All that I've known is gone, time to be moving on...

#83265 by GDiddy
Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:42 pm
I think some people look analyze music to a much further degree than they should. On another note, I hate oceans. The ocean, to me, is like the vast nothingness that the flat earth society thinks they will fall into if they walk to the end of the planet. There is twice as much surface area on earth that is covered by water as there is covered by land. In other words, us land dwellers are the minority.

#89611 by alucard0848
Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:20 pm
when the tsunami hit last yr and they kept showing coverage and home vids of the disaster and power of the ocean had this water like abyss like feeling kept watching undersea doc. and stuff on disocvery or nature channel and saw devs record and looking at it and walked away and came back and the title and song titles sem to give me that odd feeling again lkke a connection i went and bought it on wim without even hearing a song and constanly played it for the following weeks. istarted to play again along w/ down's rec down2 during the new orleans flooding
aawww the power of music...fuck milk

#89631 by VampireDaveGrohl
Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:32 am
Voices in the Fan is so rhythmic, especially after sister, it's like sister is the gentle lapping water and when Voices kicks in the tide has hit you and you are off...

#89639 by Falk
Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:38 am
Ocean machine brings many pictures in my mind.
Night and Bastard bring pictures of city under the rain, mostly because I only keep in mind the sentences I hear the most, like "Here I am, travelling through Japan... Rain falling down...", "The lights go out across the harbour, neon basement, red and smelly..." and I guess I associate this with pictures fro mthis site : (lot of pictures from Tokyo by night)

And also more weird pictures, like Voices In The Fan or Greetings, which bring me pictures of something like the Atlantide, or a divine water temple, or those impossible pictures where water makes an impossible loop...

Now that I think of it maybe it also comes from Sonic, where there was game level in the water, with greek column, etc etc... Funny how some picture are stuck in your mind and partially pop up again later...

#101247 by 666between_his_horns
Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:23 pm
I listen to The Death Of Music as a background track on my PC late at night and it's just so calming.

No other music affects me in this way.

I listened to this on a bus in Peru on a backpacking trip in 2001. The Andes above and the clouds below and The Death Of Music in between my ears.

Bliss! 8)


#104645 by a_random_person
Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:06 pm

I was reading my earlier posts and this is actually THE first time EVER that I'm posting sober. At the same time, I got to figure out just one part of my interest in Devin's music. Just a few months ago, there was nothing better than lighting a "j" with OM as a favorite. Ahh.....

Infinity in the early morning was just..............infinitely awesome.

But yeah, I agree with G-diddy. Then again though, why not? Everyone tends to over analyze Dev's records and under the influence of mind-altering substances, well....I don't have to explain any further and I'm (almost) certain that Dev used to do the same or even more. I remember reading from some old post that he enjoys listening to his own stuff a lot and why would he resist the temptation?

So since I was forced by the powers that be to clear my head, I had a chance to recapture the magnitude of his records and I'm itching to get my hands on synchestra and of course, at some point I'll light up and listen to what he describes as "sunshine metal" and I'm more than certain, no matter how different it may be, that it will DEFINETELY put a HUGE grin on my face.

Can't wait for The Hummer. Boy, thank god Dev's music is around. We need more artists like him. Or so I think it's an obligation after watching R. Kelly's "Trapped in the closet". Why, dude, why?! WHY?! *sniffs

OM waves!!!!

#104672 by sj_2150
Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:13 am

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