man points by having a ham sandwich for lunch. Replacing the butter with pork & orange pate was a wonderful idea!
#255151 by Billy Rhomboid
Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:44 pm
The Fonz wrote:Decided to reclaim some man points by having a ham sandwich for lunch. Replacing the butter with pork & orange pate was a wonderful idea!

SHould have had butter and pate for real man points. And some pork scratchings on the side.
#255157 by Wosko
Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:37 pm
Made myself a melon and strawberry smoothie with cranberry juice and dried cranberries

the dried cranberries absorb all the juice its guhd. :)
#255199 by The Fonz
Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:26 am
Billy Rhomboid wrote:
The Fonz wrote:Decided to reclaim some man points by having a ham sandwich for lunch. Replacing the butter with pork & orange pate was a wonderful idea!

SHould have had butter and pate for real man points. And some pork scratchings on the side.

Might have to pop down to the local pub. They do two pork steaks with black pudding shoved between them. It's amazing!
Reading that back, I'm probably not doing the British stereotypes any favour. May as well chuck in some smoked eel pie 'alf a pound of tuppenney rice.
#255212 by Tonya Elf
Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:41 am
I am so impressed with the culinary knowledge here - I'm vegetarian, so much of this stuff is a bit odd - but as a lover of food I am still very impressed.
#255218 by Octillus
Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:52 am
Tonya Elf wrote:I am so impressed with the culinary knowledge here - I'm vegetarian, so much of this stuff is a bit odd - but as a lover of food I am still very impressed.

I'm more or less the same. I think anyone who thinks this deeply about what they're consuming has the right idea.
#255219 by shiram
Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:43 am
Well the avatar speaks volume for myself, poutine is an awesome food, but awesomely bad for your health too.
As I go on getting older, i have to refrain from eating it, maybe once every 2-3 months.
And if you get it out of Quebec, and maybe Ontario, it will likely not taste as it should. The secret is in 2 of the 3 ingredients, the special poutine sauce, and the cheese curds, which need to be fresh and squeaky when eaten.

edit : and poutine can be vegetarian friendly, depending on if you tolerate cheese, and how the sauce is made.
#255230 by Billy Rhomboid
Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:16 pm
shiram wrote:Well the avatar speaks volume for myself, poutine is an awesome food, but awesomely bad for your health too.
As I go on getting older, i have to refrain from eating it, maybe once every 2-3 months.
And if you get it out of Quebec, and maybe Ontario, it will likely not taste as it should. The secret is in 2 of the 3 ingredients, the special poutine sauce, and the cheese curds, which need to be fresh and squeaky when eaten.

edit : and poutine can be vegetarian friendly, depending on if you tolerate cheese, and how the sauce is made.

The best poutine I ever had was the foie gras poutine at Au Pied du Cochon in Montreal. To die for. And quite possibly because of.
Not so vegetarian friendly, perhaps.

But then, if you worry about being friendly with vegetarians it is but a short hop to wearing Birkenstocks.
#255237 by BlueRaja
Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:22 pm
I thought only lesbians wore Birkenstocks. Or only granolas. Or are all granolas vegetarian lesbians?

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