The place to speak about Ryan Van Poederooyen projects
#71643 by Drumdude13
Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:21 pm
Here's the updates I just released on .....

Feb 20th 2005

Thing's have been busy in the RVP camp of drumming !

First off, I'll announce that March 7th-9th will be the recording date in which I'll record the drumtracks for Non-Human Level featuring Christofer Malmstrom on guitar (Darkane), Gustaf Hielm on Bass (ex-Meshuggah), Peter Wildoer on vocals (Darkanes Drummer) and myself on drums. The drumtracks will be recorded by Jay Van Poederooyen at Greenhouse Studio's, who have hosted such acts as Bon Jovi, Nickel back, Queensryche to name a few.

Listenable Records out of France, is the label that Non-Human Level will be under for this debut recording. As soon as I'm done recording the drumtracks, they will be sent over to Christofer and company back in Sweden where they will finish the recording. A note for you drum fanatics....I'll also be videotaping some of my recording session. I'll eventually compile an MPEG for download at for you all to see in the near future. The music is pretty intense and so is the drumming ! I'll update you more on this project when my tracks are done....

Other news.... I'm working on Russell Bergquist's solo stuff as well. I'll be tackling his music and recording it right after the Non-Human Level stuff is done. Russ' music is very cool but far from the Annihilator music you've heard him play in the past. He's got a very versatile sound going on with some awesome Bass playing, the music varies from real heavy to progressive-rock and lighter sounding music.

As far as the Devin Townsend Band goes... Dev has given all of us DTB guy's some rough demo's of the music for the new album and we are all working on our parts. The DTB DVD is almost finished as well, it looks and sounds very cool as Dev put's it. Thing's are pretty busy for Dev with Strapping Young Lad releasing their new album, touring, producing bands and working on the new DTB... So be patient and you'll be rewarded with this AWESOME piece of work that Dev has written as the 2nd DTB album.

My solo album is still in the works. With all that's on my plate right now it's hard to put a ton of time into it right now. I'm still writing lyrics (for all the song's) and coming up with new song's and idea's. I've spoken to all the guest's recently, who are going to appear on my album and it looks like we'll be aiming for the summer of 2005 to record this sucker ! I can't wait !

Lastly, thanks to all who have come to the RVPDRUMS Discussion on the Hevy Devy Forum's ! It's great to talk to all you fan's on these forums. I appreciate the support and have been more than happy to answer your questions whenever I can. Thanks for the support all RULE !!!!!

Well there you have it for February 2005, back to sweating my bag off learning this Non-Human Level stuff...CRAZY.... talk to you all soon !
#71663 by Olive?
Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:40 pm
Drumdude13 wrote: A note for you drum fanatics....I'll also be videotaping some of my recording session. I'll eventually compile an MPEG for download at for you all to see in the near future. The music is pretty intense and so is the drumming ! I'll update you more on this project when my tracks are done....


Drumdude13 wrote:
As far as the Devin Townsend Band goes... Dev has given all of us DTB guy's some rough demo's of the music for the new album and we are all working on our parts. The DTB DVD is almost finished as well, it looks and sounds very cool as Dev put's it. Thing's are pretty busy for Dev with Strapping Young Lad releasing their new album, touring, producing bands and working on the new DTB... So be patient and you'll be rewarded with this AWESOME piece of work that Dev has written as the 2nd DTB album.



I can't wait for all that stuff!! :lol:

#71717 by EternalMetal
Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:09 pm
Sounds great, seems like your gonna be plenty busy this year :)

about the new DTB album, can you give us any hints on what its sounding like? Like is it similar to any of the other releases, or is it more like the same style as AE since its gonna be a DTB release?

and about non human level, is that the band name, or is that the album?

#71734 by Drumdude13
Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:07 pm
EternalMetal wrote:Sounds great, seems like your gonna be plenty busy this year :)

about the new DTB album, can you give us any hints on what its sounding like? Like is it similar to any of the other releases, or is it more like the same style as AE since its gonna be a DTB release?

and about non human level, is that the band name, or is that the album?

As far as the DTB goes.... It definitely is different from AE. Not even close actually. This album from what I've heard kind of takes from all his solo work combined and then goes off in new directions. I'm sorry, it's really hard to explain, his music is very diverse on this outing. It definitely does'nt stick to one theme through out the whole album, it changes up and takes you on a journey of Dev's many styles of writing. It's pretty fuckin' cool !

As far as the Non-Human Level goes....that is the name of the project. I don't think this album will have a title, I think it will be a self titled release from what I've gathered. It will be a pretty crazy record. If you like Darkane then you'll love this stuff, it's not exactly like Darkane but similar....with me on drums ! :wink:

#71741 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:35 pm
I don't even know any stuff from Darkane but I like the maybe I like Darkane? :)

#71868 by EternalMetal
Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:50 pm
The new DTB album sounds exciting. I cant wait to get a hold of it. I hope its not too random, im not a huge fan of Infinity for that, but it was still an excellent album. I just thought that like Bad Devil, Ants and Noisy Pink Bubbles were just random and really didnt work with the album. Just seems like hes going nuts, which he was :) Hopefully this new album works, should still be a great release.

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