Speak your own language here...

#43538 by mo
Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:14 am
yeah man i love this band.

Really wish I could've caught them live. Ah well...

I honestly think are a very under rated band.

So what else are you guys listening to at the moment?

#43738 by Paroxyst
Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:41 pm
An Aussie vocal artist by the name of Mal Webb.

Check him out: http://www.malwebb.com

"WaterBear" cracks me up :lol:

#43769 by mo
Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:02 am
downloading some samples now...

bio is interesting...

#43770 by mo
Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:06 am
daaaaaaamn this guy is cool

that shit's seriously pretty cool

#43844 by Paroxyst
Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:26 pm
Tell me about it! :D

I've been operatinng sound and lights for one of the theatrettes at the National Convention Centre as part of the National Science Festival this week and that's how I happened upon Mal. I did all three of his shows this week and now I'm hooked. He is one seriously cool guy! :lol:

#50249 by DimeWeed
Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:36 pm
Thank Fuck all that election shite is done with for another 3 years. What a bunch of tossers.

#50251 by Coma Divine
Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:54 pm
Another 3 years of xenophobic warmongering 50's-throwback conservative pus oozing out of Canberra... :roll: (Don't worry about me, I voted for "The Knights Who Say 'NI!'")

I actually wore my NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPID PEOPLE IN LARGE GROUPS T-shirt that I bought via eBay for the occasion when I voted.

No-one noticed.
Point proven. :(

#50381 by DimeWeed
Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:21 pm
Ha - nice shirt - i love a good mob!!

in other electiony bits http://www.betavote.com/ - gives a worldwide view of the US election - you can vote, and it shows you how other countries are going - eg Germany, where the support is 95% behind kerry.

Our elections should so be on-line.

#52721 by Coma Divine
Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:56 am

Now Howard has control of The Senate too... :wanker:

We are officially facked. "The Clever Country" eh? :crazy:

#52729 by dxmxgxd
Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:53 am
We most certainly are. Anyone else get the feeling we are becoming more Americanised every fucking day? It's pissing me off.

Does anyone know much about the US military bases on is Australia (the most well-known of these being at Pine Gap)? I've just been reading about these recently, it's fucked.

Supposedly for "joint" purposes, even the Australian government has no idea what they are doing in these bases. There a number of them all over the country. Johnny allowed the US to build another 3 more training bases in our country back in June. What the fuck?!?

Let's ask GW if we can build some bases in his country. Like fuck.

#53304 by mo
Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:02 pm
dxmxgxd wrote:We most certainly are. Anyone else get the feeling we are becoming more Americanised every fucking day? It's pissing me off.

Does anyone know much about the US military bases on is Australia (the most well-known of these being at Pine Gap)? I've just been reading about these recently, it's fucked.

Supposedly for "joint" purposes, even the Australian government has no idea what they are doing in these bases. There a number of them all over the country. Johnny allowed the US to build another 3 more training bases in our country back in June. What the fuck?!?

Let's ask GW if we can build some bases in his country. Like fuck.

to date, I've met ONE person who voted liberal... hmm

#53305 by Coma Divine
Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:18 pm
Oh yeah, its always the same when you ask people about their voting preference...

"Liberal? Who, me? Fuck off! I'd rather die first!"
Yet time and again they win, so somebody is voting them in.

Liberal voters are like masturbators. In more ways than one... :wink:

No-one will admit to being one, yet sooo many people are doing it.

#53355 by mo
Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:01 am
Coma Divine wrote:Oh yeah, its always the same when you ask people about their voting preference...

"Liberal? Who, me? Fuck off! I'd rather die first!"
Yet time and again they win, so somebody is voting them in.

Liberal voters are like masturbators. In more ways than one... :wink:

No-one will admit to being one, yet sooo many people are doing it.

it has to change eventually...

#59307 by Coma Divine
Thu Dec 09, 2004 12:55 am
I'll just say "G'day" and enjoy the summer in all parts of Oz all you blokes!
I'm on holidays now and I'm gonna get oftenly fucked up... :?

Tryin' to cheer myself up here after the Dimebag/Brick Wall news...
Saw 'em at Festival Hall touring for Far Beyond Driven. Caught/wore a beer then! So now I drink a beer in remembrance.

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